
810 B

Fly Docker Daemon

This deploys a Docker Daemon running on which you can used to offload builds and other tasks to a Fly app running in a city near you.


  1. Clone this repository
  2. fly launch --no-deploy, follow the prompts
  3. Create a volume in a region of your choice: fly volumes create data --size 50 --region bos
  4. Deploy

Get Connected

  1. Create a WireGuard peer with fly wireguard create
  2. Setup WireGuard with generated config
  3. fly ips private to get the IP of your Daemon
  4. Set the DOCKER_HOST env variable using that IP:
    export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://[fdaa:1:c1ea:a7b:1ed:2ce6:bb1e:2]:2375

Final Step

  1. Delete the Docker Engine from your local system.
  2. You probably want to scale your remote Daemon: fly scale vm dedicated-cpu-2x