Share per-table cursors for get/put/delete operations.

This commit is contained in:
Gregory Burd 2013-03-13 17:27:00 -04:00
parent f94336f3eb
commit e4b3acbd11

View file

@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
-record(state, {conn :: wterl:connection(),
table :: string(),
session :: wterl:session(),
cursors :: ets:tid(),
partition :: integer()}).
-type state() :: #state{}.
@ -145,18 +146,24 @@ start(Partition, Config) ->
%% @doc Stop the wterl backend
-spec stop(state()) -> ok.
stop(#state{conn=ConnRef, session=SRef}) ->
stop(#state{conn=ConnRef, session=SRef, cursors=undefined}) ->
ok = wterl:session_close(SRef),
stop(#state{cursors=Cursors}=State) ->
ets:foldl(fun({_Table, Cursor}, _) ->
ok = wterl:cursor_close(Cursor)
end, true, Cursors),
%% @doc Retrieve an object from the wterl backend
-spec get(riak_object:bucket(), riak_object:key(), state()) ->
{ok, any(), state()} |
{ok, not_found, state()} |
{error, term(), state()}.
get(Bucket, Key, #state{table=Table, session=SRef}=State) ->
get(Bucket, Key, #state{session=SRef, table=Table}=State) ->
WTKey = to_object_key(Bucket, Key),
case wterl:session_get(SRef, Table, WTKey) of
case wterl:cursor_search(shared_cursor(SRef, Table, State), WTKey) of
{ok, Value} ->
{ok, Value, State};
not_found ->
@ -175,7 +182,7 @@ get(Bucket, Key, #state{table=Table, session=SRef}=State) ->
{error, term(), state()}.
put(Bucket, PrimaryKey, _IndexSpecs, Val, #state{table=Table, session=SRef}=State) ->
WTKey = to_object_key(Bucket, PrimaryKey),
case wterl:session_put(SRef, Table, WTKey, Val) of
case wterl:cursor_insert(shared_cursor(SRef, Table, State), WTKey, Val) of
ok ->
{ok, State};
{error, Reason} ->
@ -191,7 +198,7 @@ put(Bucket, PrimaryKey, _IndexSpecs, Val, #state{table=Table, session=SRef}=Stat
{error, term(), state()}.
delete(Bucket, Key, _IndexSpecs, #state{table=Table, session=SRef}=State) ->
WTKey = to_object_key(Bucket, Key),
case wterl:session_delete(SRef, Table, WTKey) of
case wterl:cursor_remove(shared_cursor(SRef, Table, State), WTKey) of
ok ->
{ok, State};
{error, Reason} ->
@ -340,6 +347,20 @@ callback(_Ref, _Msg, State) ->
%% Internal functions
%% ===================================================================
shared_cursor(SRef, Table, #state{cursors=undefined}=State) ->
Cursors = ets:new(?MODULE, []),
shared_cursor(SRef, Table, State#state{cursors=Cursors});
shared_cursor(SRef, Table, #state{cursors=Cursors}=State) ->
case ets:lookup(Cursors, Table) of
[{Table, Cursor}] ->
{Cursor, State};
_ ->
Cursor = wterl:cursor_open(SRef, Table),
ets:insert(Cursors, {Table, Cursor}),
{Cursor, State}
%% @private
%% Return a function to fold over the buckets on this backend
fold_buckets_fun(FoldBucketsFun) ->