Berkeley DB
version 5.3.21

Class PackedInteger

  extended by com.sleepycat.util.PackedInteger

public class PackedInteger
extends Object

Static methods for reading and writing packed integers.

Most applications should use the classes in the com.sleepycat.bind.tuple package rather than using this class directly.

See Also:
Integer Formats

Field Summary
static int MAX_LENGTH
          The maximum number of bytes needed to store an int value (5).
static int MAX_LONG_LENGTH
          The maximum number of bytes needed to store a long value (9).
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static int getReadIntLength(byte[] buf, int off)
          Returns the number of bytes that would be read by readInt(byte[], int).
static int getReadLongLength(byte[] buf, int off)
          Returns the number of bytes that would be read by readLong(byte[], int).
static int getReadSortedIntLength(byte[] buf, int off)
          Returns the number of bytes that would be read by readSortedInt(byte[], int).
static int getReadSortedLongLength(byte[] buf, int off)
          Returns the number of bytes that would be read by readSortedLong(byte[], int).
static int getWriteIntLength(int value)
          Returns the number of bytes that would be written by writeInt(byte[], int, int).
static int getWriteLongLength(long value)
          Returns the number of bytes that would be written by writeLong(byte[], int, long).
static int getWriteSortedIntLength(int value)
          Returns the number of bytes that would be written by writeSortedInt(byte[], int, int).
static int getWriteSortedLongLength(long value)
          Returns the number of bytes that would be written by writeSortedLong(byte[], int, long).
static int readInt(byte[] buf, int off)
          Reads a packed integer at the given buffer offset and returns it.
static long readLong(byte[] buf, int off)
          Reads a packed long integer at the given buffer offset and returns it.
static int readSortedInt(byte[] buf, int off)
          Reads a sorted packed integer at the given buffer offset and returns it.
static long readSortedLong(byte[] buf, int off)
          Reads a sorted packed long integer at the given buffer offset and returns it.
static int writeInt(byte[] buf, int offset, int value)
          Writes a packed integer starting at the given buffer offset and returns the next offset to be written.
static int writeLong(byte[] buf, int offset, long value)
          Writes a packed long integer starting at the given buffer offset and returns the next offset to be written.
static int writeSortedInt(byte[] buf, int offset, int value)
          Writes a packed sorted integer starting at the given buffer offset and returns the next offset to be written.
static int writeSortedLong(byte[] buf, int offset, long value)
          Writes a packed sorted long integer starting at the given buffer offset and returns the next offset to be written.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int MAX_LENGTH
The maximum number of bytes needed to store an int value (5).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int MAX_LONG_LENGTH
The maximum number of bytes needed to store a long value (9).

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public PackedInteger()
Method Detail


public static int readInt(byte[] buf,
                          int off)
Reads a packed integer at the given buffer offset and returns it.

buf - the buffer to read from.
off - the offset in the buffer at which to start reading.
the integer that was read.


public static long readLong(byte[] buf,
                            int off)
Reads a packed long integer at the given buffer offset and returns it.

buf - the buffer to read from.
off - the offset in the buffer at which to start reading.
the long integer that was read.


public static int getReadIntLength(byte[] buf,
                                   int off)
Returns the number of bytes that would be read by readInt(byte[], int).

Because the length is stored in the first byte, this method may be called with only the first byte of the packed integer in the given buffer. This method only accesses one byte at the given offset.

buf - the buffer to read from.
off - the offset in the buffer at which to start reading.
the number of bytes that would be read.


public static int getReadLongLength(byte[] buf,
                                    int off)
Returns the number of bytes that would be read by readLong(byte[], int).

Because the length is stored in the first byte, this method may be called with only the first byte of the packed integer in the given buffer. This method only accesses one byte at the given offset.

buf - the buffer to read from.
off - the offset in the buffer at which to start reading.
the number of bytes that would be read.


public static int writeInt(byte[] buf,
                           int offset,
                           int value)
Writes a packed integer starting at the given buffer offset and returns the next offset to be written.

buf - the buffer to write to.
offset - the offset in the buffer at which to start writing.
value - the integer to be written.
the offset past the bytes written.


public static int writeLong(byte[] buf,
                            int offset,
                            long value)
Writes a packed long integer starting at the given buffer offset and returns the next offset to be written.

buf - the buffer to write to.
offset - the offset in the buffer at which to start writing.
value - the long integer to be written.
the offset past the bytes written.


public static int getWriteIntLength(int value)
Returns the number of bytes that would be written by writeInt(byte[], int, int).

value - the integer to be written.
the number of bytes that would be used to write the given integer.


public static int getWriteLongLength(long value)
Returns the number of bytes that would be written by writeLong(byte[], int, long).

value - the long integer to be written.
the number of bytes that would be used to write the given long integer.


public static int readSortedInt(byte[] buf,
                                int off)
Reads a sorted packed integer at the given buffer offset and returns it.

buf - the buffer to read from.
off - the offset in the buffer at which to start reading.
the integer that was read.


public static long readSortedLong(byte[] buf,
                                  int off)
Reads a sorted packed long integer at the given buffer offset and returns it.

buf - the buffer to read from.
off - the offset in the buffer at which to start reading.
the long integer that was read.


public static int getReadSortedIntLength(byte[] buf,
                                         int off)
Returns the number of bytes that would be read by readSortedInt(byte[], int).

Because the length is stored in the first byte, this method may be called with only the first byte of the packed integer in the given buffer. This method only accesses one byte at the given offset.

buf - the buffer to read from.
off - the offset in the buffer at which to start reading.
the number of bytes that would be read.


public static int getReadSortedLongLength(byte[] buf,
                                          int off)
Returns the number of bytes that would be read by readSortedLong(byte[], int).

Because the length is stored in the first byte, this method may be called with only the first byte of the packed integer in the given buffer. This method only accesses one byte at the given offset.

buf - the buffer to read from.
off - the offset in the buffer at which to start reading.
the number of bytes that would be read.


public static int writeSortedInt(byte[] buf,
                                 int offset,
                                 int value)
Writes a packed sorted integer starting at the given buffer offset and returns the next offset to be written.

buf - the buffer to write to.
offset - the offset in the buffer at which to start writing.
value - the integer to be written.
the offset past the bytes written.


public static int writeSortedLong(byte[] buf,
                                  int offset,
                                  long value)
Writes a packed sorted long integer starting at the given buffer offset and returns the next offset to be written.

buf - the buffer to write to.
offset - the offset in the buffer at which to start writing.
value - the long integer to be written.
the offset past the bytes written.


public static int getWriteSortedIntLength(int value)
Returns the number of bytes that would be written by writeSortedInt(byte[], int, int).

value - the integer to be written.
the number of bytes that would be used to write the given integer.


public static int getWriteSortedLongLength(long value)
Returns the number of bytes that would be written by writeSortedLong(byte[], int, long).

value - the long integer to be written.
the number of bytes that would be used to write the given long integer.

Berkeley DB
version 5.3.21

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