2011-11-19 23:39:23 +09:00

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#Module lets#

##Data Types##


abstract datatype: cont()


db_opts() = {db, [{path, [file:filename()](file.md#type-filename)} | create_if_missing | {create_if_missing, boolean()} | error_if_exists | {error_if_exists, boolean()} | paranoid_checks | {paranoid_checks, boolean()} | {write_buffer_size, pos_integer()} | {max_open_files, pos_integer()} | {block_cache_size, pos_integer()} | {block_size, pos_integer()} | {block_restart_interval, pos_integer()}]}


db_read_opts() = {db_read, [verify_checksums | {verify_checksums, boolean()} | fill_cache | {fill_cache, boolean()}]}


db_write_opts() = {db_write, [sync | {sync, boolean()}]}


ets_opt() = set | ordered_set | named_table | {key_pos, pos_integer()} | public | protected | private | compressed | async


impl_opt() = drv | nif | ets


item() = owner | name | named_table | type | keypos | protection | compressed | async | memory | size


key() = binary()


limit() = pos_integer()


match() = term()


name() = atom()


object() = term()


opts() = [[ets_opt()](#type-ets_opt) | [impl_opt()](#type-impl_opt) | [db_opts()](#type-db_opts) | [db_read_opts()](#type-db_read_opts) | [db_write_opts()](#type-db_write_opts)]


pattern() = atom() | tuple()
ets:match_pattern() is not exported!


pos() = pos_integer()


spec() = [ets:match_spec()](ets.md#type-match_spec)


abstract datatype: tab()

##Function Index##


Deletes the entire table Tab.


Deletes all objects with the key Key from the table Tab.


Delete all objects in the table Tab. The operation is guaranteed to be atomic and isolated. This function only applies to the ets implementation.


Destroy the contents of the specified table. This function only applies to driver and nif implementations.


Returns the first key Key in the table Tab. If the table is empty, $end_of_table will be returned.


Fold from left to right over the elements of the table.


Fold from right to left over the elements of the table.


Returns information about the table Tab as a list of {Item, Value} tuples.


Returns the information associated with Item for the table Tab.

Valid +Item+ options are:
  • owner

  • name

  • named_table only the ets implementation

  • type

  • keypos

  • protection

  • compressed

  • async only the drv implementation

  • memory only the ets implementation

  • size only the ets implementation


Inserts the object or all of the objects in the list ObjOrObjs into the table Tab.


This function works exactly like insert/2, with the exception that instead of overwriting objects with the same key, it simply returns false. This function only applies to the ets implementation.


Returns the last key Key in the table Tab. If the table is empty, $end_of_table will be returned.


Returns a list of all objects with the key Key in the table Tab.


Returns the Pos:th element of the object with the key Key in the table Tab.


Continues a match started with match/3.


Matches the objects in the table Tab against the pattern Pattern.


Matches the objects in the table Tab against the pattern Pattern and returns a limited (Limit) number of matching objects.


Deletes all objects which match the pattern Pattern from the table Tab.


Continues a match started with match_object/3.


Matches the objects in the table Tab against the pattern Pattern.


Matches the objects in the table Tab against the pattern Pattern and returns a limited (Limit) number of matching objects.


Returns true if one or more elements in the table Tab has the key Key, false otherwise.


Creates a new table and returns a table identifier which can be used in subsequent operations. The table identifier can be sent to other processes so that a table can be shared between different processes within a node.

Valid LETS properties for +Options+ are:
  • set The table is a set table - one key, one object, no order among objects. This is the default table type.

  • ordered_set The table is an ordered_set table - one key, one object, ordered in Erlang term order, which is the order implied by the < and > operators.

  • named_table If this option is present, the name Name is associated with the table identifier. only the ets implementation

  • {key_pos,pos_integer()} Specfies which element in the stored tuples should be used as key. By default, it is the first element, i.e. Pos=1.

  • public Any process may read or write to the table.

  • protected The owner process can read and write to the table. Other processes can only read the table. This is the default setting for the access rights.

  • private Only the owner process can read or write to the table.

  • compressed If this option is present, the table data will be stored in a compressed format.

  • async If this option is present, the emulator's async thread pool will be used when accessing the table data. only the drv implementation

  • drv If this option is present, the table data will be stored with LevelDB backend via an Erlang Driver. This is the default setting for the table implementation.

  • nif If this option is present, the table data will be stored with LevelDB backend via an Erlang NIF.

  • ets If this option is present, the table data will be stored with ETS as the backend.

  • {db, [db_opts()]} LevelDB database options.

  • {db_read, [db_read_opts()]} LevelDB read options.

  • {db_write, [db_write_opts()]} LevelDB write options.

    Valid LevelDB database properties for +db_opts()+ are:
  • {path, file:filename()} Open the database with the specified path. The default is Name.

  • create_if_missing | {create_if_missing, boolean()} If true, the database will be created if it is missing. The default is false.

  • error_if_exists | {error_if_exists, boolean()} If true, an error is raised if the database already exists. The default is false.

  • paranoid_checks | {paranoid_checks, boolean()} If true, the implementation will do aggressive checking of the data it is processing and will stop early if it detects any errors. The default is false.

  • {write_buffer_size, pos_integer()} The default is 4MB.

  • {max_open_files, pos_integer()} The default is 1000.

  • {block_cache_size, pos_integer()} The default is 8MB.

  • {block_size, pos_integer()} The default is 4K.

  • {block_restart_interval, pos_integer()} The default is 16.

    Valid LevelDB read properties for +db_read_opts()+ are:
  • verify_checksums | {verify_checksums, boolean()} If true, all data read from underlying storage will be verified against corresponding checksums. The default is false.

  • fill_cache | {fill_cache, boolean()} If true, the data read should be cached in memory. The default is true.

    Valid LevelDB write properties for +db_write_opts()+ are:
  • sync | {sync, boolean()} If true, the write will be flushed from the operating system buffer cache before the write is considered complete. The default is false.


Returns the next key Key2, following the key Key1 in the table Tab. If there is no next key, $end_of_table is returned.


Returns the previous key Key2, following the key Key1 in the table Tab. If there is no previous key, $end_of_table is returned.


If a table cannot be opened, you may attempt to call this method to resurrect as much of the contents of the table as possible. Some data may be lost, so be careful when calling this function on a table that contains important information. This function only applies to driver and nif implementations.


Continues a select started with select/3.


Matches the objects in the table Tab against the spec Spec.


Matches the objects in the table Tab against the spec Spec and returns a limited (Limit) number of matching objects.


Counts all objects which match the spec Spec from the table Tab and returns the number matched.


Deletes all objects which match the spec Spec from the table Tab and returns the number deleted.


Continues a select reverse started with select_reverse/3.


Matches in reverse the objects in the table Tab against the spec Spec.


Matches in reverse the objects in the table Tab against the spec Spec and returns a limited (Limit) number of matching objects.


Returns a list of all objects in the table Tab. The operation is not guaranteed to be atomic and isolated.


##Function Details##


delete(Tab::[tab()](#type-tab)) -> true

Deletes the entire table Tab.

See also: ets:delete/1.


delete(Tab::[tab()](#type-tab), Key::[key()](#type-key)) -> true

Deletes all objects with the key Key from the table Tab.

See also: ets:delete/2.


delete_all_objects(Tab::[tab()](#type-tab)) -> true

Delete all objects in the table Tab. The operation is guaranteed to be atomic and isolated. This function only applies to the ets implementation.

See also: ets:delete_all_objects/1.


destroy(Name::[name()](#type-name), Opts::[opts()](#type-opts)) -> true

Destroy the contents of the specified table. This function only applies to driver and nif implementations.


first(Tab::[tab()](#type-tab)) -> [key()](#type-key) | '$end_of_table'

Returns the first key Key in the table Tab. If the table is empty, $end_of_table will be returned.

See also: ets:first/1.


foldl(Fun, Acc0::term(), Tab::[tab()](#type-tab)) -> Acc1::term()
  • Fun = fun((Element::term(), AccIn::term()) -> AccOut::term())

Fold from left to right over the elements of the table.

See also: ets:foldl/3.


foldr(Fun, Acc0::term(), Tab::[tab()](#type-tab)) -> Acc1::term()
  • Fun = fun((Element::term(), AccIn::term()) -> AccOut::term())

Fold from right to left over the elements of the table.

See also: ets:foldr/3.


info(Tab::[tab()](#type-tab)) -> [{[item()](#type-item), term()}]

Returns information about the table Tab as a list of {Item, Value} tuples.

See also: info/2.


info(Tab::[tab()](#type-tab), Item::[item()](#type-item)) -> term()

Returns the information associated with Item for the table Tab.

Valid +Item+ options are:
  • owner

  • name

  • named_table only the ets implementation

  • type

  • keypos

  • protection

  • compressed

  • async only the drv implementation

  • memory only the ets implementation

  • size only the ets implementation

See also: ets:info/2.


insert(Tab::[tab()](#type-tab), ObjOrObjs::[object()](#type-object) | [[object()](#type-object)]) -> true

Inserts the object or all of the objects in the list ObjOrObjs into the table Tab.

See also: ets:insert/2.


insert_new(Tab::[tab()](#type-tab), ObjOrObjs::[object()](#type-object) | [[object()](#type-object)]) -> true

This function works exactly like insert/2, with the exception that instead of overwriting objects with the same key, it simply returns false. This function only applies to the ets implementation.

See also: ets:insert_new/2.


last(Tab::[tab()](#type-tab)) -> [key()](#type-key) | '$end_of_table'

Returns the last key Key in the table Tab. If the table is empty, $end_of_table will be returned.

See also: ets:last/1.


lookup(Tab::[tab()](#type-tab), Key::[key()](#type-key)) -> [[object()](#type-object)]

Returns a list of all objects with the key Key in the table Tab.

See also: ets:lookup/2.


lookup_element(Tab::[tab()](#type-tab), Key::[key()](#type-key), Pos::[pos()](#type-pos)) -> term()

Returns the Pos:th element of the object with the key Key in the table Tab.

See also: ets:lookup_element/3.


match(X1::[cont()](#type-cont)) -> {[[match()](#type-match)], [cont()](#type-cont)} | '$end_of_table'

Continues a match started with match/3.

See also: ets:match/1.


match(Tab::[tab()](#type-tab), Pattern::[pattern()](#type-pattern)) -> [[match()](#type-match)]

Matches the objects in the table Tab against the pattern Pattern.

See also: ets:match/2.


match(Tab::[tab()](#type-tab), Pattern::[pattern()](#type-pattern), Limit::[limit()](#type-limit)) -> {[[match()](#type-match)], [cont()](#type-cont)} | '$end_of_table'

Matches the objects in the table Tab against the pattern Pattern and returns a limited (Limit) number of matching objects.

See also: ets:match/3.


match_delete(Tab::[tab()](#type-tab), Pattern::[pattern()](#type-pattern)) -> true

Deletes all objects which match the pattern Pattern from the table Tab.

See also: ets:match_delete/2.


match_object(X1::[cont()](#type-cont)) -> {[[match()](#type-match)], [cont()](#type-cont)} | '$end_of_table'

Continues a match started with match_object/3.

See also: ets:match_object/1.


match_object(Tab::[tab()](#type-tab), Pattern::[pattern()](#type-pattern)) -> [[match()](#type-match)]

Matches the objects in the table Tab against the pattern Pattern.

See also: ets:match_object/2.


match_object(Tab::[tab()](#type-tab), Pattern::[pattern()](#type-pattern), Limit::[limit()](#type-limit)) -> {[[match()](#type-match)], [cont()](#type-cont)} | '$end_of_table'

Matches the objects in the table Tab against the pattern Pattern and returns a limited (Limit) number of matching objects.

See also: ets:match_object/3.


member(Tab::[tab()](#type-tab), Key::[key()](#type-key)) -> true | false

Returns true if one or more elements in the table Tab has the key Key, false otherwise.

See also: ets:member/2.


new(Name::[name()](#type-name), Opts::[opts()](#type-opts)) -> [tab()](#type-tab)

Creates a new table and returns a table identifier which can be used in subsequent operations. The table identifier can be sent to other processes so that a table can be shared between different processes within a node.

Valid LETS properties for +Options+ are:
  • set The table is a set table - one key, one object, no order among objects. This is the default table type.

  • ordered_set The table is an ordered_set table - one key, one object, ordered in Erlang term order, which is the order implied by the < and > operators.

  • named_table If this option is present, the name Name is associated with the table identifier. only the ets implementation

  • {key_pos,pos_integer()} Specfies which element in the stored tuples should be used as key. By default, it is the first element, i.e. Pos=1.

  • public Any process may read or write to the table.

  • protected The owner process can read and write to the table. Other processes can only read the table. This is the default setting for the access rights.

  • private Only the owner process can read or write to the table.

  • compressed If this option is present, the table data will be stored in a compressed format.

  • async If this option is present, the emulator's async thread pool will be used when accessing the table data. only the drv implementation

  • drv If this option is present, the table data will be stored with LevelDB backend via an Erlang Driver. This is the default setting for the table implementation.

  • nif If this option is present, the table data will be stored with LevelDB backend via an Erlang NIF.

  • ets If this option is present, the table data will be stored with ETS as the backend.

  • {db, [db_opts()]} LevelDB database options.

  • {db_read, [db_read_opts()]} LevelDB read options.

  • {db_write, [db_write_opts()]} LevelDB write options.

    Valid LevelDB database properties for +db_opts()+ are:
  • {path, file:filename()} Open the database with the specified path. The default is Name.

  • create_if_missing | {create_if_missing, boolean()} If true, the database will be created if it is missing. The default is false.

  • error_if_exists | {error_if_exists, boolean()} If true, an error is raised if the database already exists. The default is false.

  • paranoid_checks | {paranoid_checks, boolean()} If true, the implementation will do aggressive checking of the data it is processing and will stop early if it detects any errors. The default is false.

  • {write_buffer_size, pos_integer()} The default is 4MB.

  • {max_open_files, pos_integer()} The default is 1000.

  • {block_cache_size, pos_integer()} The default is 8MB.

  • {block_size, pos_integer()} The default is 4K.

  • {block_restart_interval, pos_integer()} The default is 16.

    Valid LevelDB read properties for +db_read_opts()+ are:
  • verify_checksums | {verify_checksums, boolean()} If true, all data read from underlying storage will be verified against corresponding checksums. The default is false.

  • fill_cache | {fill_cache, boolean()} If true, the data read should be cached in memory. The default is true.

    Valid LevelDB write properties for +db_write_opts()+ are:
  • sync | {sync, boolean()} If true, the write will be flushed from the operating system buffer cache before the write is considered complete. The default is false.

See also: ets:new/2.


next(Tab::[tab()](#type-tab), Key::[key()](#type-key)) -> [key()](#type-key) | '$end_of_table'

Returns the next key Key2, following the key Key1 in the table Tab. If there is no next key, $end_of_table is returned.

See also: ets:next/2.


prev(Tab::[tab()](#type-tab), Key::[key()](#type-key)) -> [key()](#type-key) | '$end_of_table'

Returns the previous key Key2, following the key Key1 in the table Tab. If there is no previous key, $end_of_table is returned.

See also: ets:prev/2.


repair(Name::[name()](#type-name), Opts::[opts()](#type-opts)) -> true

If a table cannot be opened, you may attempt to call this method to resurrect as much of the contents of the table as possible. Some data may be lost, so be careful when calling this function on a table that contains important information. This function only applies to driver and nif implementations.


select(X1::[cont()](#type-cont)) -> {[[match()](#type-match)], [cont()](#type-cont)} | '$end_of_table'

Continues a select started with select/3.

See also: ets:select/1.


select(Tab::[tab()](#type-tab), Spec::[spec()](#type-spec)) -> [[match()](#type-match)]

Matches the objects in the table Tab against the spec Spec.

See also: ets:select/2.


select(Tab::[tab()](#type-tab), Spec::[spec()](#type-spec), Limit::[limit()](#type-limit)) -> {[[match()](#type-match)], [cont()](#type-cont)} | '$end_of_table'

Matches the objects in the table Tab against the spec Spec and returns a limited (Limit) number of matching objects.

See also: ets:select/3.


select_count(Tab::[tab()](#type-tab), Spec::[pattern()](#type-pattern)) -> pos_integer()

Counts all objects which match the spec Spec from the table Tab and returns the number matched.

See also: ets:select_count/2.


select_delete(Tab::[tab()](#type-tab), Spec::[pattern()](#type-pattern)) -> pos_integer()

Deletes all objects which match the spec Spec from the table Tab and returns the number deleted.

See also: ets:select_delete/2.


select_reverse(X1::[cont()](#type-cont)) -> {[[match()](#type-match)], [cont()](#type-cont)} | '$end_of_table'

Continues a select reverse started with select_reverse/3.

See also: ets:select_reverse/1.


select_reverse(Tab::[tab()](#type-tab), Spec::[spec()](#type-spec)) -> [[match()](#type-match)]

Matches in reverse the objects in the table Tab against the spec Spec.

See also: ets:select_reverse/2.


select_reverse(Tab::[tab()](#type-tab), Spec::[spec()](#type-spec), Limit::[limit()](#type-limit)) -> {[[match()](#type-match)], [cont()](#type-cont)} | '$end_of_table'

Matches in reverse the objects in the table Tab against the spec Spec and returns a limited (Limit) number of matching objects.

See also: ets:select_reverse/3.


tab2list(Tab::[tab()](#type-tab)) -> [[object()](#type-object)]

Returns a list of all objects in the table Tab. The operation is not guaranteed to be atomic and isolated.

See also: ets:tab2list/1.