TARGET= wterl REBAR= ./rebar #REBAR= /usr/bin/env rebar ERL= /usr/bin/env erl DIALYZER= /usr/bin/env dialyzer .PHONY: plt analyze all deps compile get-deps clean all: compile deps: get-deps get-deps: @$(REBAR) get-deps update-deps: @$(REBAR) update-deps c_src/wterl.o: c_src/async_nif.h touch c_src/wterl.c ebin/app_helper.beam: @echo You need to: @echo cp ../riak/deps/riak_core/ebin/app_helper.beam ebin @/bin/false compile: c_src/wterl.o ebin/app_helper.beam @$(REBAR) compile clean: @$(REBAR) clean test: eunit eunit: compile @$(REBAR) eunit skip_deps=true eunit_console: @$(ERL) -pa .eunit deps/*/ebin plt: compile @$(DIALYZER) --build_plt --output_plt .$(TARGET).plt -pa deps/*/ebin --apps kernel stdlib analyze: compile $(DIALYZER) --plt .$(TARGET).plt -pa deps/*/ebin ebin repl: $(ERL) -pz deps/*/ebin -pa ebin gdb-repl: USE_GDB=1 $(ERL) -pz deps/*/ebin -pa ebin eunit-repl: $(ERL) -pa .eunit -pz deps/*/ebin -pz ebin -exec 'cd(".eunit").' gdb-eunit-repl: USE_GDB=1 $(ERL) -pa .eunit -pz deps/*/ebin -pz ebin -exec 'cd(".eunit").' # NOTES # # When working on async_nif.h there are two thigns to remember: # 1. clang++ provides better error messages # 2. `rebar compile` doesn't know that depends on async_nif.h # and so it doesn't recompile that file. # # My ( workaround is to build using this command: # touch c_src/ && CXX=clang++ ./rebar compile