#include "types.h" #include "param.h" #include "x86.h" #include "mmu.h" #include "proc.h" #include "defs.h" #include "file.h" #include "spinlock.h" #define PIPESIZE 512 struct pipe { int readopen; // read fd is still open int writeopen; // write fd is still open int writep; // next index to write int readp; // next index to read struct spinlock lock; char data[PIPESIZE]; }; int pipe_alloc(struct file **f0, struct file **f1) { struct pipe *p; p = 0; *f0 = *f1 = 0; if((*f0 = filealloc()) == 0) goto oops; if((*f1 = filealloc()) == 0) goto oops; if((p = (struct pipe*) kalloc(PAGE)) == 0) goto oops; p->readopen = 1; p->writeopen = 1; p->writep = 0; p->readp = 0; initlock(&p->lock, "pipe"); (*f0)->type = FD_PIPE; (*f0)->readable = 1; (*f0)->writable = 0; (*f0)->pipe = p; (*f1)->type = FD_PIPE; (*f1)->readable = 0; (*f1)->writable = 1; (*f1)->pipe = p; return 0; oops: if(p) kfree((char*) p, PAGE); if(*f0){ (*f0)->type = FD_NONE; fileclose(*f0); } if(*f1){ (*f1)->type = FD_NONE; fileclose(*f1); } return -1; } void pipe_close(struct pipe *p, int writable) { acquire(&p->lock); if(writable){ p->writeopen = 0; wakeup(&p->readp); } else { p->readopen = 0; wakeup(&p->writep); } release(&p->lock); if(p->readopen == 0 && p->writeopen == 0) kfree((char*) p, PAGE); } //PAGEBREAK: 20 int pipe_write(struct pipe *p, char *addr, int n) { int i; acquire(&p->lock); for(i = 0; i < n; i++){ while(((p->writep + 1) % PIPESIZE) == p->readp){ if(p->readopen == 0 || cp->killed){ release(&p->lock); return -1; } wakeup(&p->readp); sleep(&p->writep, &p->lock); } p->data[p->writep] = addr[i]; p->writep = (p->writep + 1) % PIPESIZE; } release(&p->lock); wakeup(&p->readp); return i; } int pipe_read(struct pipe *p, char *addr, int n) { int i; acquire(&p->lock); while(p->readp == p->writep){ if(p->writeopen == 0 || cp->killed){ release(&p->lock); return 0; } sleep(&p->readp, &p->lock); } for(i = 0; i < n; i++){ if(p->readp == p->writep) break; addr[i] = p->data[p->readp]; p->readp = (p->readp + 1) % PIPESIZE; } release(&p->lock); wakeup(&p->writep); return i; }