Change a few default configs and comment out the stats gathering for now.

This commit is contained in:
Gregory Burd 2013-10-30 11:50:20 -04:00
parent 75305dae94
commit ac2c5caeff

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@ -120,9 +120,6 @@ start(Partition, Config) ->
[{internal_page_max, "128K"},
{leaf_page_max, "16K"},
{lsm_chunk_size, "100MB"},
{lsm_merge_threads, 2},
{prefix_compression, true},
{lsm_bloom_newest, true},
{lsm_bloom_oldest, true} ,
{lsm_bloom_bit_count, 28},
{lsm_bloom_hash_count, 19},
@ -341,22 +338,23 @@ is_empty(#state{connection=Connection, table=Table}) ->
%% @doc Get the status information for this wterl backend
-spec status(state()) -> [{atom(), term()}].
status(#state{connection=Connection, table=Table}) ->
case wterl:cursor_open(Connection, "statistics:" ++ Table, [{statistics_fast, true}]) of
{ok, Cursor} ->
TheStats =
case fetch_status(Cursor) of
{ok, Stats} ->
{error, {eperm, _}} -> % TODO: review/fix this logic
{ok, []};
_ ->
{ok, []}
{error, Reason2} ->
{error, Reason2}
%% case wterl:cursor_open(Connection, "statistics:" ++ Table, [{statistics_fast, true}]) of
%% {ok, Cursor} ->
%% TheStats =
%% case fetch_status(Cursor) of
%% {ok, Stats} ->
%% Stats;
%% {error, {eperm, _}} -> % TODO: review/fix this logic
%% {ok, []};
%% _ ->
%% {ok, []}
%% end,
%% wterl:cursor_close(Cursor),
%% TheStats;
%% {error, Reason2} ->
%% {error, Reason2}
%% end.
%% @doc Register an asynchronous callback
-spec callback(reference(), any(), state()) -> {ok, state()}.
@ -543,15 +541,15 @@ from_index_key(LKey) ->
%% @private
%% Return all status from wterl statistics cursor
fetch_status(Cursor) ->
{ok, fetch_status(Cursor, wterl:cursor_next_value(Cursor), [])}.
fetch_status(_Cursor, {error, _}, Acc) ->
fetch_status(_Cursor, not_found, Acc) ->
fetch_status(Cursor, {ok, Stat}, Acc) ->
[What,Val|_] = [binary_to_list(B) || B <- binary:split(Stat, [<<0>>], [global])],
fetch_status(Cursor, wterl:cursor_next_value(Cursor), [{What,Val}|Acc]).
%% fetch_status(Cursor) ->
%% {ok, fetch_status(Cursor, wterl:cursor_next_value(Cursor), [])}.
%% fetch_status(_Cursor, {error, _}, Acc) ->
%% lists:reverse(Acc);
%% fetch_status(_Cursor, not_found, Acc) ->
%% lists:reverse(Acc);
%% fetch_status(Cursor, {ok, Stat}, Acc) ->
%% [What,Val|_] = [binary_to_list(B) || B <- binary:split(Stat, [<<0>>], [global])],
%% fetch_status(Cursor, wterl:cursor_next_value(Cursor), [{What,Val}|Acc]).
size_cache(RequestedSize) ->
Size =