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%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Machi: a small village of replicated files
%% Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Basho Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
%% This file is provided to you under the Apache License,
%% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
%% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
%% a copy of the License at
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
%% software distributed under the License is distributed on an
%% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
%% specific language governing permissions and limitations
%% under the License.
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% @doc The Machi chain manager, Guardian of all things related to
%% Chain Replication state, status, and data replica safety.
%% The Chain Manager is responsible for managing the state of Machi's
%% "Chain Replication" state. This role is roughly analogous to the
%% "Riak Core" application inside of Riak, which takes care of
%% coordinating replica placement and replica repair.
%% For each primitive data server in the cluster, a Machi FLU, there
%% is a Chain Manager process that manages its FLU's role within the
%% Machi cluster's Chain Replication scheme. Each Chain Manager
%% process executes locally and independently to manage the
%% distributed state of a single Machi Chain Replication chain.
%% Machi's Chain Manager process performs similar tasks as Riak Core's
%% claimant. However, Machi has several active Chain Manager
%% processes, one per FLU server, instead of a single active process
%% like Core's claimant. Each Chain Manager process acts
%% independently; each is constrained so that it will reach consensus
%% via independent computation & action.
%% TODO: I am going to sever the connection between the flowchart and the
%% code. That diagram is really valuable, but it also takes a long time
%% to make any kind of edit; the process is too slow. This is a todo
%% item a reminder that the flowchart is important documentation and
%% must be brought back into sync with the code soon.
2015-07-16 07:01:53 +00:00
-define(NOT_FLAPPING_START, {{epk,-1},?NOT_FLAPPING}).
-record(ch_mgr, {
name :: pv1_server(),
flap_limit :: non_neg_integer(),
proj :: projection(),
proj_unanimous :: boolean(),
timer :: 'undefined' | timer:tref(),
ignore_timer :: boolean(),
proj_history :: queue:queue(),
flap_count=0 :: non_neg_integer(), % I am flapping if > 0.
:: {{'epk', integer()}, erlang:timestamp()},
flap_last_up=[] :: list(),
flap_last_up_change=now() :: erlang:now(),
flap_counts_last=[] :: list(),
not_sanes :: orddict:orddict(),
sane_transitions = 0 :: non_neg_integer(),
consistency_mode:: 'ap_mode' | 'cp_mode',
repair_worker :: 'undefined' | pid(),
repair_start :: 'undefined' | erlang:timestamp(),
repair_final_status :: 'undefined' | term(),
runenv :: list(), %proplist()
opts :: list(), %proplist()
members_dict :: p_srvr_dict(),
proxies_dict :: orddict:orddict()
-define(FLU_PC, machi_proxy_flu1_client).
2015-04-09 05:44:58 +00:00
-define(TO, (2*1000)). % default timeout
%% Keep a history of our flowchart execution in the process dictionary.
-define(REACT(T), put(react, [T|get(react)])).
%% Define the period of private projection stability before we'll
%% start repair.
-else. % TEST
-endif. % TEST
%% Magic constant for looping "too frequently" breaker. TODO revisit & revise.
-define(RETURN2(X), begin (catch put(why2, [?LINE|get(why2)])), X end).
%% This rank is used if a majority quorum is not available.
%% Amount of epoch number skip-ahead for set_chain_members call
%% Minimum guideline for considering a remote to be flapping
%% API
-export([start_link/2, start_link/3, stop/1, ping/1,
set_chain_members/2, set_chain_members/3, set_active/2,
-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
terminate/2, code_change/3]).
-export([make_chmgr_regname/1, projection_transitions_are_sane/2,
inner_projection_exists/1, inner_projection_or_self/1,
2015-07-03 13:05:35 +00:00
%% Exports so that EDoc docs generated for these internal funcs.
%% Exports for developer/debugging
-export([scan_dir/4, strip_dbg2/1,
get_ps/2, has_not_sane/2, all_hosed_history/2]).
2015-04-09 05:44:58 +00:00
-compile({parse_transform, pulse_instrument}).
-endif. %TEST
start_link(MyName, MembersDict) ->
start_link(MyName, MembersDict, []).
start_link(MyName, MembersDict, MgrOpts) ->
2015-05-02 07:59:28 +00:00
gen_server:start_link({local, make_chmgr_regname(MyName)}, ?MODULE,
{MyName, MembersDict, MgrOpts}, []).
stop(Pid) ->
gen_server:call(Pid, {stop}, infinity).
ping(Pid) ->
gen_server:call(Pid, {ping}, infinity).
%% @doc Set chain members list.
%% NOTE: This implementation is a bit brittle, in that an author with
%% higher rank may try to re-suggest the old membership list if it
%% races with an author of lower rank. For now, we suggest calling
%% set_chain_members() first on the author of highest rank and finish
%% with lowest rank, i.e. name z* first, name a* last.
set_chain_members(Pid, MembersDict) ->
set_chain_members(Pid, MembersDict, []).
set_chain_members(Pid, MembersDict, Witness_list) ->
case lists:all(fun(Witness) -> orddict:is_key(Witness, MembersDict) end,
Witness_list) of
true ->
Cmd = {set_chain_members, MembersDict, Witness_list},
gen_server:call(Pid, Cmd, infinity);
false ->
{error, bad_arg}
2015-05-02 07:59:28 +00:00
set_active(Pid, Boolean) when Boolean == true; Boolean == false ->
gen_server:call(Pid, {set_active, Boolean}, infinity).
trigger_react_to_env(Pid) ->
gen_server:call(Pid, {trigger_react_to_env}, infinity).
%% Test/debugging code only.
2015-04-09 05:44:58 +00:00
test_write_public_projection(Pid, Proj) ->
gen_server:call(Pid, {test_write_public_projection, Proj}, infinity).
%% Calculate a projection and return it to us.
%% If KeepRunenvP is true, the server will retain its change in its
%% runtime environment, e.g., changes in simulated network partitions.
test_calc_projection(Pid, KeepRunenvP) ->
gen_server:call(Pid, {test_calc_projection, KeepRunenvP}, infinity).
test_read_latest_public_projection(Pid, ReadRepairP) ->
gen_server:call(Pid, {test_read_latest_public_projection, ReadRepairP},
-endif. % TEST
2015-05-01 05:51:42 +00:00
%% Bootstrapping is a hassle ... when when isn't it?
%% If InitMembersDict == [], then we don't know anything about the chain
%% that we'll be participating in. We'll have to wait for directions from
%% our sysadmin later.
%% If InitMembersDict /= [], then we do know what chain we're
%% participating in. It's probably test code, since that's about the
%% only time that we know so much at init() time.
%% In either case, we'll try to create & store an epoch 0 projection
%% and store it to both projections stores. This is tricky if
%% InitMembersDict == [] because InitMembersDict usually contains the
%% #p_svrv records that we need to *write* to the projection store,
%% even our own private store! For test code, we get the store
%% manager's pid in MgrOpts and use direct gen_server calls to the
%% local projection store.
init({MyName, InitMembersDict, MgrOpts}) ->
2015-08-11 06:24:26 +00:00
Opt = fun(Key, Default) -> proplists:get_value(Key, MgrOpts, Default) end,
InitWitness_list = Opt(witnesses, []),
2015-05-01 05:51:42 +00:00
ZeroAll_list = [ || {_,P} <- orddict:to_list(InitMembersDict)],
2015-08-11 06:24:26 +00:00
ZeroProj = make_none_projection(MyName, ZeroAll_list,
InitWitness_list, InitMembersDict),
2015-05-01 05:51:42 +00:00
ok = store_zeroth_projection_maybe(ZeroProj, MgrOpts),
CMode = Opt(consistency_mode, ap_mode),
case get_projection_store_regname(MgrOpts) of
undefined ->
PS ->
ok = set_consistency_mode(PS, CMode)
2015-05-01 05:51:42 +00:00
%% Using whatever is the largest epoch number in our local private
%% store, this manager starts out using the "none" projection. If
%% other members of the chain are running, then we'll simply adopt
%% whatever they're using as a basis for our next suggested
%% projection.
%% If we're in CP mode, we have to be very careful about who we
%% choose to be UPI members when we (or anyone else) restarts.
%% However, that choice is *not* made here: it is made later
%% during our first humming consensus iteration. When we start
%% with the none projection, we're make a safe choice before
%% wading into the deep waters.
{MembersDict, Proj0} =
get_my_private_proj_boot_info(MgrOpts, InitMembersDict, ZeroProj),
all_members=All_list, witnesses=Witness_list} = Proj0,
Proj1 = make_none_projection(MyName, All_list, Witness_list, MembersDict),
Proj = machi_projection:update_checksum(
RunEnv = [{seed, Opt(seed, now())},
{use_partition_simulator, Opt(use_partition_simulator, false)},
{simulate_repair, Opt(simulate_repair, true)},
{network_partitions, Opt(network_partitions, [])},
{network_islands, Opt(network_islands, [])},
{up_nodes, Opt(up_nodes, not_init_yet)}],
ActiveP = Opt(active_mode, true),
S = set_proj(#ch_mgr{name=MyName,
%% TODO 2015-03-04: revisit, should this constant be bigger?
%% Yes, this should be bigger, but it's a hack. There is
%% no guarantee that all parties will advance to a minimum
%% flap awareness in the amount of time that this mgr will.
flap_limit=length(All_list) + 3,
opts=MgrOpts}, Proj),
{_, S2} = do_set_chain_members_dict(MembersDict, S),
S3 = if ActiveP == false ->
ActiveP == true ->
{ok, S3}.
handle_call({ping}, _From, S) ->
{reply, pong, S};
handle_call({set_chain_members, MembersDict, Witness_list}, _From,
upi=OldUPI}=OldProj}=S) ->
{Reply, S2} = do_set_chain_members_dict(MembersDict, S),
%% TODO: should there be any additional sanity checks? Right now,
%% if someone does something bad, then do_react_to_env() will
%% crash, which will crash us, and we'll restart in a sane & old
%% config.
All_list = [ || {_, P} <- orddict:to_list(MembersDict)],
MissingInNew = OldAll_list -- All_list,
NewUPI = OldUPI -- MissingInNew,
NewDown = All_list -- NewUPI,
CMode = calc_consistency_mode(Witness_list),
ok = set_consistency_mode(machi_flu_psup:make_proj_supname(MyName), CMode),
NewProj = machi_projection:update_checksum(
%% Reset all flapping state.
2015-06-02 11:32:52 +00:00
NewProj2 = NewProj#projection_v1{flap=make_flapping_i()},
S3 = clear_flapping_state(set_proj(S2#ch_mgr{proj_history=queue:new()},
{_QQ, S4} = do_react_to_env(S3),
{reply, Reply, S4};
2015-05-02 07:59:28 +00:00
handle_call({set_active, Boolean}, _From, #ch_mgr{timer=TRef}=S) ->
case {Boolean, TRef} of
{true, undefined} ->
S2 = set_active_timer(S),
{reply, ok, S2};
{false, _} ->
(catch timer:cancel(TRef)),
{reply, ok, S#ch_mgr{timer=undefined}};
_ ->
{reply, error, S}
handle_call({stop}, _From, S) ->
{stop, normal, ok, S};
handle_call({test_calc_projection, KeepRunenvP}, _From,
#ch_mgr{name=MyName}=S) ->
RelativeToServer = MyName,
2015-08-11 06:24:26 +00:00
{P, S2, _Up} = calc_projection(S, RelativeToServer),
{reply, {ok, P}, if KeepRunenvP -> S2;
true -> S
2015-04-09 05:44:58 +00:00
handle_call({test_write_public_projection, Proj}, _From, S) ->
{Res, S2} = do_cl_write_public_proj(Proj, S),
{reply, Res, S2};
handle_call({test_read_latest_public_projection, ReadRepairP}, _From, S) ->
{Perhaps, Val, ExtraInfo, S2} =
do_cl_read_latest_public_projection(ReadRepairP, S),
Res = {Perhaps, Val, ExtraInfo},
{reply, Res, S2};
handle_call({trigger_react_to_env}=Call, _From, S) ->
{TODOtodo, S2} = do_react_to_env(S),
{reply, TODOtodo, S2};
handle_call(_Call, _From, S) ->
io:format(user, "\nBad call to ~p: ~p\n", [, _Call]),
{reply, whaaaaaaaaaa, S}.
handle_cast(_Cast, S) ->
?D({cast_whaaaaaaaaaaa, _Cast}),
{noreply, S}.
handle_info(tick_check_environment, #ch_mgr{ignore_timer=true}=S) ->
{noreply, S};
handle_info(tick_check_environment, S) ->
{{_Delta, Props, _Epoch}, S1} = do_react_to_env(S),
S2 = sanitize_repair_state(S1),
S3 = perhaps_start_repair(S2),
case proplists:get_value(throttle_seconds, Props) of
N when is_integer(N), N > 0 ->
%% We are flapping. Set ignore_timer=true and schedule a
%% reminder to stop ignoring. This slows down the rate of
%% flapping.
erlang:send_after(N*1000, self(), stop_ignoring_timer),
{noreply, S3#ch_mgr{ignore_timer=true}};
_ ->
{noreply, S3}
handle_info(stop_ignoring_timer, S) ->
{noreply, S#ch_mgr{ignore_timer=false}};
{noreply, S#ch_mgr{ignore_timer=false,
handle_info(Msg, S) ->
case get(todo_bummer) of undefined -> io:format("TODO: got ~p\n", [Msg]);
_ -> ok
put(todo_bummer, true),
{noreply, S}.
terminate(_Reason, _S) ->
code_change(_OldVsn, S, _Extra) ->
{ok, S}.
2015-08-05 03:53:20 +00:00
make_none_projection(MyName, All_list, Witness_list, MembersDict) ->
Down_list = All_list,
UPI_list = [],
2015-08-05 03:53:20 +00:00
P = machi_projection:new(MyName, MembersDict, Down_list, UPI_list, [], []),
CMode = if Witness_list == [] ->
Witness_list /= [] ->
2015-08-12 08:53:39 +00:00
make_all_projection(MyName, All_list, Witness_list, MembersDict) ->
Down_list = [],
UPI_list = All_list,
P = machi_projection:new(MyName, MembersDict, Down_list, UPI_list, [], []),
get_my_private_proj_boot_info(MgrOpts, DefaultDict, DefaultProj) ->
get_my_proj_boot_info(MgrOpts, DefaultDict, DefaultProj, private).
get_my_public_proj_boot_info(MgrOpts, DefaultDict, DefaultProj) ->
get_my_proj_boot_info(MgrOpts, DefaultDict, DefaultProj, public).
get_my_proj_boot_info(MgrOpts, DefaultDict, DefaultProj, ProjType) ->
2015-05-01 05:51:42 +00:00
case proplists:get_value(projection_store_registered_name, MgrOpts) of
undefined ->
{DefaultDict, DefaultProj};
2015-05-01 05:51:42 +00:00
Store ->
{ok, P} = machi_projection_store:read_latest_projection(Store,
{P#projection_v1.members_dict, P}
2015-05-01 05:51:42 +00:00
%% Write the epoch 0 projection store, to assist bootstrapping. If the
%% 0th epoch is already written, there's no problem.
store_zeroth_projection_maybe(ZeroProj, MgrOpts) ->
case get_projection_store_regname(MgrOpts) of
2015-05-01 05:51:42 +00:00
undefined ->
Store ->
_ = machi_projection_store:write(Store, public, ZeroProj),
_ = machi_projection_store:write(Store, private, ZeroProj),
get_projection_store_regname(MgrOpts) ->
proplists:get_value(projection_store_registered_name, MgrOpts).
set_consistency_mode(undefined, _CMode) ->
set_consistency_mode(ProjStore, CMode) ->
machi_projection_store:set_consistency_mode(ProjStore, CMode).
set_active_timer(#ch_mgr{name=MyName, members_dict=MembersDict}=S) ->
2015-04-09 12:08:15 +00:00
FLU_list = [ || {_,P} <- orddict:to_list(MembersDict)],
%% Perturb the order a little bit, to avoid near-lock-step
%% operations every few ticks.
MSec = calc_sleep_ranked_order(400, 1500, MyName, FLU_list) +
{ok, TRef} = timer:send_interval(MSec, tick_check_environment),
2015-04-09 05:44:58 +00:00
do_cl_write_public_proj(Proj, S) ->
#projection_v1{epoch_number=Epoch} = Proj,
2015-04-09 05:44:58 +00:00
cl_write_public_proj(Epoch, Proj, S).
cl_write_public_proj(Epoch, Proj, S) ->
cl_write_public_proj(Epoch, Proj, false, S).
cl_write_public_proj_skip_local_error(Epoch, Proj, S) ->
cl_write_public_proj(Epoch, Proj, true, S).
cl_write_public_proj(Epoch, Proj, SkipLocalWriteErrorP, S) ->
%% Write to local public projection store first, and if it succeeds,
%% then write to all remote public projection stores.
cl_write_public_proj_local(Epoch, Proj, SkipLocalWriteErrorP, S).
cl_write_public_proj_local(Epoch, Proj, SkipLocalWriteErrorP,
#ch_mgr{name=MyName}=S) ->
{_UpNodes, Partitions, S2} = calc_up_nodes(S),
Res0 = perhaps_call_t(
S, Partitions, MyName,
2015-04-09 05:44:58 +00:00
fun(Pid) -> ?FLU_PC:write_projection(Pid, public, Proj, ?TO) end),
Continue = fun() ->
FLUs = Proj#projection_v1.all_members -- [MyName],
cl_write_public_proj_remote(FLUs, Partitions, Epoch, Proj, S)
case Res0 of
ok ->
{XX, SS} = Continue(),
{{local_write_result, ok, XX}, SS};
Else when SkipLocalWriteErrorP ->
{XX, SS} = Continue(),
{{local_write_result, Else, XX}, SS};
Else ->
{Else, S2}
2015-04-09 05:44:58 +00:00
cl_write_public_proj_remote(FLUs, Partitions, _Epoch, Proj, S) ->
%% We're going to be very care-free about this write because we'll rely
%% on the read side to do any read repair.
2015-04-09 05:44:58 +00:00
DoIt = fun(Pid) -> ?FLU_PC:write_projection(Pid, public, Proj, ?TO) end,
Rs = [{FLU, perhaps_call_t(S, Partitions, FLU, fun(Pid) -> DoIt(Pid) end)} ||
FLU <- FLUs],
{{remote_write_results, Rs}, S}.
2015-05-02 07:59:28 +00:00
#ch_mgr{proj=Proj1} = S) ->
_Epoch1 = Proj1#projection_v1.epoch_number,
case cl_read_latest_projection(public, S) of
{needs_repair, FLUsRs, Extra, S3} ->
if not ReadRepairP ->
2015-04-30 14:16:08 +00:00
{not_unanimous, todoxyz, [{unanimous_flus, []},
{results, FLUsRs}|Extra], S3};
true ->
{_Status, S4} = do_read_repair(FLUsRs, Extra, S3),
do_cl_read_latest_public_projection(ReadRepairP, S4)
2015-05-02 07:59:28 +00:00
{_UnanimousTag, _Proj2, _Extra, _S3}=Else ->
read_latest_projection_call_only(ProjectionType, AllHosed,
#ch_mgr{proj=CurrentProj}=S) ->
#projection_v1{all_members=All_list} = CurrentProj,
All_queried_list = All_list -- AllHosed,
{Rs, S2} = read_latest_projection_call_only2(ProjectionType,
All_queried_list, S),
FLUsRs = lists:zip(All_queried_list, Rs),
{All_queried_list, FLUsRs, S2}.
read_latest_projection_call_only2(ProjectionType, All_queried_list, S) ->
{_UpNodes, Partitions, S2} = calc_up_nodes(S),
2015-04-09 05:44:58 +00:00
DoIt = fun(Pid) ->
case (?FLU_PC:read_latest_projection(Pid, ProjectionType, ?TO)) of
{ok, P} -> P;
Else -> Else
Rs = [(catch perhaps_call_t(S, Partitions, FLU, fun(Pid) -> DoIt(Pid) end)) ||
FLU <- All_queried_list],
{Rs, S2}.
cl_read_latest_projection(ProjectionType, S) ->
AllHosed = [],
cl_read_latest_projection(ProjectionType, AllHosed, S).
cl_read_latest_projection(ProjectionType, AllHosed, S) ->
{All_queried_list, FLUsRs, S2} =
read_latest_projection_call_only(ProjectionType, AllHosed, S),
rank_and_sort_projections_with_extra(All_queried_list, FLUsRs,
ProjectionType, S2).
rank_and_sort_projections_with_extra(All_queried_list, FLUsRs, ProjectionType,
2015-04-30 14:16:08 +00:00
#ch_mgr{name=MyName,proj=CurrentProj}=S) ->
UnwrittenRs = [x || {_, {error, not_written}} <- FLUsRs],
Ps = [Proj || {_FLU, Proj} <- FLUsRs, is_record(Proj, projection_v1)],
BadAnswerFLUs = [FLU || {FLU, Answer} <- FLUsRs,
not is_record(Answer, projection_v1)],
if All_queried_list == []
length(UnwrittenRs) == length(FLUsRs) ->
Witness_list = CurrentProj#projection_v1.witnesses,
NoneProj = make_none_projection(MyName, [], Witness_list,
2015-04-30 14:16:08 +00:00
Extra2 = [{all_members_replied, true},
{all_queried_list, All_queried_list},
{flus_rs, FLUsRs},
{not_unanimous_flus, []},
{bad_answer_flus, BadAnswerFLUs},
{not_unanimous_answers, []},
{trans_all_hosed, []},
{trans_all_flap_counts, []}],
{not_unanimous, NoneProj, Extra2, S};
ProjectionType == public, UnwrittenRs /= [] ->
{needs_repair, FLUsRs, [flarfus], S};
true ->
[{_Rank, BestProj}|_] = rank_and_sort_projections(Ps, CurrentProj),
NotBestPs = [Proj || Proj <- Ps, Proj /= BestProj],
UnanimousTag = if NotBestPs == [] -> unanimous;
true -> not_unanimous
Extra = [{all_members_replied, length(FLUsRs) == length(All_queried_list)}],
Best_FLUs = [FLU || {FLU, Projx} <- FLUsRs, Projx == BestProj],
TransAllHosed = lists:usort(
lists:flatten([get_all_hosed(P) || P <- Ps])),
AllFlapCounts = merge_flap_counts([get_all_flap_counts(P) ||
P <- Ps]),
Extra2 = [{all_queried_list, All_queried_list},
{flus_rs, FLUsRs},
{not_unanimous_flus, All_queried_list --
(Best_FLUs ++ BadAnswerFLUs)},
{bad_answer_flus, BadAnswerFLUs},
{not_unanimous_answers, NotBestPs},
{trans_all_hosed, TransAllHosed},
{trans_all_flap_counts, AllFlapCounts}|Extra],
{UnanimousTag, BestProj, Extra2, S}
do_read_repair(FLUsRs, _Extra, #ch_mgr{proj=CurrentProj} = S) ->
Unwrittens = [x || {_FLU, {error, not_written}} <- FLUsRs],
Ps = [Proj || {_FLU, Proj} <- FLUsRs, is_record(Proj, projection_v1)],
if Unwrittens == [] orelse Ps == [] ->
{nothing_to_do, S};
true ->
%% We have at least one unwritten and also at least one proj.
%% Pick the best one, then spam it everywhere.
[{_Rank, BestProj}|_] = rank_and_sort_projections(Ps, CurrentProj),
Epoch = BestProj#projection_v1.epoch_number,
%% We're doing repair, so use the flavor that will
%% continue to all others even if there is an
%% error_written on the local FLU.
{_DontCare, _S2}=Res = cl_write_public_proj_skip_local_error(
Epoch, BestProj, S),
calc_projection(S, RelativeToServer) ->
calc_projection(S, RelativeToServer, []).
calc_projection(#ch_mgr{proj=LastProj, consistency_mode=CMode} = S,
RelativeToServer, AllHosed) ->
Dbg = [],
%% OldThreshold = proplists:get_value(old_threshold, RunEnv),
%% NoPartitionThreshold = proplists:get_value(no_partition_threshold, RunEnv),
2015-08-12 08:53:39 +00:00
if CMode == ap_mode ->
calc_projection2(LastProj, RelativeToServer, AllHosed, Dbg, S);
CMode == cp_mode ->
2015-08-12 08:53:39 +00:00
} = LastProj,
UPI_length_ok_p =
length(OldUPI_list) >= full_majority_size(AllMembers),
case {OldEpochNum, UPI_length_ok_p} of
{0, _} ->
calc_projection2(LastProj, RelativeToServer, AllHosed,
Dbg, S);
{_, true} ->
calc_projection2(LastProj, RelativeToServer, AllHosed,
Dbg, S);
{_, false} ->
case make_zerf(LastProj, S) of
Zerf when is_record(Zerf, projection_v1) ->
2015-08-14 10:30:05 +00:00
[{zerf_backstop, true},
{zerf_in, machi_projection:make_summary(Zerf)}]}),
%% io:format(user, "zerf_in: ~p: ~w\n", [, machi_projection:make_summary(Zerf)]),
2015-08-12 08:53:39 +00:00
calc_projection2(Zerf, RelativeToServer, AllHosed,
[{zerf_backstop, true}]++Dbg, S);
2015-08-12 08:53:39 +00:00
Zerf ->
{{{yo_todo_incomplete_fix_me_cp_mode, OldEpochNum, OldUPI_list, Zerf}}}
%% AllHosed: FLUs that we must treat as if they are down, e.g., we are
%% in a flapping situation and wish to ignore FLUs that we
%% believe are bad-behaving causes of our flapping.
2015-08-12 08:53:39 +00:00
calc_projection2(LastProj, RelativeToServer, AllHosed, Dbg,
repair_final_status=RepairFS}=S) ->
} = LastProj,
LastUp = lists:usort(OldUPI_list ++ OldRepairing_list),
AllMembers = (S#ch_mgr.proj)#projection_v1.all_members,
{Up0, Partitions, RunEnv2} = calc_up_nodes(MyName,
AllMembers, RunEnv1),
Up = Up0 -- AllHosed,
NewUp = Up -- LastUp,
Down = AllMembers -- Up,
2015-08-14 13:28:50 +00:00
?REACT({calc,?LINE,[{old_upi, OldUPI_list},
{last_up, LastUp}, {up0, Up0}, {all_hosed, AllHosed},
2015-08-14 10:30:05 +00:00
{up, Up}, {new_up, NewUp}, {down, Down}]}),
NewUPI_list =
[X || X <- OldUPI_list, lists:member(X, Up) andalso
not lists:member(X, OldWitness_list)],
%% If we are not flapping (AllHosed /= [], which is a good enough proxy),
%% then we do our repair checks based on the inner projection only. There
%% is no value in doing repairs during flapping.
RepChk_Proj = if AllHosed == [] ->
true ->
RepChk_LastInUPI = case RepChk_Proj#projection_v1.upi of
[] -> does_not_exist_because_upi_is_empty;
[_|_] -> lists:last(RepChk_Proj#projection_v1.upi)
Repairing_list2 = [X || X <- OldRepairing_list,
lists:member(X, Up),
not lists:member(X, OldWitness_list)],
2015-05-08 06:36:53 +00:00
Simulator_p = proplists:get_value(use_partition_simulator, RunEnv2, false),
SimRepair_p = proplists:get_value(simulate_repair, RunEnv2, true),
{NewUPI_list3, Repairing_list3, RunEnv3} =
case {NewUp -- OldWitness_list, Repairing_list2} of
{[], []} ->
{NewUPI_list, [], RunEnv2};
{[], [H|T]} when RelativeToServer == RepChk_LastInUPI ->
2015-05-08 06:36:53 +00:00
%% The author is tail of the UPI list. Let's see if
%% *everyone* in the UPI+repairing lists are using our
%% projection. This is to simulate a requirement that repair
%% a real repair process cannot take place until the chain is
%% stable, i.e. everyone is in the same epoch.
%% TODO create a real API call for fetching this info?
SameEpoch_p = check_latest_private_projections_same_epoch(
2015-06-04 05:31:58 +00:00
NewUPI_list ++ Repairing_list2,
RepChk_Proj, Partitions, S),
if Simulator_p andalso SimRepair_p andalso
SameEpoch_p andalso RelativeToServer == RepChk_LastInUPI ->
D_foo=[{repair_airquote_done, {we_agree, (S#ch_mgr.proj)#projection_v1.epoch_number}}],
if CMode == cp_mode -> timer:sleep(567); true -> ok end,
2015-05-08 06:36:53 +00:00
{NewUPI_list ++ [H], T, RunEnv2};
not (Simulator_p andalso SimRepair_p)
RepairFS == {repair_final_status, ok} ->
D_foo=[{repair_done, {repair_final_status, ok, (S#ch_mgr.proj)#projection_v1.epoch_number}}],
{NewUPI_list ++ Repairing_list2, [], RunEnv2};
2015-05-08 06:36:53 +00:00
true ->
2015-05-08 06:36:53 +00:00
{NewUPI_list, OldRepairing_list, RunEnv2}
{_ABC, _XYZ} ->
D_foo=[d_foo3, {new_upi_list, NewUPI_list}, {new_up, NewUp}, {repairing_list3, OldRepairing_list}],
{NewUPI_list, OldRepairing_list, RunEnv2}
[{newupi_list3, NewUPI_list3},{repairing_list3, Repairing_list3}]}),
Repairing_list4 = case NewUp of
[] -> Repairing_list3;
NewUp -> Repairing_list3 ++ NewUp
Repairing_list5 = (Repairing_list4 -- Down) -- OldWitness_list,
TentativeUPI = NewUPI_list3,
TentativeRepairing = Repairing_list5,
?REACT({calc,?LINE,[{tent, TentativeUPI},{tent_rep, TentativeRepairing}]}),
{NewUPI, NewRepairing} =
if (CMode == ap_mode
(CMode == cp_mode andalso OldEpochNum == 0))
TentativeUPI == [] andalso TentativeRepairing /= [] ->
%% UPI is empty (not including witnesses), so grab
%% the first from the repairing list and make it the
%% only non-witness in the UPI.
[FirstRepairing|TailRepairing] = TentativeRepairing,
{[FirstRepairing], TailRepairing};
true ->
{TentativeUPI, TentativeRepairing}
?REACT({calc,?LINE,[{new_upi, NewUPI},{new_rep, NewRepairing}]}),
P = machi_projection:new(OldEpochNum + 1,
MyName, MembersDict, Down, NewUPI, NewRepairing,
D_foo ++
Dbg ++ [{ps, Partitions},{nodes_up, Up}]),
2015-08-06 06:22:04 +00:00
P2 = if CMode == cp_mode ->
UpWitnesses = [W || W <- Up, lists:member(W, OldWitness_list)],
2015-08-12 08:53:39 +00:00
Majority = full_majority_size(AllMembers),
SoFar = length(NewUPI),
if SoFar >= Majority ->
true ->
Need = Majority - SoFar,
UpWitnesses = [W || W <- Up,
lists:member(W, OldWitness_list)],
if length(UpWitnesses) >= Need ->
Ws = lists:sublist(UpWitnesses, Need),
?REACT({calc,?LINE,[{ws, Ws}]}),
true ->
P_none0 = make_none_projection(
MyName, AllMembers, OldWitness_list,
P_none1 = P_none0#projection_v1{
epoch_number=OldEpochNum + 1,
{up0, Up0},
{up, Up},
{all_hosed, AllHosed},
{oldepoch, OldEpochNum},
2015-08-14 13:28:50 +00:00
{oldupi, OldUPI_list},
{newupi, NewUPI_list},
{newupi3, NewUPI_list3},
{tent_upi, TentativeUPI},
{new_upi, NewUPI},
{up_witnesses, UpWitnesses},
2015-08-06 06:22:04 +00:00
CMode == ap_mode ->
2015-08-06 06:22:04 +00:00
P3 = machi_projection:update_checksum(
P2#projection_v1{mode=CMode, witnesses=OldWitness_list}),
2015-08-14 13:28:50 +00:00
2015-08-11 06:24:26 +00:00
{P3, S#ch_mgr{runenv=RunEnv3}, Up}.
check_latest_private_projections_same_epoch(FLUs, MyProj, Partitions, S) ->
#projection_v1{epoch_number=MyEpoch, epoch_csum=MyCSum} = MyProj,
2015-06-04 05:31:58 +00:00
%% NOTE: The caller must provide us with the FLUs list for all
%% FLUs that must be up & available right now. So any
%% failure of perhaps_call_t() means that we must return
%% false.
FoldFun = fun(_FLU, false) ->
(FLU, true) ->
2015-04-09 05:44:58 +00:00
F = fun(Pid) ->
?FLU_PC:read_latest_projection(Pid, private, ?TO)
case perhaps_call_t(S, Partitions, FLU, F) of
{ok, RPJ} ->
epoch_csum=RemoteCSum} =
if MyEpoch == RemoteEpoch,
MyCSum == RemoteCSum ->
true ->
_Else ->
lists:foldl(FoldFun, true, FLUs).
calc_up_nodes(#ch_mgr{name=MyName, proj=Proj, runenv=RunEnv1}=S) ->
AllMembers = Proj#projection_v1.all_members,
{UpNodes, Partitions, RunEnv2} =
calc_up_nodes(MyName, AllMembers, RunEnv1),
{UpNodes, Partitions, S#ch_mgr{runenv=RunEnv2}}.
calc_up_nodes(MyName, AllMembers, RunEnv1) ->
case proplists:get_value(use_partition_simulator, RunEnv1) of
true ->
calc_up_nodes_sim(MyName, AllMembers, RunEnv1);
false ->
{AllMembers -- get(remember_partition_hack), [], RunEnv1}
calc_up_nodes_sim(MyName, AllMembers, RunEnv1) ->
{Partitions2, Islands2} = machi_partition_simulator:get(AllMembers),
catch ?REACT({calc_up_nodes,?LINE,[{partitions,Partitions2},
UpNodes = lists:sort(
[Node || Node <- AllMembers,
not lists:member({MyName, Node}, Partitions2),
not lists:member({Node, MyName}, Partitions2)]),
RunEnv2 = replace(RunEnv1,
[{network_partitions, Partitions2},
{network_islands, Islands2},
{up_nodes, UpNodes}]),
2015-07-15 02:25:06 +00:00
catch ?REACT({calc_up_nodes,?LINE,[{partitions,Partitions2},
{up_nodes, UpNodes}]}),
{UpNodes, Partitions2, RunEnv2}.
replace(PropList, Items) ->
Tmp = Items ++ PropList,
[{K, proplists:get_value(K, Tmp)} || K <- proplists:get_keys(Tmp)].
rank_and_sort_projections([], CurrentProj) ->
rank_projections([CurrentProj], CurrentProj);
rank_and_sort_projections(Ps, CurrentProj) ->
Epoch = lists:max([Proj#projection_v1.epoch_number || Proj <- Ps]),
MaxPs = [Proj || Proj <- Ps,
Proj#projection_v1.epoch_number == Epoch],
%% Sort with highest rank first (custom sort)
lists:sort(fun({RankA,_}, {RankB,_}) -> RankA > RankB end,
rank_projections(MaxPs, CurrentProj)).
%% Caller must ensure all Projs are of the same epoch number.
%% If the caller gives us projections with different epochs, we assume
%% that the caller is doing an OK thing.
%% TODO: This implementation currently gives higher rank to the last
%% member of All_list, which is typically/always/TODO-CLARIFY
%% sorted. That's fine, but there's a source of unnecessary
%% churn: during repair, we assume that the head of the chain is
%% the coordinator of the repair. So any time that the head
%% makes a repair-related transition, that projection may get
%% quickly replaced by an identical projection that merely has
%% higher rank because it's authored by a higher-ranked member.
%% Worst case, for chain len=4:
%% E+0: author=a, upi=[a], repairing=[b,c,d]
%% E+1: author=b, upi=[a], repairing=[b,c,d] (**)
%% E+2: author=c, upi=[a], repairing=[b,c,d] (**)
%% E+3: author=d, upi=[a], repairing=[b,c,d] (**)
%% E+4: author=a, upi=[a,b], repairing=[c,d]
%% E+5: author=b, upi=[a,b], repairing=[c,d] (**)
%% E+6: author=c, upi=[a,b], repairing=[c,d] (**)
%% E+7: author=d, upi=[a,b], repairing=[c,d] (**)
%% E+... 6 more (**) epochs when c &amp; d finish their repairs.
%% Ideally, the "(**)" epochs are avoidable churn.
%% Perhaps this means that we should change the responsibility
%% for repair management to the highest ranking member of the
%% UPI_list?
2015-04-14 07:17:49 +00:00
%% TODO Hrrrmmmmm ... what about the TODO comment in A40's A40a clause?
%% That could perhaps resolve this same problem in a better way?
rank_projections(Projs, CurrentProj) ->
#projection_v1{all_members=All_list} = CurrentProj,
MemberRank = orddict:from_list(
lists:zip(All_list, lists:seq(1, length(All_list)))),
[{rank_projection(Proj, MemberRank, N), Proj} || Proj <- Projs].
rank_projection(#projection_v1{upi=[]}, _MemberRank, _N) ->
repairing=Repairing_list}, _MemberRank, N) ->
AuthorRank = 0,
UPI_witn = [X || X <- UPI_list, lists:member(X, Witness_list)],
UPI_full = [X || X <- UPI_list, not lists:member(X, Witness_list)],
case UPI_list -- Witness_list of
[] ->
_ ->
AuthorRank +
( N * length(Repairing_list)) +
( N*N * length(UPI_witn)) +
(N*N*N * length(UPI_full))
do_set_chain_members_dict(MembersDict, #ch_mgr{proxies_dict=OldProxiesDict}=S)->
2015-05-17 14:48:05 +00:00
_ = ?FLU_PC:stop_proxies(OldProxiesDict),
ProxiesDict = ?FLU_PC:start_proxies(MembersDict),
{ok, S#ch_mgr{members_dict=MembersDict,
2015-05-17 14:48:05 +00:00
opts=Opts}=S) ->
%% Read from our local *public* projection store. If some other
%% chain member has written something there, and if we are a
%% member of that chain, then we'll adopt that projection and then
%% start actively humming in that chain.
{NewMembersDict, NewProj} =
get_my_public_proj_boot_info(Opts, OldDict, OldProj),
case orddict:is_key(MyName, NewMembersDict) of
false ->
{{empty_members_dict, [], Epoch}, S};
true ->
{_, S2} = do_set_chain_members_dict(NewMembersDict, S),
CMode = calc_consistency_mode(NewProj#projection_v1.witnesses),
{{empty_members_dict, [], Epoch},
consistency_mode=CMode}, NewProj)}
do_react_to_env(S) ->
%% The not_sanes manager counting dictionary is not strictly
%% limited to flapping scenarios. (Though the mechanism first
%% started as a way to deal with rare flapping scenarios.)
%% I believe that the problem cannot happen in real life, but it can
%% happen in simulated environments, especially if the simulation for
%% repair can be approximately infinitely fast.
%% For example:
%% P_current: epoch=1135, UPI=[b,e,a], Repairing=[c,d], author=e
%% Now a partition happens, a & b are on an island, c & d & e on
%% the other island.
%% P_newprop: epoch=1136, UPI=[e,c], Repairing=[d], author=e
%% Why does e think that this is feasible? Well, the old UPI was
%% [b,e,a], and we know that a & b are partitioned away from e.
%% Therefore e chooses the best UPI, [e]. However, the simulator
%% now also says, hey, there are nodes in the repairing list, so
%% let's simulate a repair ... and the repair goes infinitely
%% quickly ...and the epoch is stable during the repair period
%% (i.e., both e/repairer and c/repairee remained in the same
%% epoch 1135) ... so e decides that the simulated repair is
%% "finished" and it's time to add the repairee to the tail of the
%% UPI ... so that's why 1136's UPI=[e,c].
%% I'll try to add a condition to the simulated repair to try to
%% make slightly fewer assumptions in a row. However, I believe
%% it's a good idea to keep this too-many-not_sane-transition-
%% attempts counter very generic (i.e., not specific for flapping
%% as it once was).
%% The not_sanes counter dict should be reset when we have had at
%% least 3 state transitions that did not have a not_sane
%% suggested projection transition or whenever we fall back to the
%% none_projection.
%% We'll probably implement a very simple counter that may/will be
%% *inaccurate* by at most one -- so any reset test should ignore
%% counter values of 0 & 1.
put(react, []),
2015-08-12 08:53:39 +00:00
S2 = if S#ch_mgr.sane_transitions > 3 -> % TODO review this constant
true ->
%% When in CP mode, we call the poll function twice: once before
%% reacting & once after. This call is the 2nd.
{Res, S3} = react_to_env_A10(S2),
{Res, poll_private_proj_is_upi_unanimous(S3)}
2015-08-12 08:53:39 +00:00
throw:{zerf,_}=_Throw ->
2015-08-12 08:53:39 +00:00
Proj = S#ch_mgr.proj,
io:format(user, "zerf ~p caught ~p\n", [, _Throw]),
2015-08-12 08:53:39 +00:00
{{no_change, [], Proj#projection_v1.epoch_number}, S}
react_to_env_A10(S) ->
react_to_env_A20(0, poll_private_proj_is_upi_unanimous(S)).
react_to_env_A20(Retries, #ch_mgr{name=MyName}=S) ->
{UnanimousTag, P_latest, ReadExtra, S2} =
do_cl_read_latest_public_projection(true, S),
LastComplaint = get(rogue_server_epoch),
case orddict:is_key(P_latest#projection_v1.author_server,
S#ch_mgr.members_dict) of
false when P_latest#projection_v1.epoch_number /= LastComplaint ->
put(rogue_server_epoch, P_latest#projection_v1.epoch_number),
Rogue = P_latest#projection_v1.author_server,
error_logger:info_msg("Chain manager ~w found latest public "
"projection ~w has author ~w not a member "
"of our members list ~w. Please check "
"chain membership on this "
"rogue chain manager ~w.\n",
[K || {K,_} <- orddict:to_list(S#ch_mgr.members_dict)],
_ ->
case lists:member(MyName, P_latest#projection_v1.all_members) of
2015-05-11 10:00:21 +00:00
false when P_latest#projection_v1.epoch_number /= LastComplaint,
P_latest#projection_v1.all_members /= [] ->
put(rogue_server_epoch, P_latest#projection_v1.epoch_number),
error_logger:info_msg("Chain manager ~p found latest public "
"projection ~p has author ~p has a "
"members list ~p that does not include me.\n",
_ ->
%% The UnanimousTag isn't quite sufficient for our needs. We need
%% to determine if *all* of the UPI+Repairing FLUs are members of
%% the unanimous server replies. All Repairing FLUs should be up
%% now (because if they aren't then they cannot be repairing), so
%% all Repairing FLUs have no non-race excuse not to be in UnanimousFLUs.
UnanimousFLUs = lists:sort(proplists:get_value(unanimous_flus, ReadExtra)),
UPI_Repairing_FLUs = lists:sort(P_latest#projection_v1.upi ++
All_UPI_Repairing_were_unanimous =
NotUnanimousFLUs = lists:sort(proplists:get_value(not_unanimous_flus,
ReadExtra, [xxx])),
NotUnanimousPs = lists:sort(proplists:get_value(not_unanimous_answers,
ReadExtra, [xxx])),
NotUnanimousSumms = [machi_projection:make_summary(
P#projection_v1{dbg2=[omitted]}) ||
P <- NotUnanimousPs,
is_record(P, projection_v1)],
BadAnswerFLUs = lists:sort(proplists:get_value(bad_answer_flus, ReadExtra)),
{not_unanimous_flus, NotUnanimousFLUs},
{not_unanimous_answers, NotUnanimousSumms},
{bad_answer_flus, BadAnswerFLUs}
LatestUnanimousP =
if UnanimousTag == unanimous
All_UPI_Repairing_were_unanimous ->
UnanimousTag == unanimous ->
UnanimousTag == not_unanimous ->
true ->
exit({badbad, UnanimousTag})
react_to_env_A29(Retries, P_latest, LatestUnanimousP, ReadExtra, S2).
react_to_env_A29(Retries, P_latest, LatestUnanimousP, ReadExtra,
#ch_mgr{name=MyName, consistency_mode=CMode,
proj=P_current} = S) ->
author_server=Author_latest} = P_latest,
if CMode == cp_mode,
Epoch_latest > P_current#projection_v1.epoch_number,
Author_latest /= MyName ->
case make_zerf(P_current, S) of
Zerf when is_record(Zerf, projection_v1) ->
?REACT({a29, ?LINE,
[{zerf_filler, true},
{zerf_in, machi_projection:make_summary(Zerf)}]}),
%% io:format(user, "zerf_in @ A29: ~p: ~w\n", [MyName, machi_projection:make_summary(Zerf)]),
P_current2 = Zerf#projection_v1{
%% Do not use the usual set_proj() wrapper here.
react_to_env_A30(Retries, P_latest, LatestUnanimousP,
ReadExtra, S#ch_mgr{proj=P_current2});
Zerf ->
{{{yo_todo_incomplete_fix_me_cp_mode, line, ?LINE, Zerf}}}
true ->
react_to_env_A30(Retries, P_latest, LatestUnanimousP, ReadExtra, S)
react_to_env_A30(Retries, P_latest, LatestUnanimousP, _ReadExtra,
#ch_mgr{name=MyName, proj=P_current,
2015-08-11 06:24:26 +00:00
consistency_mode=CMode, flap_limit=FlapLimit} = S) ->
%% case length(get(react)) of XX when XX > 500 -> io:format(user, "A30 ~w! ~w: ~P\n", [MyName, XX, get(react), 300]), timer:sleep(500); _ -> ok end,
2015-08-11 06:24:26 +00:00
{P_newprop1, S2, Up} = calc_projection(S, MyName),
?REACT({a30, ?LINE, [{current, machi_projection:make_summary(S#ch_mgr.proj)}]}),
?REACT({a30, ?LINE, [{newprop1, machi_projection:make_summary(P_newprop1)}]}),
?REACT({a30, ?LINE, [{latest, machi_projection:make_summary(P_latest)}]}),
%% Are we flapping yet?
{P_newprop2, S3} = calculate_flaps(P_newprop1, P_latest, P_current, Up,
FlapLimit, S2),
%% Move the epoch number up ... originally done in C300.
NewEpoch = erlang:max(Epoch_newprop2, Epoch_latest) + 1,
P_newprop3 = P_newprop2#projection_v1{epoch_number=NewEpoch},
?REACT({a30, ?LINE, [{newprop3, machi_projection:make_summary(P_newprop3)}]}),
{P_newprop10, S10} =
case get_flap_count(P_newprop3) of
{_,P_newprop3_flap_count} when P_newprop3_flap_count >= FlapLimit ->
%% I'm flapping. Perhaps make an inner projection?
?REACT({a30, ?LINE,[{newprop3_flap_count,P_newprop3_flap_count},
{flap_limit, FlapLimit}]}),
AFPs = get_all_flap_counts(P_newprop3),
case lists:sort([FlapCount ||
{_FLU, {_EpkTime, FlapCount}} <- AFPs]) of
[SmallestFC|_] when SmallestFC > ?MINIMUM_ALL_FLAP_LIMIT ->
P_current, P_newprop3, P_latest, Up, S3);
_ ->
%% Not everyone is flapping enough. Or perhaps
%% everyone was but we finally saw some new server X
%% where X's flap count isn't big enough.
{P_newprop3, S3}
{_, P_newprop3_flap_count} ->
?REACT({a30, ?LINE,[{newprop3_flap_count,P_newprop3_flap_count},
{flap_limit, FlapLimit}]}),
{P_newprop3, S3}
?REACT({a30, ?LINE, [{newprop10, machi_projection:make_summary(P_newprop10)}]}),
2015-04-14 07:17:49 +00:00
%% Here's a more common reason for moving from inner projection to
%% a normal projection: the old proj has an inner but the newprop
%% does not.
MoveFromInnerToNorm_p =
case {inner_projection_exists(P_current),
inner_projection_exists(P_newprop10)} of
{true, false} -> true;
{_, _} -> false
%% If P_current says that we believe that we're currently flapping,
%% and if P_newprop10 says that we're no longer flapping, then we
%% really ought to stop flapping, right.
2015-04-14 07:17:49 +00:00
%% Not quite so simple....
%% AAAAH, right. The case I'm dealing with right now is an asymmetric
%% partition in a 4 member chain that affects all_hosed=[a,b,c] but
%% member D is *NOT* noticing anything different in the current scheme:
%% {inner_projection_exists(current), inner_projection_exists(new)}
%% is {true, true}.
%% Yes, that hypothesis is confirmed by time-honored io:format() tracing.
%% So, we need something to kick a silly member like 'd' out of its
2015-04-14 07:17:49 +00:00
%% rut of am-still-flapping. So, let's try this:
%% If we see a P_latest from author != MyName, and if P_latest's
%% author's flap count is now 0 (latest!), but that same member's
%% flap count in P_current is non-zero, then we assume that author
2015-04-14 07:17:49 +00:00
%% has moved out of flapping state and that therefore we ought to do
%% the same.
%% Remember! P_current is this manager's private in-use projection.
2015-04-14 07:17:49 +00:00
%% It is always less than or equal to P_latest's epoch!
Current_flap_counts = get_all_flap_counts(P_current),
Latest_authors_flap_count_current = proplists:get_value(
Author_latest, Current_flap_counts),
Latest_flap_counts = get_all_flap_counts(P_latest),
Latest_authors_flap_count_latest = proplists:get_value(
Author_latest, Latest_flap_counts),
Kicker_p = case {Latest_authors_flap_count_current,
Latest_authors_flap_count_latest} of
{NotUndef, undefined} when NotUndef /= undefined ->
%% OK, someone else has switched from non-zero flap
%% count to zero flap count. But ... do not kick out
%% of our flapping mode locally if we do not have an
%% inner projection.
{_, _} ->
ClauseInfo = [{inner_kicker, Kicker_p},
{inner_kicker2, {Latest_authors_flap_count_current,
{move_from_inner, MoveFromInnerToNorm_p}],
?REACT({a30, ?LINE, ClauseInfo}),
2015-08-24 10:04:26 +00:00
MoveToNorm_p = MoveFromInnerToNorm_p orelse Kicker_p,
if MoveToNorm_p, CMode == cp_mode ->
%% Too much weird stuff may have hapened while we were suffering
%% the flapping/asymmetric partition. Fall back to the none
%% projection as if we're restarting.
?REACT({a30, ?LINE, [{move_to_norm, MoveToNorm_p}]}),
react_to_env_A49(P_latest, [], S10);
MoveToNorm_p, CMode == ap_mode ->
%% Move from inner projection to outer.
P_inner2A = inner_projection_or_self(P_current),
ResetEpoch = P_newprop10#projection_v1.epoch_number,
ResetAuthor = case P_current#projection_v1.upi of
[] ->
%% Drat, fall back to current's author.
_ ->
ClauseInfo2 = [{move_from_inner_to_outer, true},
{old_author, P_inner2A#projection_v1.author_server},
{reset_author, ResetAuthor},
{reset_epoch, ResetEpoch}],
P_inner2B =
ReactI = [{inner2b,machi_projection:make_summary(P_inner2B)}],
?REACT({a30, ?LINE, ReactI}),
%% In the past, we've tried:
%% react_to_env_C100(P_inner2B, P_latest, S);
%% But we *know* that direct transition is racy/buggy: if
%% P_latest UPIs are not unanimous, then we run the risk of
%% non-disjoint UPIs; state B10 exists for a reason!
%% So, we're going to use P_inner2B as our new proposal and run
%% it through the regular system, as we did prior to 2015-04-14.
%% OK, but we need to avoid a possible infinite loop by trying to
%% use the inner projection as-is. Because we're moving from
%% inner to outer projections, the partition situation has
%% altered significantly. Use calc_projection() to find out what
%% nodes are down *now* (as best as we can tell right now).
2015-08-12 08:53:39 +00:00
{P_o, S_o, _Up2} = calc_projection2(P_inner2B, MyName, [], [], S10),
%% NOTE: We are intentionally clearing flap info by not
%% carrying it forwarding in the new projection.
react_to_env_A40(Retries, P_o, P_latest, LatestUnanimousP, S_o);
true ->
?REACT({a30, ?LINE, []}),
react_to_env_A40(Retries, P_newprop10, P_latest,
LatestUnanimousP, S10)
a30_make_inner_projection(P_current, P_newprop3, P_latest, Up,
#ch_mgr{name=MyName, consistency_mode=CMode} = S) ->
AllHosed = get_all_hosed(P_newprop3),
P_current_has_inner_p = inner_projection_exists(P_current),
P_current_ios = inner_projection_or_self(P_current),
{P_i1, S_i, _Up} = calc_projection2(P_current_ios,
MyName, AllHosed, [], S),
?REACT({a30, ?LINE, [{raw_all_hosed,get_all_hosed(P_newprop3)},
{up, Up},
{all_hosed, AllHosed},
{p_c_i, machi_projection:make_summary(P_current_ios)},
{p_i1, machi_projection:make_summary(P_i1)}]}),
%% The inner projection will have a fake author, which
%% everyone will agree is the largest UPI member's
%% name.
BiggestUPIMember =
if P_i1#projection_v1.upi == [] ->
%% Oops, ok, fall back to author
true ->
P_i2 = P_i1#projection_v1{author_server=BiggestUPIMember},
P_i3 = case lists:member(MyName, AllHosed)
CMode == ap_mode
false ->
true ->
%% Fall back to a safe AP mode chain: just me.
-- [MyName]}
HasCompatibleInner =
WIP: refactoring inner handling, but ... (more) There are a couple of weird things in the snippet below (AP mode): 22:32:58.209 b uses inner: [{epoch,136},{author,c},{mode,ap_mode},{witnesses,[]},{upi,[b,c]},{repair,[]},{down,[a]},{flap,undefined},{d,[d_foo1,{ps,[{a,b}]},{nodes_up,[b,c]}]},{d2,[]}] (outer flap epoch 136: {flap_i,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28},[a,{a,problem_with,b},{b,problem_with,a}],[{a,{{{epk,126},{1439,904777,149865}},16}},{b,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28}},{c,{{{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}},15}}]}) (my flap {{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}} 29 [{a,{{{epk,126},{1439,904777,149865}},28}},{b,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},29}},{c,{{{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}},26}}]) 22:32:58.224 c uses inner: [{epoch,136},{author,c},{mode,ap_mode},{witnesses,[]},{upi,[b,c]},{repair,[]},{down,[a]},{flap,undefined},{d,[d_foo1,{ps,[{a,b}]},{nodes_up,[b,c]}]},{d2,[]}] (outer flap epoch 136: {flap_i,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28},[a,{a,problem_with,b},{b,problem_with,a}],[{a,{{{epk,126},{1439,904777,149865}},16}},{b,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28}},{c,{{{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}},15}}]}) (my flap {{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}} 28 [{a,{{{epk,126},{1439,904777,149865}},28}},{b,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28}},{c,{{{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}},28}}]) CONFIRM by epoch inner 136 <<103,64,252,...>> at [b,c] [] Priv1 [{a,{{132,<<"Cï|ÿzKX:Á"...>>},[a],[c],[b],[],false}}, {b,{{127,<<185,139,3,2,96,189,...>>},[b,c],[],[a],[],false}}, {c,{{133,<<145,71,223,6,177,...>>},[b,c],[a],[],[],false}}] agree false Pubs: [{a,136},{b,136},{c,136}] DoIt, 1. Both the "uses inner" messages and also the "CONFIRM by epoch inner 136" show that B & C are using the same inner projection. However, the 'Priv1' output shows b & c on different epochs, 127 & 133. Weird. 2. I've added an infinite loop, probably in this commit. :-(
2015-08-18 13:35:57 +00:00
case inner_projection_exists(P_latest) of
true ->
WIP: refactoring inner handling, but ... (more) There are a couple of weird things in the snippet below (AP mode): 22:32:58.209 b uses inner: [{epoch,136},{author,c},{mode,ap_mode},{witnesses,[]},{upi,[b,c]},{repair,[]},{down,[a]},{flap,undefined},{d,[d_foo1,{ps,[{a,b}]},{nodes_up,[b,c]}]},{d2,[]}] (outer flap epoch 136: {flap_i,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28},[a,{a,problem_with,b},{b,problem_with,a}],[{a,{{{epk,126},{1439,904777,149865}},16}},{b,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28}},{c,{{{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}},15}}]}) (my flap {{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}} 29 [{a,{{{epk,126},{1439,904777,149865}},28}},{b,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},29}},{c,{{{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}},26}}]) 22:32:58.224 c uses inner: [{epoch,136},{author,c},{mode,ap_mode},{witnesses,[]},{upi,[b,c]},{repair,[]},{down,[a]},{flap,undefined},{d,[d_foo1,{ps,[{a,b}]},{nodes_up,[b,c]}]},{d2,[]}] (outer flap epoch 136: {flap_i,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28},[a,{a,problem_with,b},{b,problem_with,a}],[{a,{{{epk,126},{1439,904777,149865}},16}},{b,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28}},{c,{{{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}},15}}]}) (my flap {{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}} 28 [{a,{{{epk,126},{1439,904777,149865}},28}},{b,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28}},{c,{{{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}},28}}]) CONFIRM by epoch inner 136 <<103,64,252,...>> at [b,c] [] Priv1 [{a,{{132,<<"Cï|ÿzKX:Á"...>>},[a],[c],[b],[],false}}, {b,{{127,<<185,139,3,2,96,189,...>>},[b,c],[],[a],[],false}}, {c,{{133,<<145,71,223,6,177,...>>},[b,c],[a],[],[],false}}] agree false Pubs: [{a,136},{b,136},{c,136}] DoIt, 1. Both the "uses inner" messages and also the "CONFIRM by epoch inner 136" show that B & C are using the same inner projection. However, the 'Priv1' output shows b & c on different epochs, 127 & 133. Weird. 2. I've added an infinite loop, probably in this commit. :-(
2015-08-18 13:35:57 +00:00
P_latest_i = inner_projection_or_self(P_latest),
repairing=Repairing_current_x} = P_current_ios,
WIP: refactoring inner handling, but ... (more) There are a couple of weird things in the snippet below (AP mode): 22:32:58.209 b uses inner: [{epoch,136},{author,c},{mode,ap_mode},{witnesses,[]},{upi,[b,c]},{repair,[]},{down,[a]},{flap,undefined},{d,[d_foo1,{ps,[{a,b}]},{nodes_up,[b,c]}]},{d2,[]}] (outer flap epoch 136: {flap_i,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28},[a,{a,problem_with,b},{b,problem_with,a}],[{a,{{{epk,126},{1439,904777,149865}},16}},{b,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28}},{c,{{{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}},15}}]}) (my flap {{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}} 29 [{a,{{{epk,126},{1439,904777,149865}},28}},{b,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},29}},{c,{{{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}},26}}]) 22:32:58.224 c uses inner: [{epoch,136},{author,c},{mode,ap_mode},{witnesses,[]},{upi,[b,c]},{repair,[]},{down,[a]},{flap,undefined},{d,[d_foo1,{ps,[{a,b}]},{nodes_up,[b,c]}]},{d2,[]}] (outer flap epoch 136: {flap_i,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28},[a,{a,problem_with,b},{b,problem_with,a}],[{a,{{{epk,126},{1439,904777,149865}},16}},{b,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28}},{c,{{{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}},15}}]}) (my flap {{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}} 28 [{a,{{{epk,126},{1439,904777,149865}},28}},{b,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28}},{c,{{{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}},28}}]) CONFIRM by epoch inner 136 <<103,64,252,...>> at [b,c] [] Priv1 [{a,{{132,<<"Cï|ÿzKX:Á"...>>},[a],[c],[b],[],false}}, {b,{{127,<<185,139,3,2,96,189,...>>},[b,c],[],[a],[],false}}, {c,{{133,<<145,71,223,6,177,...>>},[b,c],[a],[],[],false}}] agree false Pubs: [{a,136},{b,136},{c,136}] DoIt, 1. Both the "uses inner" messages and also the "CONFIRM by epoch inner 136" show that B & C are using the same inner projection. However, the 'Priv1' output shows b & c on different epochs, 127 & 133. Weird. 2. I've added an infinite loop, probably in this commit. :-(
2015-08-18 13:35:57 +00:00
repairing=Repairing_latest_i} = P_latest_i,
?REACT({a30, ?LINE, [{epoch_latest_i, Epoch_latest_i},
{upi_latest_i, UPI_latest_i},
2015-08-20 09:47:50 +00:00
2015-08-23 07:43:15 +00:00
LatestSameEnough_p =
(UPI_latest_i ++ Repairing_latest_i) ==
(UPI_current_x ++ Repairing_current_x)
WIP: refactoring inner handling, but ... (more) There are a couple of weird things in the snippet below (AP mode): 22:32:58.209 b uses inner: [{epoch,136},{author,c},{mode,ap_mode},{witnesses,[]},{upi,[b,c]},{repair,[]},{down,[a]},{flap,undefined},{d,[d_foo1,{ps,[{a,b}]},{nodes_up,[b,c]}]},{d2,[]}] (outer flap epoch 136: {flap_i,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28},[a,{a,problem_with,b},{b,problem_with,a}],[{a,{{{epk,126},{1439,904777,149865}},16}},{b,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28}},{c,{{{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}},15}}]}) (my flap {{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}} 29 [{a,{{{epk,126},{1439,904777,149865}},28}},{b,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},29}},{c,{{{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}},26}}]) 22:32:58.224 c uses inner: [{epoch,136},{author,c},{mode,ap_mode},{witnesses,[]},{upi,[b,c]},{repair,[]},{down,[a]},{flap,undefined},{d,[d_foo1,{ps,[{a,b}]},{nodes_up,[b,c]}]},{d2,[]}] (outer flap epoch 136: {flap_i,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28},[a,{a,problem_with,b},{b,problem_with,a}],[{a,{{{epk,126},{1439,904777,149865}},16}},{b,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28}},{c,{{{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}},15}}]}) (my flap {{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}} 28 [{a,{{{epk,126},{1439,904777,149865}},28}},{b,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28}},{c,{{{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}},28}}]) CONFIRM by epoch inner 136 <<103,64,252,...>> at [b,c] [] Priv1 [{a,{{132,<<"Cï|ÿzKX:Á"...>>},[a],[c],[b],[],false}}, {b,{{127,<<185,139,3,2,96,189,...>>},[b,c],[],[a],[],false}}, {c,{{133,<<145,71,223,6,177,...>>},[b,c],[a],[],[],false}}] agree false Pubs: [{a,136},{b,136},{c,136}] DoIt, 1. Both the "uses inner" messages and also the "CONFIRM by epoch inner 136" show that B & C are using the same inner projection. However, the 'Priv1' output shows b & c on different epochs, 127 & 133. Weird. 2. I've added an infinite loop, probably in this commit. :-(
2015-08-18 13:35:57 +00:00
Epoch_latest_i >= P_current_ios#projection_v1.epoch_number,
2015-08-20 09:47:50 +00:00
CurrentHasInner_and_LatestIsDisjoint_p =
ordsets:from_list(UPI_current_x ++ Repairing_current_x),
ordsets:from_list(UPI_latest_i ++ Repairing_latest_i)),
2015-08-23 07:43:15 +00:00
if LatestSameEnough_p ->
?REACT({a30, ?LINE, []}),
case P_current_has_inner_p andalso
(UPI_current_x /= P_i3#projection_v1.upi orelse
Repairing_current_x /= P_i3#projection_v1.repairing)
true ->
%% Current proj is inner *and* our new
%% proposed inner proj differs substantially
%% from the current. Don't use latest or
%% current.
false ->
2015-08-20 09:47:50 +00:00
CurrentHasInner_and_LatestIsDisjoint_p ->
WIP: refactoring inner handling, but ... (more) There are a couple of weird things in the snippet below (AP mode): 22:32:58.209 b uses inner: [{epoch,136},{author,c},{mode,ap_mode},{witnesses,[]},{upi,[b,c]},{repair,[]},{down,[a]},{flap,undefined},{d,[d_foo1,{ps,[{a,b}]},{nodes_up,[b,c]}]},{d2,[]}] (outer flap epoch 136: {flap_i,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28},[a,{a,problem_with,b},{b,problem_with,a}],[{a,{{{epk,126},{1439,904777,149865}},16}},{b,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28}},{c,{{{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}},15}}]}) (my flap {{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}} 29 [{a,{{{epk,126},{1439,904777,149865}},28}},{b,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},29}},{c,{{{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}},26}}]) 22:32:58.224 c uses inner: [{epoch,136},{author,c},{mode,ap_mode},{witnesses,[]},{upi,[b,c]},{repair,[]},{down,[a]},{flap,undefined},{d,[d_foo1,{ps,[{a,b}]},{nodes_up,[b,c]}]},{d2,[]}] (outer flap epoch 136: {flap_i,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28},[a,{a,problem_with,b},{b,problem_with,a}],[{a,{{{epk,126},{1439,904777,149865}},16}},{b,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28}},{c,{{{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}},15}}]}) (my flap {{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}} 28 [{a,{{{epk,126},{1439,904777,149865}},28}},{b,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28}},{c,{{{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}},28}}]) CONFIRM by epoch inner 136 <<103,64,252,...>> at [b,c] [] Priv1 [{a,{{132,<<"Cï|ÿzKX:Á"...>>},[a],[c],[b],[],false}}, {b,{{127,<<185,139,3,2,96,189,...>>},[b,c],[],[a],[],false}}, {c,{{133,<<145,71,223,6,177,...>>},[b,c],[a],[],[],false}}] agree false Pubs: [{a,136},{b,136},{c,136}] DoIt, 1. Both the "uses inner" messages and also the "CONFIRM by epoch inner 136" show that B & C are using the same inner projection. However, the 'Priv1' output shows b & c on different epochs, 127 & 133. Weird. 2. I've added an infinite loop, probably in this commit. :-(
2015-08-18 13:35:57 +00:00
?REACT({a30, ?LINE, []}),
WIP: refactoring inner handling, but ... (more) There are a couple of weird things in the snippet below (AP mode): 22:32:58.209 b uses inner: [{epoch,136},{author,c},{mode,ap_mode},{witnesses,[]},{upi,[b,c]},{repair,[]},{down,[a]},{flap,undefined},{d,[d_foo1,{ps,[{a,b}]},{nodes_up,[b,c]}]},{d2,[]}] (outer flap epoch 136: {flap_i,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28},[a,{a,problem_with,b},{b,problem_with,a}],[{a,{{{epk,126},{1439,904777,149865}},16}},{b,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28}},{c,{{{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}},15}}]}) (my flap {{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}} 29 [{a,{{{epk,126},{1439,904777,149865}},28}},{b,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},29}},{c,{{{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}},26}}]) 22:32:58.224 c uses inner: [{epoch,136},{author,c},{mode,ap_mode},{witnesses,[]},{upi,[b,c]},{repair,[]},{down,[a]},{flap,undefined},{d,[d_foo1,{ps,[{a,b}]},{nodes_up,[b,c]}]},{d2,[]}] (outer flap epoch 136: {flap_i,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28},[a,{a,problem_with,b},{b,problem_with,a}],[{a,{{{epk,126},{1439,904777,149865}},16}},{b,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28}},{c,{{{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}},15}}]}) (my flap {{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}} 28 [{a,{{{epk,126},{1439,904777,149865}},28}},{b,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28}},{c,{{{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}},28}}]) CONFIRM by epoch inner 136 <<103,64,252,...>> at [b,c] [] Priv1 [{a,{{132,<<"Cï|ÿzKX:Á"...>>},[a],[c],[b],[],false}}, {b,{{127,<<185,139,3,2,96,189,...>>},[b,c],[],[a],[],false}}, {c,{{133,<<145,71,223,6,177,...>>},[b,c],[a],[],[],false}}] agree false Pubs: [{a,136},{b,136},{c,136}] DoIt, 1. Both the "uses inner" messages and also the "CONFIRM by epoch inner 136" show that B & C are using the same inner projection. However, the 'Priv1' output shows b & c on different epochs, 127 & 133. Weird. 2. I've added an infinite loop, probably in this commit. :-(
2015-08-18 13:35:57 +00:00
true ->
?REACT({a30, ?LINE, []}),
false ->
repairing=Repairing_i3} = P_i3,
if P_current_has_inner_p,
UPI_i3 == P_current_ios#projection_v1.upi,
Repairing_i3 == P_current_ios#projection_v1.repairing ->
?REACT({a30, ?LINE, []}),
true ->
?REACT({a30, ?LINE, []}),
if HasCompatibleInner /= false ->
2015-08-20 09:47:50 +00:00
?REACT({a30, ?LINE,
P_newprop4 = machi_projection:update_checksum(
2015-08-20 09:47:50 +00:00
{P_newprop4, S_i};
WIP: refactoring inner handling, but ... (more) There are a couple of weird things in the snippet below (AP mode): 22:32:58.209 b uses inner: [{epoch,136},{author,c},{mode,ap_mode},{witnesses,[]},{upi,[b,c]},{repair,[]},{down,[a]},{flap,undefined},{d,[d_foo1,{ps,[{a,b}]},{nodes_up,[b,c]}]},{d2,[]}] (outer flap epoch 136: {flap_i,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28},[a,{a,problem_with,b},{b,problem_with,a}],[{a,{{{epk,126},{1439,904777,149865}},16}},{b,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28}},{c,{{{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}},15}}]}) (my flap {{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}} 29 [{a,{{{epk,126},{1439,904777,149865}},28}},{b,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},29}},{c,{{{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}},26}}]) 22:32:58.224 c uses inner: [{epoch,136},{author,c},{mode,ap_mode},{witnesses,[]},{upi,[b,c]},{repair,[]},{down,[a]},{flap,undefined},{d,[d_foo1,{ps,[{a,b}]},{nodes_up,[b,c]}]},{d2,[]}] (outer flap epoch 136: {flap_i,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28},[a,{a,problem_with,b},{b,problem_with,a}],[{a,{{{epk,126},{1439,904777,149865}},16}},{b,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28}},{c,{{{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}},15}}]}) (my flap {{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}} 28 [{a,{{{epk,126},{1439,904777,149865}},28}},{b,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28}},{c,{{{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}},28}}]) CONFIRM by epoch inner 136 <<103,64,252,...>> at [b,c] [] Priv1 [{a,{{132,<<"Cï|ÿzKX:Á"...>>},[a],[c],[b],[],false}}, {b,{{127,<<185,139,3,2,96,189,...>>},[b,c],[],[a],[],false}}, {c,{{133,<<145,71,223,6,177,...>>},[b,c],[a],[],[],false}}] agree false Pubs: [{a,136},{b,136},{c,136}] DoIt, 1. Both the "uses inner" messages and also the "CONFIRM by epoch inner 136" show that B & C are using the same inner projection. However, the 'Priv1' output shows b & c on different epochs, 127 & 133. Weird. 2. I've added an infinite loop, probably in this commit. :-(
2015-08-18 13:35:57 +00:00
true ->
FinalInnerEpoch =
case inner_projection_exists(P_current) of
false ->
?REACT({a30xyzxyz, ?LINE, [P_newprop3#projection_v1.epoch_number]}),
FinalCreation = P_newprop3#projection_v1.creation_time,
true ->
P_oldinner = inner_projection_or_self(P_current),
?REACT({a30xyzxyz, ?LINE, [P_oldinner#projection_v1.epoch_number + 1]}),
FinalCreation = P_newprop3#projection_v1.creation_time,
P_oldinner#projection_v1.epoch_number + 1
WIP: refactoring inner handling, but ... (more) There are a couple of weird things in the snippet below (AP mode): 22:32:58.209 b uses inner: [{epoch,136},{author,c},{mode,ap_mode},{witnesses,[]},{upi,[b,c]},{repair,[]},{down,[a]},{flap,undefined},{d,[d_foo1,{ps,[{a,b}]},{nodes_up,[b,c]}]},{d2,[]}] (outer flap epoch 136: {flap_i,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28},[a,{a,problem_with,b},{b,problem_with,a}],[{a,{{{epk,126},{1439,904777,149865}},16}},{b,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28}},{c,{{{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}},15}}]}) (my flap {{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}} 29 [{a,{{{epk,126},{1439,904777,149865}},28}},{b,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},29}},{c,{{{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}},26}}]) 22:32:58.224 c uses inner: [{epoch,136},{author,c},{mode,ap_mode},{witnesses,[]},{upi,[b,c]},{repair,[]},{down,[a]},{flap,undefined},{d,[d_foo1,{ps,[{a,b}]},{nodes_up,[b,c]}]},{d2,[]}] (outer flap epoch 136: {flap_i,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28},[a,{a,problem_with,b},{b,problem_with,a}],[{a,{{{epk,126},{1439,904777,149865}},16}},{b,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28}},{c,{{{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}},15}}]}) (my flap {{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}} 28 [{a,{{{epk,126},{1439,904777,149865}},28}},{b,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28}},{c,{{{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}},28}}]) CONFIRM by epoch inner 136 <<103,64,252,...>> at [b,c] [] Priv1 [{a,{{132,<<"Cï|ÿzKX:Á"...>>},[a],[c],[b],[],false}}, {b,{{127,<<185,139,3,2,96,189,...>>},[b,c],[],[a],[],false}}, {c,{{133,<<145,71,223,6,177,...>>},[b,c],[a],[],[],false}}] agree false Pubs: [{a,136},{b,136},{c,136}] DoIt, 1. Both the "uses inner" messages and also the "CONFIRM by epoch inner 136" show that B & C are using the same inner projection. However, the 'Priv1' output shows b & c on different epochs, 127 & 133. Weird. 2. I've added an infinite loop, probably in this commit. :-(
2015-08-18 13:35:57 +00:00
%% TODO: When we implement the real chain repair function, we
%% need to keep in mind that an inner projection with
%% up nodes > 1, repair is required there! In the
%% current simulator, repair is not simulated and
%% finished (and then growing the UPI list). Fix.
P_i4 = machi_projection:update_checksum(
WIP: refactoring inner handling, but ... (more) There are a couple of weird things in the snippet below (AP mode): 22:32:58.209 b uses inner: [{epoch,136},{author,c},{mode,ap_mode},{witnesses,[]},{upi,[b,c]},{repair,[]},{down,[a]},{flap,undefined},{d,[d_foo1,{ps,[{a,b}]},{nodes_up,[b,c]}]},{d2,[]}] (outer flap epoch 136: {flap_i,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28},[a,{a,problem_with,b},{b,problem_with,a}],[{a,{{{epk,126},{1439,904777,149865}},16}},{b,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28}},{c,{{{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}},15}}]}) (my flap {{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}} 29 [{a,{{{epk,126},{1439,904777,149865}},28}},{b,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},29}},{c,{{{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}},26}}]) 22:32:58.224 c uses inner: [{epoch,136},{author,c},{mode,ap_mode},{witnesses,[]},{upi,[b,c]},{repair,[]},{down,[a]},{flap,undefined},{d,[d_foo1,{ps,[{a,b}]},{nodes_up,[b,c]}]},{d2,[]}] (outer flap epoch 136: {flap_i,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28},[a,{a,problem_with,b},{b,problem_with,a}],[{a,{{{epk,126},{1439,904777,149865}},16}},{b,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28}},{c,{{{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}},15}}]}) (my flap {{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}} 28 [{a,{{{epk,126},{1439,904777,149865}},28}},{b,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28}},{c,{{{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}},28}}]) CONFIRM by epoch inner 136 <<103,64,252,...>> at [b,c] [] Priv1 [{a,{{132,<<"Cï|ÿzKX:Á"...>>},[a],[c],[b],[],false}}, {b,{{127,<<185,139,3,2,96,189,...>>},[b,c],[],[a],[],false}}, {c,{{133,<<145,71,223,6,177,...>>},[b,c],[a],[],[],false}}] agree false Pubs: [{a,136},{b,136},{c,136}] DoIt, 1. Both the "uses inner" messages and also the "CONFIRM by epoch inner 136" show that B & C are using the same inner projection. However, the 'Priv1' output shows b & c on different epochs, 127 & 133. Weird. 2. I've added an infinite loop, probably in this commit. :-(
2015-08-18 13:35:57 +00:00
?REACT({a30, ?LINE, [{inner_summary,
WIP: refactoring inner handling, but ... (more) There are a couple of weird things in the snippet below (AP mode): 22:32:58.209 b uses inner: [{epoch,136},{author,c},{mode,ap_mode},{witnesses,[]},{upi,[b,c]},{repair,[]},{down,[a]},{flap,undefined},{d,[d_foo1,{ps,[{a,b}]},{nodes_up,[b,c]}]},{d2,[]}] (outer flap epoch 136: {flap_i,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28},[a,{a,problem_with,b},{b,problem_with,a}],[{a,{{{epk,126},{1439,904777,149865}},16}},{b,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28}},{c,{{{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}},15}}]}) (my flap {{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}} 29 [{a,{{{epk,126},{1439,904777,149865}},28}},{b,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},29}},{c,{{{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}},26}}]) 22:32:58.224 c uses inner: [{epoch,136},{author,c},{mode,ap_mode},{witnesses,[]},{upi,[b,c]},{repair,[]},{down,[a]},{flap,undefined},{d,[d_foo1,{ps,[{a,b}]},{nodes_up,[b,c]}]},{d2,[]}] (outer flap epoch 136: {flap_i,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28},[a,{a,problem_with,b},{b,problem_with,a}],[{a,{{{epk,126},{1439,904777,149865}},16}},{b,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28}},{c,{{{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}},15}}]}) (my flap {{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}} 28 [{a,{{{epk,126},{1439,904777,149865}},28}},{b,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28}},{c,{{{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}},28}}]) CONFIRM by epoch inner 136 <<103,64,252,...>> at [b,c] [] Priv1 [{a,{{132,<<"Cï|ÿzKX:Á"...>>},[a],[c],[b],[],false}}, {b,{{127,<<185,139,3,2,96,189,...>>},[b,c],[],[a],[],false}}, {c,{{133,<<145,71,223,6,177,...>>},[b,c],[a],[],[],false}}] agree false Pubs: [{a,136},{b,136},{c,136}] DoIt, 1. Both the "uses inner" messages and also the "CONFIRM by epoch inner 136" show that B & C are using the same inner projection. However, the 'Priv1' output shows b & c on different epochs, 127 & 133. Weird. 2. I've added an infinite loop, probably in this commit. :-(
2015-08-18 13:35:57 +00:00
%% Put it all together.
P_newprop4 = machi_projection:update_checksum(
{P_newprop4, S_i}
2015-08-11 06:24:26 +00:00
#projection_v1{upi=[], repairing=[],
#ch_mgr{name=MyName, runenv=RunEnv}) ->
%% P_newprop is the none projection. P_newprop's down list is
%% bogus, we cannot use it here.
{Up, _Partitions, _RunEnv2} = calc_up_nodes(MyName, AllMembers, RunEnv),
?REACT({a40,?LINE,[{latest_author,LatestAuthor}, {up,Up}]}),
not lists:member(LatestAuthor, Up);
2015-08-11 06:24:26 +00:00
#projection_v1{down=NewPropDown}=_P_newprop, _S) ->
lists:member(LatestAuthor, NewPropDown).
react_to_env_A40(Retries, P_newprop, P_latest, LatestUnanimousP,
#ch_mgr{name=MyName, proj=P_current}=S) ->
[{Rank_newprop, _}] = rank_projections([P_newprop], P_current),
[{Rank_latest, _}] = rank_projections([P_latest], P_current),
2015-08-11 06:24:26 +00:00
LatestAuthorDownP = a40_latest_author_down(P_latest, P_newprop, S)
P_latest#projection_v1.author_server /= MyName,
2015-08-12 08:53:39 +00:00
?REACT({a40, ?LINE,
[{latest_author, P_latest#projection_v1.author_server},
{author_is_down_p, LatestAuthorDownP},
{latest_flap, P_latest#projection_v1.flap},
{newprop_flap, P_newprop#projection_v1.flap}]}),
%% Epoch == 0 is reserved for first-time, just booting conditions.
(Rank_newprop > 0 orelse (Rank_newprop == ?RANK_CP_MINORITY_QUORUM))
((P_current#projection_v1.epoch_number > 0
P_latest#projection_v1.epoch_number > P_current#projection_v1.epoch_number)
not LatestUnanimousP) ->
?REACT({a40, ?LINE,
[{latest_epoch, P_latest#projection_v1.epoch_number},
{current_epoch, P_current#projection_v1.epoch_number},
{latest_unanimous_p, LatestUnanimousP}]}),
react_to_env_B10(Retries, P_newprop, P_latest, LatestUnanimousP,
Rank_newprop, Rank_latest, S);
Rank_newprop > 0
(P_latest#projection_v1.epoch_number < P_current#projection_v1.epoch_number
P_latest /= P_current) ->
?REACT({a40, ?LINE,
[{latest_epoch, P_latest#projection_v1.epoch_number},
{current_epoch, P_current#projection_v1.epoch_number},
{neq, P_latest /= P_current}]}),
%% Both of these cases are rare. Elsewhere, the code
%% assumes that the local FLU's projection store is always
%% available, so reads & writes to it aren't going to fail
%% willy-nilly. If that assumption is true, then we can
%% reason as follows:
%% a. If we can always read from the local FLU projection
%% store, then the 1st clause isn't possible because
%% P_latest's epoch # must be at least as large as
%% P_current's epoch #
%% b. If P_latest /= P_current, then there can't be a
%% unanimous reply for P_latest, so the earlier 'if'
%% clause would be triggered and so we could never reach
%% this clause.
%% I'm keeping this 'if' clause just in case the local FLU
%% projection store assumption changes.
react_to_env_B10(Retries, P_newprop, P_latest, LatestUnanimousP,
Rank_newprop, Rank_latest, S);
%% A40a (see flowchart)
Rank_newprop > Rank_latest ->
2015-04-14 07:17:49 +00:00
?REACT({a40, ?LINE,
[{rank_latest, Rank_latest},
{rank_newprop, Rank_newprop},
{latest_author, P_latest#projection_v1.author_server}]}),
%% TODO: There may be an "improvement" here. If we're the
%% highest-ranking FLU in the all_members list, then if we make a
%% projection where our UPI list is the same as P_latest's, and
%% our repairing list is the same as P_latest's, then it may not
%% be necessary to write our projection: it doesn't "improve"
%% anything UPI-wise or repairing-wise. But it isn't clear to me
%% if it's 100% correct to "improve" here and skip writing
%% P_newprop, yet.
react_to_env_C300(P_newprop, P_latest, S);
%% A40b (see flowchart)
Rank_newprop > 0
P_latest#projection_v1.author_server == MyName
(P_newprop#projection_v1.upi /= P_latest#projection_v1.upi
P_newprop#projection_v1.repairing /= P_latest#projection_v1.repairing) ->
?REACT({a40, ?LINE,
[{latest_author, P_latest#projection_v1.author_server},
{newprop_upi, P_newprop#projection_v1.upi},
{latest_upi, P_latest#projection_v1.upi},
{newprop_repairing, P_newprop#projection_v1.repairing},
{latest_repairing, P_latest#projection_v1.repairing}]}),
react_to_env_C300(P_newprop, P_latest, S);
%% A40c (see flowchart)
LatestAuthorDownP ->
?REACT({a40, ?LINE,
[{latest_author, P_latest#projection_v1.author_server},
{author_is_down_p, LatestAuthorDownP}]}),
%% TODO: I believe that membership in the
%% P_newprop#projection_v1.down is not sufficient for long
%% chains. Rather, we ought to be using a full broadcast
%% gossip of server up status.
%% Imagine 5 servers in an "Olympic Rings" style
%% overlapping network paritition, where ring1 = upper
%% leftmost and ring5 = upper rightmost. It's both
%% possible and desirable for ring5's projection to be
%% seen (public) by ring1. Ring5's projection's rank is
%% definitely higher than ring1's proposed projection's
%% rank ... but we're in a crazy netsplit where:
%% * if we accept ring5's proj: only one functioning chain
%% ([ring4,ring5] but stable
%% * if we accept ring1's proj: two functioning chains
%% ([ring1,ring2] and [ring4,ring5] indepependently)
%% but unstable: we're probably going to flap back & forth?!
react_to_env_C300(P_newprop, P_latest, S);
true ->
?REACT({a40, ?LINE, [true]}),
GoTo50_p =
case inner_projection_exists(P_current) andalso
inner_projection_exists(P_newprop) andalso
inner_projection_exists(P_latest) of
true ->
%% All three projections are flapping ... do we have a
%% new projection (probably due to repair) that is
%% worth suggesting via C300?
#projection_v1{epoch_number=Epoch_currenti} =
#projection_v1{epoch_number=Epoch_newpropi} =
2015-08-23 06:46:57 +00:00
?REACT({a40, ?LINE, [{epoch_currenti,Epoch_currenti},
if Epoch_currenti > Epoch_newpropi ->
%% Inner has a newer epoch, don't go to A50.
2015-08-23 06:46:57 +00:00
?REACT({a40, ?LINE, []}),
true ->
2015-08-23 06:46:57 +00:00
?REACT({a40, ?LINE, []}),
false ->
2015-08-23 06:46:57 +00:00
?REACT({a40, ?LINE, []}),
if GoTo50_p ->
2015-08-23 06:46:57 +00:00
?REACT({a40, ?LINE, []}),
FinalProps = [{throttle_seconds, 0}],
react_to_env_A50(P_latest, FinalProps, S);
true ->
2015-08-23 06:46:57 +00:00
?REACT({a40, ?LINE, []}),
react_to_env_C300(P_newprop, P_latest, S)
react_to_env_A49(_P_latest, FinalProps, #ch_mgr{name=MyName,
proj=P_current} = S) ->
2015-08-24 10:04:26 +00:00
members_dict=MembersDict} = P_current,
P_none = make_none_projection(MyName, All_list, Witness_list,
%% Do not use the usual set_proj() wrapper here.
2015-08-24 10:04:26 +00:00
react_to_env_A50(P_none, FinalProps, S#ch_mgr{proj=P_none}).
react_to_env_A50(P_latest, FinalProps, #ch_mgr{proj=P_current}=S) ->
?REACT({a50, ?LINE, [{current_epoch, P_current#projection_v1.epoch_number},
{latest_epoch, P_latest#projection_v1.epoch_number},
{final_props, FinalProps}]}),
WIP: refactoring inner handling, but ... (more) There are a couple of weird things in the snippet below (AP mode): 22:32:58.209 b uses inner: [{epoch,136},{author,c},{mode,ap_mode},{witnesses,[]},{upi,[b,c]},{repair,[]},{down,[a]},{flap,undefined},{d,[d_foo1,{ps,[{a,b}]},{nodes_up,[b,c]}]},{d2,[]}] (outer flap epoch 136: {flap_i,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28},[a,{a,problem_with,b},{b,problem_with,a}],[{a,{{{epk,126},{1439,904777,149865}},16}},{b,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28}},{c,{{{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}},15}}]}) (my flap {{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}} 29 [{a,{{{epk,126},{1439,904777,149865}},28}},{b,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},29}},{c,{{{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}},26}}]) 22:32:58.224 c uses inner: [{epoch,136},{author,c},{mode,ap_mode},{witnesses,[]},{upi,[b,c]},{repair,[]},{down,[a]},{flap,undefined},{d,[d_foo1,{ps,[{a,b}]},{nodes_up,[b,c]}]},{d2,[]}] (outer flap epoch 136: {flap_i,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28},[a,{a,problem_with,b},{b,problem_with,a}],[{a,{{{epk,126},{1439,904777,149865}},16}},{b,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28}},{c,{{{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}},15}}]}) (my flap {{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}} 28 [{a,{{{epk,126},{1439,904777,149865}},28}},{b,{{{epk,115},{1439,904777,11627}},28}},{c,{{{epk,121},{1439,904777,134392}},28}}]) CONFIRM by epoch inner 136 <<103,64,252,...>> at [b,c] [] Priv1 [{a,{{132,<<"Cï|ÿzKX:Á"...>>},[a],[c],[b],[],false}}, {b,{{127,<<185,139,3,2,96,189,...>>},[b,c],[],[a],[],false}}, {c,{{133,<<145,71,223,6,177,...>>},[b,c],[a],[],[],false}}] agree false Pubs: [{a,136},{b,136},{c,136}] DoIt, 1. Both the "uses inner" messages and also the "CONFIRM by epoch inner 136" show that B & C are using the same inner projection. However, the 'Priv1' output shows b & c on different epochs, 127 & 133. Weird. 2. I've added an infinite loop, probably in this commit. :-(
2015-08-18 13:35:57 +00:00
%% if == b; == c -> io:format(user, "A50: ~p: ~p\n", [, get(react)]); true -> ok end,
{{no_change, FinalProps, P_current#projection_v1.epoch_number}, S}.
react_to_env_B10(Retries, P_newprop, P_latest, LatestUnanimousP,
Rank_newprop, Rank_latest,
#ch_mgr{name=MyName, consistency_mode=CMode,
flap_limit=FlapLimit, proj=P_current}=S)->
{P_newprop_flap_time, P_newprop_flap_count} = get_flap_count(P_newprop),
?REACT({b10, ?LINE, [{newprop_epoch, P_newprop#projection_v1.epoch_number},
{newprop_flap_time, P_newprop_flap_time},
{newprop_flap_count, P_newprop_flap_count}]}),
UnanimousLatestInnerNotRelevant_p =
case inner_projection_exists(P_latest) of
true when P_latest#projection_v1.author_server /= MyName ->
epoch_number=EpochLatest_i} = inner_projection_or_self(
case lists:member(MyName, Down_inner) of
true ->
%% Some foreign author's inner projection thinks that
%% I'm down. Silly! We ought to ignore this one.
?REACT({b10, ?LINE, [{down_inner, Down_inner}]}),
false ->
#projection_v1{epoch_number=Epoch_current} =
Latest_GTE_Epoch_p = EpochLatest_i >= Epoch_current,
?REACT({b10, ?LINE, [{down_inner, Down_inner},
{latest_GTE_epoch, Latest_GTE_Epoch_p}]}),
not Latest_GTE_Epoch_p
_Else_u ->
my_unique_prop_count=MyUniquePropCount} =
case P_newprop#projection_v1.flap of undefined -> make_flapping_i();
Flap -> Flap
P_newprop_AllHosedPlus =
lists:flatten([[X,Y] || {X,problem_with,Y} <- P_newprop_AllHosed]),
2015-08-24 10:04:26 +00:00
%% Commit 66cafe06 added UnanimousLatestInnerNotRelevant_p to the
%% compound predicate below. I'm yanking it out now. TODO re-study?
#projection_v1{upi=P_newprop_upi_ooi, repairing=P_newprop_repairing_ooi} =
EnoughAreFlapping_and_IamBad_p =
%% Ignore inner_projection_exists(P_current): We might need to
%% shut up quickly (adopting a new P_current can take a long
%% time).
(inner_projection_exists(P_latest) orelse
inner_projection_exists(P_newprop)) andalso
%% I have been flapping for a while
S#ch_mgr.flap_count > 100 andalso
2015-08-24 10:04:26 +00:00
%% I'm suspected of being bad
lists:member(MyName, P_newprop_AllHosedPlus) andalso
2015-08-24 10:04:26 +00:00
%% I'm not in the critical UPI or repairing lists
(not lists:member(MyName, P_newprop_upi_ooi++P_newprop_repairing_ooi))
%% My down lists are the same, i.e., no state change to announce
P_current#projection_v1.down == P_newprop#projection_v1.down,
?REACT({b10, ?LINE, [{0,EnoughAreFlapping_and_IamBad_p},
{5,{MyName, P_newprop_AllHosedPlus}},
2015-08-24 10:04:26 +00:00
EnoughAreFlapping_and_IamBad_p ->
?REACT({b10, ?LINE, []}),
%% There's outer flapping happening *and* we ourselves are
%% definitely flapping (flapping manifesto, starting clause 1)
%% ... and also we are a member of the all_hosed club. So, we
%% should shut up and let someone else do the proposing.
FinalProps = [{muting_myself, true},
{all_hosed, P_newprop_AllHosed}],
%% io:format(user, "B10: ~w shut up, latest e=~w/Inner=~w, ", [MyName, P_latest#projection_v1.epoch_number, (inner_projection_or_self(P_latest))#projection_v1.epoch_number]),
if CMode == ap_mode ->
react_to_env_A50(P_latest, FinalProps, S);
CMode == cp_mode ->
%% Be more harsh, stop iterating by A49 so that when we
%% resume we will have a much small opinion about the
%% world.
%% WHOOPS, doesn't allow convergence in simple cases,
%% needs more work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Monday evening!!!!
%% react_to_env_A49(P_latest, FinalProps, S)
react_to_env_A50(P_latest, FinalProps, S)
UnanimousLatestInnerNotRelevant_p ->
?REACT({b10, ?LINE, []}),
%% Do not go to C100, because we want to ignore this latest
%% proposal. Write ours instead via C300.
react_to_env_C300(P_newprop, P_latest, S);
LatestUnanimousP ->
2015-04-14 07:17:49 +00:00
?REACT({b10, ?LINE,
[{latest_unanimous_p, LatestUnanimousP},
react_to_env_C100(P_newprop, P_latest, S);
P_newprop_flap_count >= FlapLimit ->
%% I am flapping ... what else do I do?
?REACT({b10, ?LINE, [i_am_flapping,
{newprop_flap_count, P_newprop_flap_count},
{flap_limit, FlapLimit}]}),
case proplists:get_value(private_write_verbose, S#ch_mgr.opts) of
true ->
ok; %% ?V("{FLAP: ~w flaps ~w}! ", [, P_newprop_flap_count]);
_ ->
%% MEANWHILE, we have learned some things about this
%% algorithm in the past many months. With the introduction
%% of the "inner projection" concept, we know that the inner
%% projection may be stable but the "outer" projection will
%% continue to be flappy for as long as there's an
%% asymmetric network partition somewhere. We now know that
%% that flappiness is OK and that the only problem with it
%% is that it needs to be slowed down so that we don't have
%% zillions of public projection proposals written every
%% second.
%% It doesn't matter if the FlapLimit count mechanism
%% doesn't give an accurate sense of global flapping state.
%% FlapLimit is enough to be able to tell us to slow down.
%% We already know that I'm flapping. We need to
%% signal to the rest of the world that I'm writing
%% and flapping and churning, so we cannot always
%% go to A50 from here.
%% If we do go to A50, then recommend that we poll less
%% frequently.
{X, S2} = gimme_random_uniform(100, S),
if X < 80 ->
?REACT({b10, ?LINE, [flap_stop]}),
ThrottleTime = if P_newprop_flap_count < 500 -> 1;
P_newprop_flap_count < 1000 -> 5;
P_newprop_flap_count < 5000 -> 10;
true -> 30
FinalProps = [{my_flap_limit, FlapLimit},
{throttle_seconds, ThrottleTime}],
react_to_env_A50(P_latest, FinalProps, S2);
true ->
%% It is our moral imperative to write so that
%% the flap cycle continues enough times so that
%% everyone notices then eventually falls into
%% consensus.
react_to_env_C300(P_newprop, P_latest, S2)
Retries > 2 ->
?REACT({b10, ?LINE, [{retries, Retries}]}),
%% The author of P_latest is too slow or crashed.
%% Let's try to write P_newprop and see what happens!
react_to_env_C300(P_newprop, P_latest, S);
Rank_latest >= Rank_newprop
P_latest#projection_v1.author_server /= MyName ->
?REACT({b10, ?LINE,
[{rank_latest, Rank_latest},
{rank_newprop, Rank_newprop},
{latest_author, P_latest#projection_v1.author_server}]}),
%% TODO: Is a UnanimousLatestInnerNotRelevant_p test needed in this clause???
%% Give the author of P_latest an opportunity to write a
%% new projection in a new epoch to resolve this mixed
%% opinion.
react_to_env_C200(Retries, P_latest, S);
true ->
?REACT({b10, ?LINE}),
?REACT({b10, ?LINE, [{retries,Retries},{rank_latest, Rank_latest}, {rank_newprop, Rank_newprop}, {latest_author, P_latest#projection_v1.author_server}]}), % TODO debug delete me!
%% P_newprop is best, so let's write it.
react_to_env_C300(P_newprop, P_latest, S)
react_to_env_C100(P_newprop, #projection_v1{author_server=Author_latest,
#ch_mgr{name=MyName, proj=P_current,
not_sanes=NotSanesDict0}=S) ->
Sane = projection_transition_is_sane(P_current, P_latest, MyName),
2015-08-24 10:04:26 +00:00
if Sane == true -> ok; true -> ?V("~w-insane-~w-auth=~w:~w:~w:~w:~w:~w:~w-~p,", [?LINE, MyName, P_newprop#projection_v1.author_server, P_newprop#projection_v1.epoch_number, P_newprop#projection_v1.upi, P_newprop#projection_v1.repairing, (inner_projection_or_self(P_newprop))#projection_v1.epoch_number, (inner_projection_or_self(P_newprop))#projection_v1.upi, (inner_projection_or_self(P_newprop))#projection_v1.repairing, Sane]) end, %%% DELME!!!
Flap_latest = if is_record(Flap_latest0, flap_i) ->
true ->
?REACT({c100, ?LINE, [zoo, {me,MyName}, {author_latest,Author_latest},
%% Note: The value of `Sane' may be `true', `false', or `term() /= true'.
%% The error value `false' is reserved for chain order violations.
%% Any other non-true value can be used for projection structure
%% construction errors, checksum error, etc.
case Sane of
_ when P_current#projection_v1.epoch_number == 0 ->
%% Epoch == 0 is reserved for first-time, just booting conditions.
?REACT({c100, ?LINE, [first_write]}),
2015-08-24 10:04:26 +00:00
if Sane == true -> ok; true -> ?V("~w-insane-~w-~w:~w:~w,", [?LINE, MyName, P_newprop#projection_v1.epoch_number, P_newprop#projection_v1.upi, P_newprop#projection_v1.repairing]) end, %%% DELME!!!
react_to_env_C110(P_latest, S);
true ->
?REACT({c100, ?LINE, [sane]}),
2015-08-24 10:04:26 +00:00
if Sane == true -> ok; true -> ?V("~w-insane-~w-~w:~w:~w@~w,", [?LINE, MyName, P_newprop#projection_v1.epoch_number, P_newprop#projection_v1.upi, P_newprop#projection_v1.repairing, ?LINE]) end, %%% DELME!!!
react_to_env_C110(P_latest, S);
DoctorSays ->
?REACT({c100, ?LINE, [{not_sane, DoctorSays}]}),
%% This is a fun case. We had just enough asymmetric partition
%% to cause the chain to fragment into two *incompatible* and
%% *overlapping membership* chains, but the chain fragmentation
%% happened "quickly" enough so that by the time everyone's flap
%% counters hit the flap_limit, the asymmetric partition has
%% disappeared ... we'd be stuck in a flapping state forever (or
%% until the partition situation changes again, which might be a
%% very long time).
%% Alas, this case took a long time to find in model checking
%% zillions of asymmetric partitions. Our solution is a bit
%% harsh: we fall back to the "none projection" and let the chain
%% reassemble from there. Hopefully this case is quite rare,
%% since asymmetric partitions (we assume) are pretty rare?
%% Examples of overlapping membership insanity (at same instant):
%% Key: {author, suggested UPI, suggested Reparing}
%% {a,[a,b],[c,d,e]},
%% {b,[a,b],[c,d,e]},
%% {c,[e,b],[a,c,d]},
%% {d,[a,b],[c,d,e]},
%% {e,[e,b],[a,c,d]},
%% OR
%% [{a,[c,e],[a,b,d]},
%% {b,[e,a,b,c,d],[]},
%% {c,[c,e],[a,b,d]},
%% {d,[c,e],[a,b,d]},
%% {e,[c,e],[a,b,d]}]
%% So, I'd tried this kind of "if everyone is doing it, then we
%% 'agree' and we can do something different" strategy before,
%% and it didn't work then. Silly me. Distributed systems
%% lesson #823: do not forget the past. In a situation created
%% by PULSE, of all=[a,b,c,d,e], b & d & e were scheduled
%% completely unfairly. So a & c were the only authors ever to
%% suceessfully write a suggested projection to a public store.
%% Oops.
%% So, we're going to keep track in #ch_mgr state for the number
%% of times that this insane judgement has happened.
%% See also: comment in do_react_to_env() about
%% non-flapping-scenario that can also cause us to want to
%% collapse to the none_projection to break a
%% livelock/infinite loop.
react_to_env_C100_inner(Author_latest, NotSanesDict0, MyName,
P_newprop, P_latest, S)
react_to_env_C100_inner(Author_latest, NotSanesDict0, MyName,
2015-08-24 10:04:26 +00:00
P_newprop, P_latest,
#ch_mgr{consistency_mode=CMode} = S) ->
NotSanesDict = orddict:update_counter(Author_latest, 1, NotSanesDict0),
S2 = S#ch_mgr{not_sanes=NotSanesDict, sane_transitions=0},
case orddict:fetch(Author_latest, NotSanesDict) of
2015-08-24 10:04:26 +00:00
N when CMode == cp_mode ->
?V("YOYO-cp-mode,~w,~w,~w,",[MyName, P_latest#projection_v1.epoch_number,N]),
?REACT({c100, ?LINE, [{cmode,CMode},
{not_sanes_author_count, N}]}),
case get({zzz_quiet, P_latest#projection_v1.epoch_number}) of undefined -> ?V("YOYO-cp-mode,~w,current=~w,",[MyName, machi_projection:make_summary((S#ch_mgr.proj))]); _ -> ok end,
put({zzz_quiet, P_latest#projection_v1.epoch_number}, true),
2015-08-24 10:04:26 +00:00
react_to_env_A49(P_latest, [], S2);
?V("\n\nYOYO ~w breaking the cycle of:\n current: ~w\n new : ~w\n", [MyName, machi_projection:make_summary(S#ch_mgr.proj), machi_projection:make_summary(P_latest)]),
?REACT({c100, ?LINE, [{not_sanes_author_count, N}]}),
react_to_env_C103(P_newprop, P_latest, S2);
N ->
?V("YOYO,~w,~w,~w,",[MyName, P_latest#projection_v1.epoch_number,N]),
?REACT({c100, ?LINE, [{not_sanes_author_count, N}]}),
%% P_latest is not sane.
%% By process of elimination, P_newprop is best,
%% so let's write it.
react_to_env_C300(P_newprop, P_latest, S2)
react_to_env_C103(#projection_v1{epoch_number=_Epoch_newprop} = _P_newprop,
flap=Flap} = _P_latest,
#ch_mgr{name=MyName, proj=P_current}=S) ->
2015-08-24 10:04:26 +00:00
members_dict=MembersDict} = P_current,
2015-08-05 03:53:20 +00:00
P_none0 = make_none_projection(MyName, All_list, Witness_list, MembersDict),
2015-08-24 10:04:26 +00:00
%% P_none1 = P_none0#projection_v1{epoch_number=erlang:max(Epoch_newprop,
%% Epoch_latest),
P_none1 = P_none0#projection_v1{epoch_number=Epoch_latest,
P_none = machi_projection:update_checksum(P_none1),
%% Use it, darn it, because it's 100% safe. And exit flapping state.
?REACT({c103, ?LINE,
[{current_epoch, P_current#projection_v1.epoch_number},
2015-08-24 10:04:26 +00:00
{none_projection_epoch, P_none#projection_v1.epoch_number}]}),
%% Reset the not_sanes count dictionary here, or else an already
%% ?TOO_FREQUENT_BREAKER count for an author might prevent a
%% transition from C100_inner()->C300, which can lead to infinite
%% looping C100->C103->C100.
react_to_env_C100(P_none, P_none, clear_flapping_state(S)).
react_to_env_C110(P_latest, #ch_mgr{name=MyName} = S) ->
2015-08-24 10:04:26 +00:00
?REACT({c110, ?LINE, [{latest_epoch,P_latest#projection_v1.epoch_number}]}),
Extra_todo = [{react,get(react)}],
2015-04-14 07:17:49 +00:00
P_latest2 = machi_projection:update_dbg2(P_latest, Extra_todo),
MyNamePid = proxy_pid(MyName, S),
Goo = P_latest2#projection_v1.epoch_number,
%% This is the local projection store. Use a larger timeout, so
%% that things locally are pretty horrible if we're killed by a
%% timeout exception.
Goo = P_latest2#projection_v1.epoch_number,
2015-07-16 07:01:53 +00:00
%% ?V("HEE110 ~w ~w ~w\n", [, self(), lists:reverse(get(react))]),
case {?FLU_PC:write_projection(MyNamePid, private, P_latest2,?TO*30),Goo} of
{ok, Goo} ->
?REACT({c120, [{write, ok}]}),
perhaps_verbose_c110(P_latest2, S),
%% We very intentionally do *not* pass P_latest2 forward:
%% we must avoid bloating the dbg2 list!
react_to_env_C120(P_latest, [], S);
{{error, bad_arg}, _Goo} ->
?REACT({c120, [{write, bad_arg}]}),
%% This bad_arg error is the result of an implicit pre-condition
%% failure that is now built-in to the projection store: when
%% writing a private projection, return {error, bad_arg} if there
%% the store contains a *public* projection with a higher epoch
%% number.
%% In the context of AP mode, this is harmless: we avoid a bit of
%% extra work by adopting P_latest now.
%% In the context of CP mode, this pre-condition failure is very
%% important: it signals to us that the world is changing (or
%% trying to change), and it is vital that we avoid doing
%% something based on stale info.
%% Worst case: our humming consensus round was executing very
%% quickly until the point immediately before writing our private
%% projection above: immediately before the private proj write,
%% we go to sleep for 10 days. When we wake up after such a long
%% sleep, we would definitely notice the last projections made by
%% everyone, but we would miss the intermediate *history* of
%% chain changes over those 10 days. In CP mode it's vital that
%% we don't miss any of that history while we're running (i.e.,
%% here in this func) or when we're restarting after a
%% shutdown/crash.
%% React to newer public write by restarting the iteration.
react_to_env_A20(0, S);
Else ->
Summ = machi_projection:make_summary(P_latest),
io:format(user, "C110 error by ~w: ~w, ~w\n~p\n",
[MyName, Else, Summ, get(react)]),
error_logger:error_msg("C110 error by ~w: ~w, ~w, ~w\n",
[MyName, Else, Summ, get(react)]),
exit({c110_failure, MyName, Else, Summ})
react_to_env_C120(P_latest, FinalProps, #ch_mgr{proj_history=H,
sane_transitions=Xtns}=S) ->
%% TODO: revisit this constant?
MaxLength = length(P_latest#projection_v1.all_members) * 1.5,
H2 = add_and_trunc_history(P_latest, H, MaxLength),
diversion_c120_verbose_goop(P_latest, S),
?REACT({c120, [{latest, machi_projection:make_summary(P_latest)}]}),
{{now_using, FinalProps, P_latest#projection_v1.epoch_number},
sane_transitions=Xtns + 1}, P_latest)}.
add_and_trunc_history(P_latest, H, MaxLength) ->
H2 = if P_latest#projection_v1.epoch_number > 0 ->
queue:in(P_latest, H);
true ->
case queue:len(H2) of
X when X > MaxLength ->
{_V, Hxx} = queue:out(H2),
_ ->
react_to_env_C200(Retries, P_latest, S) ->
AuthorProxyPid = proxy_pid(P_latest#projection_v1.author_server, S),
?FLU_PC:kick_projection_reaction(AuthorProxyPid, [])
catch _Type:_Err ->
2015-07-16 07:01:53 +00:00
%% ?V("TODO: tell_author_yo is broken: ~p ~p\n",
%% [_Type, _Err]),
react_to_env_C210(Retries, S).
react_to_env_C210(Retries, #ch_mgr{name=MyName, proj=Proj} = S) ->
sleep_ranked_order(10, 100, MyName, Proj#projection_v1.all_members),
react_to_env_C220(Retries, S).
react_to_env_C220(Retries, S) ->
react_to_env_A20(Retries + 1, S).
#projection_v1{epoch_number=_Epoch_latest}=_P_latest, S) ->
react_to_env_C310(machi_projection:update_checksum(P_newprop), S).
react_to_env_C310(P_newprop, S) ->
Epoch = P_newprop#projection_v1.epoch_number,
{WriteRes, S2} = cl_write_public_proj_skip_local_error(Epoch, P_newprop, S),
?REACT({c310, ?LINE,
[{newprop, machi_projection:make_summary(P_newprop)},
{write_result, WriteRes}]}),
%% calculate_flaps() ... Create the background/internal state regarding our
%% own flapping state and what we know about the flapping state of our peers.
%% Other functions will consume this data and alter our suggested projection
%% changes if/when needed later.
%% The flapping manifesto:
%% I will enter flapping mode if:
%% 1. My last F adopted private projections+P_newprop have the same
%% UPI+Repairing list. (If I am a direct victim of asymmetric
%% partition, this is my only behavior.)
%% 2. I observe a latest public projection by a flapping author.
%% I will leave flapping mode if:
%% 1. My view of up FLUs changes. (As a direct observer, this is a
%% will (indirectly) trigger a change of UPI+Repairing that I will
%% suggest.) Alas, there is no guarantee that I will win enough
%% races to have my single new public projection truly observed by
%% anyone else. We will rely on fate and retrying @ new epochs to
%% get our state changed noticed by someone later.
%% 2. I observe a latest public projection E by author X such that author
%% X is marked as not flapping *and* I believe that X is flapping at
%% some earlier epoch E-delta.
calculate_flaps(P_newprop, P_latest, _P_current, CurrentUp, _FlapLimit,
#ch_mgr{name=MyName, proj_history=H,
flap_count=FlapCount, flap_last_up=FlapLastUp,
runenv=RunEnv1}=S) ->
UniqueProposalSummaries = make_unique_proposal_summaries(H, P_newprop),
MyUniquePropCount = length(UniqueProposalSummaries),
LastUpChange = if CurrentUp /= FlapLastUp ->
true ->
LastUpChange_diff = timer:now_diff(now(), LastUpChange) / 1000000,
%% TODO: Do we want to try to use BestP below to short-circuit
%% calculation if we notice that the best private epoch # from
%% somewhere has advanced?
{_WhateverUnanimous, _BestP, Props, _S} =
cl_read_latest_projection(private, S),
HosedTransUnion = proplists:get_value(trans_all_hosed, Props),
TransFlapCounts0 = proplists:get_value(trans_all_flap_counts, Props),
2015-08-14 13:28:50 +00:00
%% NOTE: bad_answer_flus are due to timeout or some other network
%% glitch, i.e., anything other than {ok, P::projection()}
%% response from machi_flu0:proj_read_latest().
BadFLUs = proplists:get_value(bad_answer_flus, Props),
RemoteTransFlapCounts1 = lists:keydelete(MyName, 1, TransFlapCounts0),
RemoteTransFlapCounts =
[X || {_FLU, {{_FlEpk,FlTime}, _FlapCount}}=X <- RemoteTransFlapCounts1,
TempNewFlapCount = FlapCount + 1,
TempAllFlapCounts = lists:sort([{MyName, {FlapStart, TempNewFlapCount}}|
%% Sanity check.
true = lists:all(fun({_FLU,{_EpkTime,_Count}}) -> true;
(_) -> false
end, TempAllFlapCounts),
%% H is the bounded history of all of this manager's private
%% projection store writes. If we've proposed the *same*
%% UPI+Repairing combo for the entire length of our
%% bounded size of H, then we're flapping.
%% If we're flapping, then we use our own flap counter and that of
%% all of our peer managers to see if we've all got flap counters
%% that exceed the flap_limit. If that global condition appears
%% true, then we "blow the circuit breaker" by stopping our
%% participation in the flapping store (via the shortcut to A50).
%% We reset our flap counter on any of several conditions:
%% 1. If our bounded history H contains more than one proposal,
%% then by definition we are not flapping.
%% 2. If a remote manager is flapping and has re-started a new
%% flapping episode.
%% 3. If one of the remote managers that we saw earlier has
%% stopped flapping.
?REACT({calculate_flaps, ?LINE, [{queue_len, queue:len(H)},
{uniques, UniqueProposalSummaries}]}),
P_latest_Flap = get_raw_flapping_i(P_latest),
AmFlappingNow_p = not (FlapStart == ?NOT_FLAPPING_START)
2015-08-24 10:04:26 +00:00
length(UniqueProposalSummaries) == 1,
P_latest_flap_start = case P_latest_Flap of
undefined ->
_ ->
element(1, P_latest_Flap#flap_i.flap_count)
MinQueueLen = 3,
StartFlapping_p =
case {queue:len(H), UniqueProposalSummaries} of
_ when AmFlappingNow_p ->
%% I'm already flapping, therefore don't start again.
2015-08-24 10:04:26 +00:00
{N, _} when N >= MinQueueLen,
P_latest_flap_start /= ?NOT_FLAPPING_START ->
{latest_epoch, P_latest#projection_v1.epoch_number},
2015-08-24 10:04:26 +00:00
{N, [_]} when N >= MinQueueLen ->
{_N, _} ->
LeaveFlapping_p =
LastUpChange_diff < 3.0 ->
%% If the last time we saw a hard change in up/down status
%% was less than this time ago, then we do not flap. Give
%% the status change some time to propagate.
StartFlapping_p ->
%% If we're starting flapping on this iteration, don't ignore
%% that intent.
AmFlappingNow_p andalso
CurrentUp /= FlapLastUp ->
AmFlappingNow_p ->
P_latest_LastStartTime =
P_latest#projection_v1.author_server, FlapCountsLast),
case get_flap_count(P_latest) of
when P_latest_LastStartTime == undefined ->
%% latest proj not flapping & not flapping last time
{Curtime, _Count} when Curtime == P_latest_LastStartTime ->
%% latest proj flapping & flapping last time
{0=Curtime, 0} when P_latest_LastStartTime /= undefined,
P_latest_LastStartTime /= ?NOT_FLAPPING_START ->
{p_latest, machi_projection:make_summary(P_latest)},
{curtime, Curtime},
{flap_counts_last, FlapCountsLast},
{laststart_time, P_latest_LastStartTime}]}),
%% latest proj not flapping & flapping last time:
%% this author
_ ->
true ->
%% if true -> io:format(user, "CALC_FLAP: ~w: flapping_now ~w start ~w leave ~w latest-epoch ~w: ~w\n", [MyName, AmFlappingNow_p, StartFlapping_p, LeaveFlapping_p, P_latest#projection_v1.epoch_number, [X || X={calculate_flaps,_,_} <- lists:sublist(get(react), 3)]]); true -> ok end,
%% if LeaveFlapping_p andalso (AmFlappingNow_p orelse StartFlapping_p) -> io:format(user, "CALC_FLAP: ~w: flapping_now ~w start ~w leave ~w latest-epoch ~w: ~w\n", [MyName, AmFlappingNow_p, StartFlapping_p, LeaveFlapping_p, P_latest#projection_v1.epoch_number, [X || X={calculate_flaps,_,_} <- lists:sublist(get(react), 3)]]); true -> ok end,
AmFlapping_p = if LeaveFlapping_p -> false;
true -> AmFlappingNow_p orelse StartFlapping_p
if AmFlapping_p andalso not LeaveFlapping_p ->
NewFlapCount = TempNewFlapCount,
if element(2,FlapStart) == ?NOT_FLAPPING ->
NewFlapStart = {{epk,P_newprop#projection_v1.epoch_number},now()};
true ->
NewFlapStart = FlapStart
AllFlapCounts = TempAllFlapCounts,
HosedTransUnionTs = [T || T <- HosedTransUnion, is_tuple(T)],
2015-08-11 06:24:26 +00:00
AnnotatedBadFLUs = [{MyName, problem_with, FLU} || FLU <- BadFLUs],
HosedAnnotations = lists:usort(HosedTransUnionTs ++ AnnotatedBadFLUs),
Magic = lists:sort(
AllHosed = lists:usort(HosedAnnotations ++ Magic),
%%io:format(user, "ALLHOSED ~p: ~p ~w\n", [MyName, Magic, HosedAnnotations]),
not AmFlapping_p ->
NewFlapCount = 0,
AllFlapCounts = [],
AllHosed = []
AllFlapCounts_with_my_new =
[{MyName, NewFlapStart}|lists:keydelete(MyName, 1, AllFlapCounts)],
FlappingI = make_flapping_i(NewFlapStart, NewFlapCount, AllHosed,
AllFlapCounts_with_my_new, MyUniquePropCount),
2015-04-14 07:17:49 +00:00
%% NOTE: Just because we increment flaps here, there's no correlation
%% to successful public proj store writes! For example,
%% if we loop through states C2xx a few times, we would incr
%% flaps each time ... but the C2xx path doesn't write a new
2015-04-14 07:17:49 +00:00
%% proposal to everyone's public proj stores. Similarly,
%% if we go through to C300, we will *try* to write to all public
%% stores, but the C3xx path doesn't care if all of those write
%% attempts *fail*. Our flap count is a rough heuristic only, and
%% a large local flaps count gives no concrete guarantee that any
%% communication has been successful with any other part of the
%% cluster.
2015-06-02 11:32:52 +00:00
%% TODO: 2015-03-04: I'm growing increasingly suspicious of
%% the 'runenv' variable that's threaded through all this code.
%% It isn't doing what I'd originally intended. Fix it.
S2 = S#ch_mgr{flap_count=NewFlapCount, flap_start=NewFlapStart,
flap_last_up=CurrentUp, flap_last_up_change=LastUpChange,
2015-06-02 11:32:52 +00:00
if AmFlapping_p ->
true ->
make_unique_proposal_summaries(H, P_newprop) ->
HistoryPs = queue:to_list(H),
Ps = HistoryPs ++ [P_newprop],
P#projection_v1.repairing} ||
P <- Ps]).
make_flapping_i() ->
make_flapping_i(?NOT_FLAPPING_START, 0, [], [], 0).
make_flapping_i(NewFlapStart, NewFlapCount, AllHosed, AllFlapCounts,
MyUniquePropCount) ->
#flap_i{flap_count={NewFlapStart, NewFlapCount},
2015-06-02 11:32:52 +00:00
projection_transitions_are_sane(Ps, RelativeToServer) ->
projection_transitions_are_sane(Ps, RelativeToServer, false).
projection_transitions_are_sane_retrospective(Ps, RelativeToServer) ->
projection_transitions_are_sane(Ps, RelativeToServer, true).
-endif. % TEST
projection_transitions_are_sane([], _RelativeToServer, _RetrospectiveP) ->
projection_transitions_are_sane([_], _RelativeToServer, _RetrospectiveP) ->
projection_transitions_are_sane([P1, P2|T], RelativeToServer, RetrospectiveP) ->
case projection_transition_is_sane(P1, P2, RelativeToServer,
RetrospectiveP) of
true ->
projection_transitions_are_sane([P2|T], RelativeToServer,
Else ->
projection_transition_is_sane_retrospective(P1, P2, RelativeToServer) ->
projection_transition_is_sane(P1, P2, RelativeToServer, true).
-endif. % TEST
projection_transition_is_sane(P1, P2, RelativeToServer) ->
projection_transition_is_sane(P1, P2, RelativeToServer, false).
%% @doc Check if a projection transition is sane &amp; safe.
%% NOTE: The return value convention is `true' for sane/safe and
%% `term() /= true' for any unsafe/insane value.
projection_transition_is_sane(P1, P2, RelativeToServer, RetrospectiveP) ->
put(myname, RelativeToServer),
put(why2, []),
case projection_transition_is_sane_with_si_epoch(
P1, P2, RelativeToServer, RetrospectiveP) of
true ->
HasInner1 = inner_projection_exists(P1),
HasInner2 = inner_projection_exists(P2),
if HasInner1 orelse HasInner2 ->
Inner1 = inner_projection_or_self(P1),
Inner2 = inner_projection_or_self(P2),
if HasInner1 andalso HasInner2 ->
%% In case of inner->inner transition, we must allow
%% the epoch number to remain constant. Thus, we
%% call the function that does not check for a
%% strictly-increasing epoch.
projection_transition_is_sane_final_review(P1, P2,
Inner1, Inner2, RelativeToServer, RetrospectiveP)));
true ->
projection_transition_is_sane_final_review(P1, P2,
Inner1, Inner2, RelativeToServer, RetrospectiveP)))
true ->
projection_transition_is_sane_final_review(P1, P2,
Else ->
2015-08-24 10:04:26 +00:00
P1, P2, {expected_author2,UPI1_tail,_}=Else) ->
%% Reminder: P1 & P2 are outer projections
%% We have a small problem for state transition sanity checking in the
%% case where we are flapping *and* a repair has finished. One of the
%% sanity checks in simple_chain_state_transition_is_sane(() is that
%% the author of P2 in this case must be the tail of P1's UPI: i.e.,
%% it's the tail's responsibility to perform repair, therefore the tail
%% must damn well be the author of any transition that says a repair
%% finished successfully.
%% The problem is that author_server of the inner projection does not
%% reflect the actual author! See the comment with the text
%% "The inner projection will have a fake author" in react_to_env_A30().
%% So, there's a special return value that tells us to try to check for
%% the correct authorship here.
P1HasInner_p = inner_projection_exists(P1),
P2HasInner_p = inner_projection_exists(P2),
P1_LastInnerUPI = case (inner_projection_or_self(P1))#projection_v1.upi of
P1InnerUPI=[_|_] when P1HasInner_p ->
_ ->
if P1HasInner_p, P2HasInner_p ->
if UPI1_tail == P1_LastInnerUPI ->
true ->
UPI1_tail == P2#projection_v1.author_server ->
true ->
?RETURN2({gazzuknkgazzuknk, Else, gazzuknk})
_) when CMode1 /= CMode2 ->
{wtf, cmode1, CMode1, cmode2, CMode2};
#projection_v1{mode=cp_mode, upi=UPI1}=_P1,
#projection_v1{mode=cp_mode, upi=UPI2, witnesses=Witness_list, dbg=Dbg2}=_P2,
true) ->
%% All earlier sanity checks has said that this transition is sane, but
%% we also need to make certain that any CP mode transition preserves at
%% least one non-witness server in the UPI list. Earlier checks have
%% verified that the ordering of the FLUs within the UPI list is ok.
UPI1_s = ordsets:from_list(UPI1 -- Witness_list),
UPI2_s = ordsets:from_list(UPI2 -- Witness_list),
case proplists:get_value(zerf_backstop, Dbg2) of
true when UPI1 == [] ->
_ when UPI2 == [] ->
%% We're down to the none projection to wedge ourself. That's ok.
_ ->
?RETURN2(not ordsets:is_disjoint(UPI1_s, UPI2_s))
projection_transition_is_sane_final_review(_P1, _P2, Else) ->
%% @doc Check if a projection transition is sane &amp; safe with a
%% strictly increasing epoch number.
%% NOTE: The return value convention is `true' for sane/safe and
%% `term() /= true' for any unsafe/insane value.
2015-07-04 05:57:38 +00:00
#projection_v1{epoch_number=Epoch1} = P1,
#projection_v1{epoch_number=Epoch2} = P2,
RelativeToServer, RetrospectiveP) ->
case projection_transition_is_sane_except_si_epoch(
2015-07-04 05:57:38 +00:00
P1, P2, RelativeToServer, RetrospectiveP) of
true ->
%% Must be a strictly increasing epoch.
case Epoch2 > Epoch1 of
true ->
false ->
?RETURN2({epoch_not_si, Epoch2, 'not_gt', Epoch1})
2015-07-04 05:57:38 +00:00
Else ->
2015-07-04 05:57:38 +00:00
%% @doc Check if a projection transition is sane &amp; safe with the
%% exception of a strictly increasing epoch number (equality is ok).
%% NOTE: The return value convention is `true' for sane/safe and
%% `term() /= true' for any unsafe/insane value.
dbg=Dbg1} = P1,
dbg=Dbg2} = P2,
2015-07-03 15:13:13 +00:00
RelativeToServer, __TODO_RetrospectiveP) ->
%% General notes:
%% I'm making no attempt to be "efficient" here. All of these data
WIP: 1st part of moving old chain state transtion code to new Ha, famous last words, amirite? %% The chain sequence/order checks at the bottom of this function aren't %% as easy-to-read as they ought to be. However, I'm moderately confident %% that it isn't buggy. TODO: refactor them for clarity. So, now machi_chain_manager1:projection_transition_is_sane() is using newer, far less buggy code to make sanity decisions. TODO: Add support for Retrospective mode. TODO is it really needed? Examples of how the old code sucks and the new code sucks less. 138> eqc:quickcheck(eqc:testing_time(10, machi_chain_manager1_test:prop_compare_legacy_with_v2_chain_transition_check(whole))). xxxxxxxxxxxx..x.xxxxxx..x.x....x..xx........................................................Failed! After 69 tests. [a,b,c] {c,[a,b,c],[c,b],b,[b,a],[b,a,c]} Old_res ([335,192,166,160,153,139]): true New_res: false (why line [1936]) Shrinking times) [a,b,c] %% {Author1,UPI1, Repair1,Author2,UPI2, Repair2} %% {c, [a,b,c],[], a, [b,a],[]} Old_res ([338,185,160,153,147]): true New_res: false (why line [1936]) false Old code is wrong: we've swapped order of a & b, which is bad. 139> eqc:quickcheck(eqc:testing_time(10, machi_chain_manager1_test:prop_compare_legacy_with_v2_chain_transition_check(whole))).! After 120 tests. [b,c,a] {c,[c,a],[c],a,[a,b],[b,a]} Old_res ([335,192,185,160,153,123]): true New_res: false (why line [1936]) Shrinking xx.xxxxxx.x.xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxx(4 times) [b,a,c] %% {Author1,UPI1,Repair1,Author2,UPI2, Repair2} %% {a, [c], [], c, [c,b],[]} Old_res ([338,185,160,153,147]): true New_res: false (why line [1936]) false Old code is wrong: b wasn't repairing in the previous state. 150> eqc:quickcheck(eqc:testing_time(10, machi_chain_manager1_test:prop_compare_legacy_with_v2_chain_transition_check(whole))).! After 130 tests. [c,a,b] {b,[c],[b,a,c],c,[c,a,b],[b]} Old_res ([335,214,185,160,153,147]): true New_res: false (why line [1936]) Shrinking times) [c,b,a] %% {Author1,UPI1,Repair1,Author2,UPI2, Repair2} %% {c, [c], [a,b], c, [c,b,a],[]} Old_res ([335,328,185,160,153,111]): true New_res: false (why line [1981,1679]) false Old code is wrong: a & b were repairing but UPI2 has a & b in the wrong order.
2015-07-03 15:01:54 +00:00
%% structures are small, and the funcs aren't called zillions of times per
%% second.
CMode1 = CMode2,
true = is_integer(Epoch1) andalso is_integer(Epoch2),
true = is_binary(CSum1) andalso is_binary(CSum2),
{_,_,_} = CreationTime1,
{_,_,_} = CreationTime2,
2015-04-14 07:17:49 +00:00
true = is_atom(AuthorServer1) andalso is_atom(AuthorServer2), % todo type may change?
true = is_list(All_list1) andalso is_list(All_list2),
true = is_list(Witness_list1) andalso is_list(Witness_list2),
true = is_list(Down_list1) andalso is_list(Down_list2),
true = is_list(UPI_list1) andalso is_list(UPI_list2),
true = is_list(Repairing_list1) andalso is_list(Repairing_list2),
true = is_list(Dbg1) andalso is_list(Dbg2),
%% Don't check for strictly increasing epoch here: that's the job of
%% projection_transition_is_sane_with_si_epoch().
true = Epoch2 >= Epoch1,
%% No duplicates
true = lists:sort(Witness_list2) == lists:usort(Witness_list2),
true = lists:sort(Down_list2) == lists:usort(Down_list2),
true = lists:sort(UPI_list2) == lists:usort(UPI_list2),
true = lists:sort(Repairing_list2) == lists:usort(Repairing_list2),
%% Disjoint-ness
All_list1 = All_list2, % todo will probably change
%% true = lists:sort(All_list2) == lists:sort(Down_list2 ++ UPI_list2 ++
%% Repairing_list2),
[] = [X || X <- Witness_list2, not lists:member(X, All_list2)],
[] = [X || X <- Down_list2, not lists:member(X, All_list2)],
[] = [X || X <- UPI_list2, not lists:member(X, All_list2)],
[] = [X || X <- Repairing_list2, not lists:member(X, All_list2)],
DownS2 = sets:from_list(Down_list2),
UPIS2 = sets:from_list(UPI_list2),
RepairingS2 = sets:from_list(Repairing_list2),
true = sets:is_disjoint(DownS2, UPIS2),
true = sets:is_disjoint(DownS2, RepairingS2),
true = sets:is_disjoint(UPIS2, RepairingS2),
%% We won't check the checksum of P1, but we will of P2.
P2 = machi_projection:update_checksum(P2),
%% Hooray, all basic properties of the projection's elements are
%% not obviously bad. Now let's check if the UPI+Repairing->UPI
%% transition is good.
%% NOTE: chain_state_transition_is_sane() only cares about strong
%% consistency violations and (because witness servers don't store
%% any data) doesn't care about witness servers. So we remove all
%% witnesses from the UPI lists before calling
%% chain_state_transition_is_sane()
UPI_list1w = UPI_list1 -- Witness_list1,
UPI_list2w = UPI_list2 -- Witness_list2,
WIP: 1st part of moving old chain state transtion code to new Ha, famous last words, amirite? %% The chain sequence/order checks at the bottom of this function aren't %% as easy-to-read as they ought to be. However, I'm moderately confident %% that it isn't buggy. TODO: refactor them for clarity. So, now machi_chain_manager1:projection_transition_is_sane() is using newer, far less buggy code to make sanity decisions. TODO: Add support for Retrospective mode. TODO is it really needed? Examples of how the old code sucks and the new code sucks less. 138> eqc:quickcheck(eqc:testing_time(10, machi_chain_manager1_test:prop_compare_legacy_with_v2_chain_transition_check(whole))). xxxxxxxxxxxx..x.xxxxxx..x.x....x..xx........................................................Failed! After 69 tests. [a,b,c] {c,[a,b,c],[c,b],b,[b,a],[b,a,c]} Old_res ([335,192,166,160,153,139]): true New_res: false (why line [1936]) Shrinking times) [a,b,c] %% {Author1,UPI1, Repair1,Author2,UPI2, Repair2} %% {c, [a,b,c],[], a, [b,a],[]} Old_res ([338,185,160,153,147]): true New_res: false (why line [1936]) false Old code is wrong: we've swapped order of a & b, which is bad. 139> eqc:quickcheck(eqc:testing_time(10, machi_chain_manager1_test:prop_compare_legacy_with_v2_chain_transition_check(whole))).! After 120 tests. [b,c,a] {c,[c,a],[c],a,[a,b],[b,a]} Old_res ([335,192,185,160,153,123]): true New_res: false (why line [1936]) Shrinking xx.xxxxxx.x.xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxx(4 times) [b,a,c] %% {Author1,UPI1,Repair1,Author2,UPI2, Repair2} %% {a, [c], [], c, [c,b],[]} Old_res ([338,185,160,153,147]): true New_res: false (why line [1936]) false Old code is wrong: b wasn't repairing in the previous state. 150> eqc:quickcheck(eqc:testing_time(10, machi_chain_manager1_test:prop_compare_legacy_with_v2_chain_transition_check(whole))).! After 130 tests. [c,a,b] {b,[c],[b,a,c],c,[c,a,b],[b]} Old_res ([335,214,185,160,153,147]): true New_res: false (why line [1936]) Shrinking times) [c,b,a] %% {Author1,UPI1,Repair1,Author2,UPI2, Repair2} %% {c, [c], [a,b], c, [c,b,a],[]} Old_res ([335,328,185,160,153,111]): true New_res: false (why line [1981,1679]) false Old code is wrong: a & b were repairing but UPI2 has a & b in the wrong order.
2015-07-03 15:01:54 +00:00
chain_state_transition_is_sane(AuthorServer1, UPI_list1w,Repairing_list1,
AuthorServer2, UPI_list2w))
_Type:_Err ->
WIP: 1st part of moving old chain state transtion code to new Ha, famous last words, amirite? %% The chain sequence/order checks at the bottom of this function aren't %% as easy-to-read as they ought to be. However, I'm moderately confident %% that it isn't buggy. TODO: refactor them for clarity. So, now machi_chain_manager1:projection_transition_is_sane() is using newer, far less buggy code to make sanity decisions. TODO: Add support for Retrospective mode. TODO is it really needed? Examples of how the old code sucks and the new code sucks less. 138> eqc:quickcheck(eqc:testing_time(10, machi_chain_manager1_test:prop_compare_legacy_with_v2_chain_transition_check(whole))). xxxxxxxxxxxx..x.xxxxxx..x.x....x..xx........................................................Failed! After 69 tests. [a,b,c] {c,[a,b,c],[c,b],b,[b,a],[b,a,c]} Old_res ([335,192,166,160,153,139]): true New_res: false (why line [1936]) Shrinking times) [a,b,c] %% {Author1,UPI1, Repair1,Author2,UPI2, Repair2} %% {c, [a,b,c],[], a, [b,a],[]} Old_res ([338,185,160,153,147]): true New_res: false (why line [1936]) false Old code is wrong: we've swapped order of a & b, which is bad. 139> eqc:quickcheck(eqc:testing_time(10, machi_chain_manager1_test:prop_compare_legacy_with_v2_chain_transition_check(whole))).! After 120 tests. [b,c,a] {c,[c,a],[c],a,[a,b],[b,a]} Old_res ([335,192,185,160,153,123]): true New_res: false (why line [1936]) Shrinking xx.xxxxxx.x.xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxx(4 times) [b,a,c] %% {Author1,UPI1,Repair1,Author2,UPI2, Repair2} %% {a, [c], [], c, [c,b],[]} Old_res ([338,185,160,153,147]): true New_res: false (why line [1936]) false Old code is wrong: b wasn't repairing in the previous state. 150> eqc:quickcheck(eqc:testing_time(10, machi_chain_manager1_test:prop_compare_legacy_with_v2_chain_transition_check(whole))).! After 130 tests. [c,a,b] {b,[c],[b,a,c],c,[c,a,b],[b]} Old_res ([335,214,185,160,153,147]): true New_res: false (why line [1936]) Shrinking times) [c,b,a] %% {Author1,UPI1,Repair1,Author2,UPI2, Repair2} %% {c, [c], [a,b], c, [c,b,a],[]} Old_res ([335,328,185,160,153,111]): true New_res: false (why line [1981,1679]) false Old code is wrong: a & b were repairing but UPI2 has a & b in the wrong order.
2015-07-03 15:01:54 +00:00
S1 = machi_projection:make_summary(P1),
S2 = machi_projection:make_summary(P2),
Trace = erlang:get_stacktrace(),
%% There are basic data structure checks only, do not return `false'
%% here.
{err, _Type, _Err, from, S1, to, S2, relative_to, RelativeToServer,
react, get(react),
stack, Trace}
poll_private_proj_is_upi_unanimous(#ch_mgr{consistency_mode=ap_mode} = S) ->
proj_unanimous=true} = S) ->
proj=Proj} = S) ->
if Proj#projection_v1.upi == [] % Nobody to poll?
Proj#projection_v1.epoch_number == 0 -> % Skip polling for epoch 0?
true ->
poll_private_proj_is_upi_unanimous_sleep(0, S)
poll_private_proj_is_upi_unanimous_sleep(Count, S) when Count > 2 ->
poll_private_proj_is_upi_unanimous_sleep(Count, S) ->
timer:sleep((Count * Count) * 50),
case poll_private_proj_is_upi_unanimous3(S) of
#ch_mgr{proj_unanimous=true} = S2 ->
S2 ->
poll_private_proj_is_upi_unanimous_sleep(Count + 1, S2)
poll_private_proj_is_upi_unanimous3(#ch_mgr{name=_MyName, proj=Proj0,
opts=MgrOpts} = S) ->
Proj = inner_projection_or_self(Proj0),
UPI = Proj#projection_v1.upi,
EpochID = machi_projection:make_epoch_id(Proj),
{Rs, S2} = read_latest_projection_call_only2(private, UPI, S),
Rs2 = [if is_record(P, projection_v1) ->
true ->
end || #projection_v1{}=P <- Rs],
case lists:usort(Rs2) of
[EID] when EID == EpochID ->
Annotation = {private_proj_is_upi_unanimous, {EpochID, now()}},
%% Careful, use the outer projection here!
NewDbg2 = [Annotation|Proj0#projection_v1.dbg2],
NewProj = Proj0#projection_v1{dbg2=NewDbg2},
ProjStore = get_projection_store_regname(MgrOpts),
ok = machi_projection_store:write(ProjStore, private, NewProj),
%% Unwedge our FLU.
io:format(user, "\nUnwedge ~w @ ~W\n", [_MyName, EpochID, 7]),
{ok, NotifyPid} = machi_projection_store:get_wedge_notify_pid(ProjStore),
_ = machi_flu1:update_wedge_state(NotifyPid, false, EpochID),
_Else ->
sleep_ranked_order(MinSleep, MaxSleep, FLU, FLU_list) ->
USec = calc_sleep_ranked_order(MinSleep, MaxSleep, FLU, FLU_list),
calc_sleep_ranked_order(MinSleep, MaxSleep, FLU, FLU_list) ->
Front = lists:takewhile(fun(X) -> X /= FLU end,
Index = length(Front),
NumNodes = length(FLU_list),
SleepChunk = if NumNodes == 0 -> 0;
true -> (MaxSleep - MinSleep) div NumNodes
MinSleep + (SleepChunk * Index).
2015-06-02 11:32:52 +00:00
get_raw_flapping_i(#projection_v1{flap=F}) ->
get_flap_count(P) ->
2015-06-02 11:32:52 +00:00
case get_raw_flapping_i(P) of undefined -> {0, 0};
F -> F#flap_i.flap_count
get_all_flap_counts(P) ->
2015-06-02 11:32:52 +00:00
case get_raw_flapping_i(P) of undefined -> [];
F -> F#flap_i.all_flap_counts
get_all_hosed(P) when is_record(P, projection_v1)->
2015-06-02 11:32:52 +00:00
case get_raw_flapping_i(P) of undefined -> [];
F -> F#flap_i.all_hosed
merge_flap_counts(FlapCounts) ->
merge_flap_counts(FlapCounts, orddict:new()).
merge_flap_counts([], D) ->
merge_flap_counts([FlapCount|Rest], D1) ->
%% We know that FlapCount is list({Actor, {{_epk,FlapStartTime},NumFlapCount}}).
D2 = orddict:from_list(FlapCount),
2015-04-14 07:17:49 +00:00
D2 = orddict:from_list(FlapCount),
%% If the FlapStartTimes are identical, then pick the bigger flap count.
%% If the FlapStartTimes differ, then pick the larger start time tuple.
D3 = orddict:merge(fun(_Key, {{_,T1}, NF1}= V1, {{_,T2}, NF2}=V2)
when T1 == T2 ->
if NF1 > NF2 ->
true ->
(_Key, {{_,T1},_NF1}= V1, {{_,T2},_NF2}=V2) ->
if T1 > T2 ->
true ->
(_Key, V1, V2) ->
_Key, V1, V2})
end, D1, D2),
merge_flap_counts(Rest, D3).
2015-04-09 05:44:58 +00:00
proxy_pid(Name, #ch_mgr{proxies_dict=ProxiesDict}) ->
orddict:fetch(Name, ProxiesDict).
gimme_random_uniform(N, S) ->
RunEnv1 = S#ch_mgr.runenv,
Seed1 = proplists:get_value(seed, RunEnv1),
{X, Seed2} = random:uniform_s(N, Seed1),
RunEnv2 = [{seed, Seed2}|lists:keydelete(seed, 1, RunEnv1)],
{X, S#ch_mgr{runenv=RunEnv2}}.
2015-06-02 11:55:18 +00:00
inner_projection_exists(#projection_v1{inner=undefined}) ->
inner_projection_exists(#projection_v1{inner=_}) ->
inner_projection_or_self(P) ->
2015-06-02 11:55:18 +00:00
case inner_projection_exists(P) of
false ->
2015-06-02 11:55:18 +00:00
true ->
2015-05-02 07:59:28 +00:00
make_chmgr_regname(A) when is_atom(A) ->
list_to_atom(atom_to_list(A) ++ "_chmgr");
2015-05-02 07:59:28 +00:00
make_chmgr_regname(B) when is_binary(B) ->
list_to_atom(binary_to_list(B) ++ "_chmgr").
gobble_calls(StaticCall) ->
{'$gen_call',From,{trigger_react_to_env}} ->
gen_server:reply(From, todo_overload),
after 1 -> % after 0 angers pulse.
proj=P_current}=S) ->
case inner_projection_or_self(P_current) of
repairing=[_|_]} ->
RepairId = {MyName, os:timestamp()},
RepairOpts = [{repair_mode,repair}, verbose, {repair_id,RepairId}],
%% RepairOpts = [{repair_mode, check}, verbose],
RepairFun = fun() -> do_repair(S, RepairOpts, CMode) end,
LastUPI = lists:last(UPI),
IgnoreStabilityTime_p = proplists:get_value(ignore_stability_time,
S#ch_mgr.opts, false),
case timer:now_diff(os:timestamp(), Start) div 1000000 of
N when MyName == LastUPI andalso
(IgnoreStabilityTime_p orelse
{WorkerPid, _Ref} = spawn_monitor(RepairFun),
_ ->
_ ->
perhaps_start_repair(S) ->
Opts, RepairMode) ->
ETS = ets:new(repair_stats, [private, set]),
ETS_T_Keys = [t_in_files, t_in_chunks, t_in_bytes,
t_out_files, t_out_chunks, t_out_bytes,
t_bad_chunks, t_elapsed_seconds],
[ets:insert(ETS, {K, 0}) || K <- ETS_T_Keys],
{ok, MyProj} = ?FLU_PC:read_latest_projection(proxy_pid(MyName, S),
MyEpochID = machi_projection:get_epoch_id(MyProj),
RepairEpochIDs = [case ?FLU_PC:read_latest_projection(proxy_pid(Rep, S),
private) of
{ok, Proj} ->
_ ->
end || Rep <- Repairing],
case lists:usort(RepairEpochIDs) of
[MyEpochID] ->
T1 = os:timestamp(),
RepairId = proplists:get_value(repair_id, Opts, id1),
"Repair start: tail ~p of ~p -> ~p, ~p ID ~w\n",
[MyName, UPI0, Repairing, RepairMode, RepairId]),
UPI = UPI0 -- Witness_list,
Res = machi_chain_repair:repair(RepairMode, MyName, Repairing, UPI,
MembersDict, ETS, Opts),
T2 = os:timestamp(),
Elapsed = (timer:now_diff(T2, T1) div 1000) / 1000,
ets:insert(ETS, {t_elapsed_seconds, Elapsed}),
Summary = case Res of ok -> "success";
_ -> "FAILURE"
Stats = [{K, ets:lookup_element(ETS, K, 2)} || K <- ETS_T_Keys],
"Repair ~s: tail ~p of ~p finished ~p repair ID ~w: "
"~p\nStats ~p\n",
[Summary, MyName, UPI0, RepairMode, RepairId,
Res, Stats]),
exit({repair_final_status, Res});
_ ->
when Res /= undefined ->
S#ch_mgr{repair_worker=undefined, repair_start=undefined,
sanitize_repair_state(S) ->
perhaps_call_t(S, Partitions, FLU, DoIt) ->
perhaps_call(S, Partitions, FLU, DoIt)
exit:timeout ->
{error, partition};
exit:{timeout,_} ->
{error, partition}
perhaps_call(#ch_mgr{name=MyName}=S, Partitions, FLU, DoIt) ->
2015-04-09 05:44:58 +00:00
ProxyPid = proxy_pid(FLU, S),
RemoteFLU_p = FLU /= MyName,
case RemoteFLU_p andalso lists:member({MyName, FLU}, Partitions) of
false ->
2015-04-09 05:44:58 +00:00
Res = DoIt(ProxyPid),
if Res == {error, partition} ->
true ->
case RemoteFLU_p andalso lists:member({FLU, MyName}, Partitions) of
false ->
_ ->
(catch put(react, [{timeout2,me,MyName,to,FLU,RemoteFLU_p,Partitions}|get(react)])),
_ ->
(catch put(react, [{timeout1,me,MyName,to,FLU,RemoteFLU_p,Partitions}|get(react)])),
init_remember_partition_hack() ->
put(remember_partition_hack, []).
remember_partition_hack(FLU) ->
put(remember_partition_hack, [FLU|get(remember_partition_hack)]).
%% @doc A simple technique for checking chain state transition safety.
%% Math tells us that any change state `UPI1' plus `Repair1' to state
%% `UPI2' is OK as long as `UPI2' is a concatenation of some
%% order-preserving combination from `UPI1' with some order-preserving
%% combination from `Repair1'.
%% ```
%% Good_UPI2s = [ X ++ Y || X <- machi_util:ordered_combinations(UPI1),
%% Y <- machi_util:ordered_combinations(Repair1)]'''
%% Rather than creating that list and then checking if `UPI2' is in
%% it, we try a `diff'-like technique to check for basic state
%% transition safety. See docs for {@link mk/3} for more detail.
%% ```
%% 2> machi_chain_manager1:mk([a,b], [], [a]).
%% {[keep,del],[]} %% good transition
%% 3> machi_chain_manager1:mk([a,b], [], [b,a]).
%% {[del,keep],[]} %% bad transition: too few 'keep' for UPI2's length 2
%% 4> machi_chain_manager1:mk([a,b], [c,d,e], [a,d]).
%% {[keep,del],[2]} %% good transition
%% 5> machi_chain_manager1:mk([a,b], [c,d,e], [a,bogus]).
%% {[keep,del],[error]} %% bad transition: 'bogus' not in Repair1'''
simple_chain_state_transition_is_sane(UPI1, Repair1, UPI2) ->
?RETURN2(simple_chain_state_transition_is_sane(undefined, UPI1, Repair1,
undefined, UPI2)).
2015-07-03 13:05:35 +00:00
%% @doc Simple check if a projection transition is sane &amp; safe: we assume
%% that the caller has checked basic projection data structure contents.
%% NOTE: The return value convention is `true' for sane/safe and
%% `term() /= true' for any unsafe/insane value.
2015-07-03 15:13:13 +00:00
simple_chain_state_transition_is_sane(_Author1, UPI1, Repair1, Author2, UPI2) ->
{KeepsDels, Orders} = mk(UPI1, Repair1, UPI2),
NumKeeps = length([x || keep <- KeepsDels]),
NumOrders = length(Orders),
NoErrorInOrders = (false == lists:member(error, Orders)),
OrdersOK = (Orders == lists:sort(Orders)),
UPI2LengthOK = (length(UPI2) == NumKeeps + NumOrders),
Answer1 = NoErrorInOrders andalso OrdersOK andalso UPI2LengthOK,
catch ?REACT({simple, ?LINE,
[{sane, answer1,Answer1,
author1,_Author1, upi1,UPI1, repair1,Repair1,
author2,Author2, upi2,UPI2,
keepsdels,KeepsDels, orders,Orders, numKeeps,NumKeeps,
numOrders,NumOrders, answer1,Answer1}]}),
2015-07-03 13:05:35 +00:00
if not Answer1 ->
2015-07-03 13:05:35 +00:00
true ->
WIP: 1st part of moving old chain state transtion code to new Ha, famous last words, amirite? %% The chain sequence/order checks at the bottom of this function aren't %% as easy-to-read as they ought to be. However, I'm moderately confident %% that it isn't buggy. TODO: refactor them for clarity. So, now machi_chain_manager1:projection_transition_is_sane() is using newer, far less buggy code to make sanity decisions. TODO: Add support for Retrospective mode. TODO is it really needed? Examples of how the old code sucks and the new code sucks less. 138> eqc:quickcheck(eqc:testing_time(10, machi_chain_manager1_test:prop_compare_legacy_with_v2_chain_transition_check(whole))). xxxxxxxxxxxx..x.xxxxxx..x.x....x..xx........................................................Failed! After 69 tests. [a,b,c] {c,[a,b,c],[c,b],b,[b,a],[b,a,c]} Old_res ([335,192,166,160,153,139]): true New_res: false (why line [1936]) Shrinking times) [a,b,c] %% {Author1,UPI1, Repair1,Author2,UPI2, Repair2} %% {c, [a,b,c],[], a, [b,a],[]} Old_res ([338,185,160,153,147]): true New_res: false (why line [1936]) false Old code is wrong: we've swapped order of a & b, which is bad. 139> eqc:quickcheck(eqc:testing_time(10, machi_chain_manager1_test:prop_compare_legacy_with_v2_chain_transition_check(whole))).! After 120 tests. [b,c,a] {c,[c,a],[c],a,[a,b],[b,a]} Old_res ([335,192,185,160,153,123]): true New_res: false (why line [1936]) Shrinking xx.xxxxxx.x.xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxx(4 times) [b,a,c] %% {Author1,UPI1,Repair1,Author2,UPI2, Repair2} %% {a, [c], [], c, [c,b],[]} Old_res ([338,185,160,153,147]): true New_res: false (why line [1936]) false Old code is wrong: b wasn't repairing in the previous state. 150> eqc:quickcheck(eqc:testing_time(10, machi_chain_manager1_test:prop_compare_legacy_with_v2_chain_transition_check(whole))).! After 130 tests. [c,a,b] {b,[c],[b,a,c],c,[c,a,b],[b]} Old_res ([335,214,185,160,153,147]): true New_res: false (why line [1936]) Shrinking times) [c,b,a] %% {Author1,UPI1,Repair1,Author2,UPI2, Repair2} %% {c, [c], [a,b], c, [c,b,a],[]} Old_res ([335,328,185,160,153,111]): true New_res: false (why line [1981,1679]) false Old code is wrong: a & b were repairing but UPI2 has a & b in the wrong order.
2015-07-03 15:01:54 +00:00
if Orders == [] ->
%% No repairing have joined UPI2. Keep original answer.
2015-07-03 13:05:35 +00:00
Author2 == undefined ->
WIP: 1st part of moving old chain state transtion code to new Ha, famous last words, amirite? %% The chain sequence/order checks at the bottom of this function aren't %% as easy-to-read as they ought to be. However, I'm moderately confident %% that it isn't buggy. TODO: refactor them for clarity. So, now machi_chain_manager1:projection_transition_is_sane() is using newer, far less buggy code to make sanity decisions. TODO: Add support for Retrospective mode. TODO is it really needed? Examples of how the old code sucks and the new code sucks less. 138> eqc:quickcheck(eqc:testing_time(10, machi_chain_manager1_test:prop_compare_legacy_with_v2_chain_transition_check(whole))). xxxxxxxxxxxx..x.xxxxxx..x.x....x..xx........................................................Failed! After 69 tests. [a,b,c] {c,[a,b,c],[c,b],b,[b,a],[b,a,c]} Old_res ([335,192,166,160,153,139]): true New_res: false (why line [1936]) Shrinking times) [a,b,c] %% {Author1,UPI1, Repair1,Author2,UPI2, Repair2} %% {c, [a,b,c],[], a, [b,a],[]} Old_res ([338,185,160,153,147]): true New_res: false (why line [1936]) false Old code is wrong: we've swapped order of a & b, which is bad. 139> eqc:quickcheck(eqc:testing_time(10, machi_chain_manager1_test:prop_compare_legacy_with_v2_chain_transition_check(whole))).! After 120 tests. [b,c,a] {c,[c,a],[c],a,[a,b],[b,a]} Old_res ([335,192,185,160,153,123]): true New_res: false (why line [1936]) Shrinking xx.xxxxxx.x.xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxx(4 times) [b,a,c] %% {Author1,UPI1,Repair1,Author2,UPI2, Repair2} %% {a, [c], [], c, [c,b],[]} Old_res ([338,185,160,153,147]): true New_res: false (why line [1936]) false Old code is wrong: b wasn't repairing in the previous state. 150> eqc:quickcheck(eqc:testing_time(10, machi_chain_manager1_test:prop_compare_legacy_with_v2_chain_transition_check(whole))).! After 130 tests. [c,a,b] {b,[c],[b,a,c],c,[c,a,b],[b]} Old_res ([335,214,185,160,153,147]): true New_res: false (why line [1936]) Shrinking times) [c,b,a] %% {Author1,UPI1,Repair1,Author2,UPI2, Repair2} %% {c, [c], [a,b], c, [c,b,a],[]} Old_res ([335,328,185,160,153,111]): true New_res: false (why line [1981,1679]) false Old code is wrong: a & b were repairing but UPI2 has a & b in the wrong order.
2015-07-03 15:01:54 +00:00
%% At least one Repairing1 element is now in UPI2.
%% We need Author2 to make better decision. Go
%% with what we know, silly caller for not giving
%% us what we need.
2015-07-03 13:05:35 +00:00
Author2 /= undefined ->
WIP: 1st part of moving old chain state transtion code to new Ha, famous last words, amirite? %% The chain sequence/order checks at the bottom of this function aren't %% as easy-to-read as they ought to be. However, I'm moderately confident %% that it isn't buggy. TODO: refactor them for clarity. So, now machi_chain_manager1:projection_transition_is_sane() is using newer, far less buggy code to make sanity decisions. TODO: Add support for Retrospective mode. TODO is it really needed? Examples of how the old code sucks and the new code sucks less. 138> eqc:quickcheck(eqc:testing_time(10, machi_chain_manager1_test:prop_compare_legacy_with_v2_chain_transition_check(whole))). xxxxxxxxxxxx..x.xxxxxx..x.x....x..xx........................................................Failed! After 69 tests. [a,b,c] {c,[a,b,c],[c,b],b,[b,a],[b,a,c]} Old_res ([335,192,166,160,153,139]): true New_res: false (why line [1936]) Shrinking times) [a,b,c] %% {Author1,UPI1, Repair1,Author2,UPI2, Repair2} %% {c, [a,b,c],[], a, [b,a],[]} Old_res ([338,185,160,153,147]): true New_res: false (why line [1936]) false Old code is wrong: we've swapped order of a & b, which is bad. 139> eqc:quickcheck(eqc:testing_time(10, machi_chain_manager1_test:prop_compare_legacy_with_v2_chain_transition_check(whole))).! After 120 tests. [b,c,a] {c,[c,a],[c],a,[a,b],[b,a]} Old_res ([335,192,185,160,153,123]): true New_res: false (why line [1936]) Shrinking xx.xxxxxx.x.xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxx(4 times) [b,a,c] %% {Author1,UPI1,Repair1,Author2,UPI2, Repair2} %% {a, [c], [], c, [c,b],[]} Old_res ([338,185,160,153,147]): true New_res: false (why line [1936]) false Old code is wrong: b wasn't repairing in the previous state. 150> eqc:quickcheck(eqc:testing_time(10, machi_chain_manager1_test:prop_compare_legacy_with_v2_chain_transition_check(whole))).! After 130 tests. [c,a,b] {b,[c],[b,a,c],c,[c,a,b],[b]} Old_res ([335,214,185,160,153,147]): true New_res: false (why line [1936]) Shrinking times) [c,b,a] %% {Author1,UPI1,Repair1,Author2,UPI2, Repair2} %% {c, [c], [a,b], c, [c,b,a],[]} Old_res ([335,328,185,160,153,111]): true New_res: false (why line [1981,1679]) false Old code is wrong: a & b were repairing but UPI2 has a & b in the wrong order.
2015-07-03 15:01:54 +00:00
%% At least one Repairing1 element is now in UPI2.
%% We permit only the tail to author such a UPI2.
2015-07-03 13:05:35 +00:00
case catch(lists:last(UPI1)) of
UPI1_tail when UPI1_tail == Author2 ->
UPI1_tail ->
2015-08-24 10:04:26 +00:00
2015-07-03 13:05:35 +00:00
%% @doc Check if a projection transition is sane &amp; safe: we assume
%% that the caller has checked basic projection data structure contents.
%% NOTE: The return value convention is `true' for sane/safe and `term() /=
%% true' for any unsafe/insane value. This function (and its callee
%% functions) are the only functions (throughout all of the chain state
%% transition sanity checking functions) that is allowed to return `false'.
chain_state_transition_is_sane(Author1, UPI1, Repair1, Author2, UPI2) ->
ToSelfOnly_p = if UPI2 == [Author2] -> true;
true -> false
2015-07-03 13:05:35 +00:00
Disjoint_UPIs = ordsets:is_disjoint(ordsets:from_list(UPI1),
WIP: 1st part of moving old chain state transtion code to new Ha, famous last words, amirite? %% The chain sequence/order checks at the bottom of this function aren't %% as easy-to-read as they ought to be. However, I'm moderately confident %% that it isn't buggy. TODO: refactor them for clarity. So, now machi_chain_manager1:projection_transition_is_sane() is using newer, far less buggy code to make sanity decisions. TODO: Add support for Retrospective mode. TODO is it really needed? Examples of how the old code sucks and the new code sucks less. 138> eqc:quickcheck(eqc:testing_time(10, machi_chain_manager1_test:prop_compare_legacy_with_v2_chain_transition_check(whole))). xxxxxxxxxxxx..x.xxxxxx..x.x....x..xx........................................................Failed! After 69 tests. [a,b,c] {c,[a,b,c],[c,b],b,[b,a],[b,a,c]} Old_res ([335,192,166,160,153,139]): true New_res: false (why line [1936]) Shrinking times) [a,b,c] %% {Author1,UPI1, Repair1,Author2,UPI2, Repair2} %% {c, [a,b,c],[], a, [b,a],[]} Old_res ([338,185,160,153,147]): true New_res: false (why line [1936]) false Old code is wrong: we've swapped order of a & b, which is bad. 139> eqc:quickcheck(eqc:testing_time(10, machi_chain_manager1_test:prop_compare_legacy_with_v2_chain_transition_check(whole))).! After 120 tests. [b,c,a] {c,[c,a],[c],a,[a,b],[b,a]} Old_res ([335,192,185,160,153,123]): true New_res: false (why line [1936]) Shrinking xx.xxxxxx.x.xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxx(4 times) [b,a,c] %% {Author1,UPI1,Repair1,Author2,UPI2, Repair2} %% {a, [c], [], c, [c,b],[]} Old_res ([338,185,160,153,147]): true New_res: false (why line [1936]) false Old code is wrong: b wasn't repairing in the previous state. 150> eqc:quickcheck(eqc:testing_time(10, machi_chain_manager1_test:prop_compare_legacy_with_v2_chain_transition_check(whole))).! After 130 tests. [c,a,b] {b,[c],[b,a,c],c,[c,a,b],[b]} Old_res ([335,214,185,160,153,147]): true New_res: false (why line [1936]) Shrinking times) [c,b,a] %% {Author1,UPI1,Repair1,Author2,UPI2, Repair2} %% {c, [c], [a,b], c, [c,b,a],[]} Old_res ([335,328,185,160,153,111]): true New_res: false (why line [1981,1679]) false Old code is wrong: a & b were repairing but UPI2 has a & b in the wrong order.
2015-07-03 15:01:54 +00:00
%% This if statement contains the only exceptions that we make to
%% the judgement of simple_chain_state_transition_is_sane().
if ToSelfOnly_p ->
WIP: 1st part of moving old chain state transtion code to new Ha, famous last words, amirite? %% The chain sequence/order checks at the bottom of this function aren't %% as easy-to-read as they ought to be. However, I'm moderately confident %% that it isn't buggy. TODO: refactor them for clarity. So, now machi_chain_manager1:projection_transition_is_sane() is using newer, far less buggy code to make sanity decisions. TODO: Add support for Retrospective mode. TODO is it really needed? Examples of how the old code sucks and the new code sucks less. 138> eqc:quickcheck(eqc:testing_time(10, machi_chain_manager1_test:prop_compare_legacy_with_v2_chain_transition_check(whole))). xxxxxxxxxxxx..x.xxxxxx..x.x....x..xx........................................................Failed! After 69 tests. [a,b,c] {c,[a,b,c],[c,b],b,[b,a],[b,a,c]} Old_res ([335,192,166,160,153,139]): true New_res: false (why line [1936]) Shrinking times) [a,b,c] %% {Author1,UPI1, Repair1,Author2,UPI2, Repair2} %% {c, [a,b,c],[], a, [b,a],[]} Old_res ([338,185,160,153,147]): true New_res: false (why line [1936]) false Old code is wrong: we've swapped order of a & b, which is bad. 139> eqc:quickcheck(eqc:testing_time(10, machi_chain_manager1_test:prop_compare_legacy_with_v2_chain_transition_check(whole))).! After 120 tests. [b,c,a] {c,[c,a],[c],a,[a,b],[b,a]} Old_res ([335,192,185,160,153,123]): true New_res: false (why line [1936]) Shrinking xx.xxxxxx.x.xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxx(4 times) [b,a,c] %% {Author1,UPI1,Repair1,Author2,UPI2, Repair2} %% {a, [c], [], c, [c,b],[]} Old_res ([338,185,160,153,147]): true New_res: false (why line [1936]) false Old code is wrong: b wasn't repairing in the previous state. 150> eqc:quickcheck(eqc:testing_time(10, machi_chain_manager1_test:prop_compare_legacy_with_v2_chain_transition_check(whole))).! After 130 tests. [c,a,b] {b,[c],[b,a,c],c,[c,a,b],[b]} Old_res ([335,214,185,160,153,147]): true New_res: false (why line [1936]) Shrinking times) [c,b,a] %% {Author1,UPI1,Repair1,Author2,UPI2, Repair2} %% {c, [c], [a,b], c, [c,b,a],[]} Old_res ([335,328,185,160,153,111]): true New_res: false (why line [1981,1679]) false Old code is wrong: a & b were repairing but UPI2 has a & b in the wrong order.
2015-07-03 15:01:54 +00:00
%% The transition is to UPI2=[Author2].
%% For AP mode, this transition is always safe (though not
%% always optimal for highest availability).
2015-07-03 13:05:35 +00:00
Disjoint_UPIs ->
WIP: 1st part of moving old chain state transtion code to new Ha, famous last words, amirite? %% The chain sequence/order checks at the bottom of this function aren't %% as easy-to-read as they ought to be. However, I'm moderately confident %% that it isn't buggy. TODO: refactor them for clarity. So, now machi_chain_manager1:projection_transition_is_sane() is using newer, far less buggy code to make sanity decisions. TODO: Add support for Retrospective mode. TODO is it really needed? Examples of how the old code sucks and the new code sucks less. 138> eqc:quickcheck(eqc:testing_time(10, machi_chain_manager1_test:prop_compare_legacy_with_v2_chain_transition_check(whole))). xxxxxxxxxxxx..x.xxxxxx..x.x....x..xx........................................................Failed! After 69 tests. [a,b,c] {c,[a,b,c],[c,b],b,[b,a],[b,a,c]} Old_res ([335,192,166,160,153,139]): true New_res: false (why line [1936]) Shrinking times) [a,b,c] %% {Author1,UPI1, Repair1,Author2,UPI2, Repair2} %% {c, [a,b,c],[], a, [b,a],[]} Old_res ([338,185,160,153,147]): true New_res: false (why line [1936]) false Old code is wrong: we've swapped order of a & b, which is bad. 139> eqc:quickcheck(eqc:testing_time(10, machi_chain_manager1_test:prop_compare_legacy_with_v2_chain_transition_check(whole))).! After 120 tests. [b,c,a] {c,[c,a],[c],a,[a,b],[b,a]} Old_res ([335,192,185,160,153,123]): true New_res: false (why line [1936]) Shrinking xx.xxxxxx.x.xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxx(4 times) [b,a,c] %% {Author1,UPI1,Repair1,Author2,UPI2, Repair2} %% {a, [c], [], c, [c,b],[]} Old_res ([338,185,160,153,147]): true New_res: false (why line [1936]) false Old code is wrong: b wasn't repairing in the previous state. 150> eqc:quickcheck(eqc:testing_time(10, machi_chain_manager1_test:prop_compare_legacy_with_v2_chain_transition_check(whole))).! After 130 tests. [c,a,b] {b,[c],[b,a,c],c,[c,a,b],[b]} Old_res ([335,214,185,160,153,147]): true New_res: false (why line [1936]) Shrinking times) [c,b,a] %% {Author1,UPI1,Repair1,Author2,UPI2, Repair2} %% {c, [c], [a,b], c, [c,b,a],[]} Old_res ([335,328,185,160,153,111]): true New_res: false (why line [1981,1679]) false Old code is wrong: a & b were repairing but UPI2 has a & b in the wrong order.
2015-07-03 15:01:54 +00:00
%% The transition from UPI1 -> UPI2 where the two are
%% disjoint/no FLUs in common.
%% For AP mode, this transition is always safe (though not
%% always optimal for highest availability).
true ->
simple_chain_state_transition_is_sane(Author1, UPI1, Repair1,
Author2, UPI2))
%% @doc Create a 2-tuple that describes how `UPI1' + `Repair1' are
%% transformed into `UPI2' in a chain state change.
%% The 1st part of the 2-tuple is a list of `keep' and `del' instructions,
%% relative to the items in UPI1 and whether they are present (`keep') or
%% absent (`del') in `UPI2'.
%% The 2nd part of the 2-tuple is `list(non_neg_integer()|error)' that
%% describes the relative order of items in `Repair1' that appear in
%% `UPI2'. The `error' atom is used to denote items not present in
%% `Repair1'.
mk(UPI1, Repair1, UPI2) ->
mk(UPI1, Repair1, UPI2, []).
mk([X|UPI1], Repair1, [X|UPI2], Acc) ->
mk(UPI1, Repair1, UPI2, [keep|Acc]);
mk([X|UPI1], Repair1, UPI2, Acc) ->
mk(UPI1, Repair1, UPI2 -- [X], [del|Acc]);
mk([], [], [], Acc) ->
{lists:reverse(Acc), []};
mk([], Repair1, UPI2, Acc) ->
{lists:reverse(Acc), machi_util:mk_order(UPI2, Repair1)}.
scan_dir(Dir, FileFilterFun, FoldEachFun, FoldEachAcc) ->
Files = filelib:wildcard(Dir ++ "/*"),
Xs = [binary_to_term(element(2, file:read_file(File))) || File <- Files],
Xs2 = FileFilterFun(Xs),
lists:foldl(FoldEachFun, FoldEachAcc, Xs2).
get_ps(#projection_v1{epoch_number=Epoch, dbg=Dbg}, Acc) ->
[{Epoch, proplists:get_value(ps, Dbg, [])}|Acc].
strip_dbg2(P) ->
has_not_sane(#projection_v1{epoch_number=Epoch, dbg2=Dbg2}, Acc) ->
Reacts = proplists:get_value(react, Dbg2, []),
case [X || {_State,_Line, [not_sane|_]}=X <- Reacts] of
[] ->
[{Epoch, Xs}|Acc]
all_hosed_history(#projection_v1{epoch_number=_Epoch, flap=Flap},
{OldAllHosed,Acc}) ->
AllHosed = if Flap == undefined ->
true ->
if AllHosed == OldAllHosed ->
{OldAllHosed, Acc};
true ->
{AllHosed, [AllHosed|Acc]}
clear_flapping_state(S) ->
S2 = clear_most_flapping_state(S),
clear_most_flapping_state(S) ->
%% Do not clear flap_last_up.
2015-08-12 08:53:39 +00:00
full_majority_size(N) when is_integer(N) ->
(N div 2) + 1;
full_majority_size(L) when is_list(L) ->
2015-08-12 08:53:39 +00:00
} = _LastProj,
runenv=RunEnv1} = S) ->
{Up, _Partitions, _RunEnv2} = calc_up_nodes(MyName,
AllMembers, RunEnv1),
MajoritySize = full_majority_size(AllMembers),
case length(Up) >= MajoritySize of
false ->
throw({zerf, {not_enough_up, Up, AllMembers}});
true ->
make_zerf2(OldEpochNum, Up, MajoritySize, MyName,
AllMembers, OldWitness_list, MembersDict, OldFlap, S)
2015-08-12 08:53:39 +00:00
make_zerf2(OldEpochNum, Up, MajoritySize, MyName, AllMembers, OldWitness_list,
MembersDict, OldFlap, S) ->
2015-08-12 08:53:39 +00:00
Proj = zerf_find_last_common(MajoritySize, Up, S),
Proj2 =
, io:format(user, "ZERF ~w\n", [machi_projection:make_summary(Proj2)]),
2015-08-12 08:53:39 +00:00
throw:{zerf,no_common} ->
%% Epoch 0 special case: make the "all" projection.
%% calc_projection2() will then filter out any FLUs that
%% aren't currently up to create the first chain. If not
%% enough are up now, then it will fail to create a first
%% chain.
%% If epoch 0 isn't the only epoch that we've looked at,
%% but we still couldn't find a common projection, then
%% we still need to default to the "all" projection and let
%% subsequent chain calculations do their calculations....
P = make_all_projection(MyName, AllMembers, OldWitness_list,
P2 =
io:format(user, "ZERF ~w\n", [machi_projection:make_summary(P2)]),
2015-08-12 08:53:39 +00:00
_X:_Y ->
throw({zerf, {damn_exception, Up, _X, _Y, erlang:get_stacktrace()}})
zerf_find_last_common(MajoritySize, Up, S) ->
case lists:reverse(
[zerf_find_last_annotated(FLU,MajoritySize,S) || FLU <- Up]))) of
2015-08-12 08:53:39 +00:00
[] ->
[P|_] ->
%% TODO is this simple sort really good enough?
zerf_find_last_annotated(FLU, MajoritySize, S) ->
Proxy = proxy_pid(FLU, S),
{ok, Epochs} = ?FLU_PC:list_all_projections(Proxy, private, 60*1000),
P = lists:foldl(
fun(Epoch, #projection_v1{}=Proj) ->
(Epoch, Acc) ->
{ok, Proj} = ?FLU_PC:read_projection(Proxy, private,
Epoch, ?TO*10),
case proplists:get_value(private_proj_is_upi_unanimous,
Proj#projection_v1.dbg2) of
undefined ->
{{ConfEpoch, ConfCSum}, _ConfTime} ->
Px = if ConfEpoch == Epoch ->
true ->
Proj2 = inner_projection_or_self(Proj),
%% Sanity checking
ConfEpoch = Proj2#projection_v1.epoch_number,
ConfCSum = Proj2#projection_v1.epoch_csum,
if length(Px#projection_v1.upi) >= MajoritySize ->
true ->
end, first_accumulator, Epochs),
if is_record(P, projection_v1) ->
true ->
[] % lists:flatten() will destroy
2015-08-12 08:53:39 +00:00
my_lists_split(N, L) ->
lists:split(N, L)
error:badarg ->
{L, []}
diversion_c120_verbose_goop(#projection_v1{upi=[], repairing=[]}, _S) ->
diversion_c120_verbose_goop(Proj, S) ->
case proplists:get_value(private_write_verbose, S#ch_mgr.opts) of
true ->
diversion_c120_verbose_goop2(Proj, S);
_ ->
diversion_c120_verbose_goop2(P_latest0, S) ->
P_latest = machi_projection:update_checksum(P_latest0#projection_v1{dbg2=[]}),
Type = case inner_projection_exists(P_latest) of true -> "inner";
_ -> "outer"
#projection_v1{epoch_number=Epoch, epoch_csum=CSum, upi=UPI,
repairing=Repairing}= inner_projection_or_self(P_latest),
UPI_Rs = UPI ++ Repairing,
R = [try
true = (UPI_Rs /= []),
Proxy = proxy_pid(FLU, S),
{ok, P} = ?FLU_PC:read_projection(Proxy, private, Epoch),
case machi_projection:update_checksum(P#projection_v1{dbg2=[]}) of
X when X == P_latest ->
_ ->
catch _:_ ->
end || FLU <- UPI_Rs],
if R == UPI_Rs ->
io:format(user, "\nCONFIRM by epoch ~s ~p ~W at ~p ~p\n",
[Type, Epoch, CSum, 4, UPI, Repairing]);
true ->
perhaps_verbose_c110(P_latest2, S) ->
case proplists:get_value(private_write_verbose, S#ch_mgr.opts) of
true ->
{_,_,C} = os:timestamp(),
MSec = trunc(C / 1000),
{HH,MM,SS} = time(),
P_latest2x = P_latest2#projection_v1{dbg2=[]}, % limit verbose len.
case inner_projection_exists(P_latest2) of
false ->
Last2 = get(last_verbose),
Summ2 = machi_projection:make_summary(P_latest2x),
case proplists:get_value(private_write_verbose,
S#ch_mgr.opts) of
true when Summ2 /= Last2 ->
put(last_verbose, Summ2),
?V("\n~2..0w:~2..0w:~2..0w.~3..0w ~p uses plain: ~w \n",
[HH,MM,SS,MSec,, Summ2]);
_ ->
true ->
Last2 = get(last_verbose),
P_inner = inner_projection_or_self(P_latest2),
P_innerx = P_inner#projection_v1{dbg2=[]}, % limit verbose len.
Summ2 = machi_projection:make_summary(P_innerx),
case proplists:get_value(private_write_verbose,
S#ch_mgr.opts) of
true when Summ2 /= Last2 ->
put(last_verbose, Summ2),
?V("\n~2..0w:~2..0w:~2..0w.~3..0w ~p uses inner: ~w (outer ~w auth ~w flap ~w)\n",
[HH,MM,SS,MSec,, Summ2, P_latest2#projection_v1.epoch_number, P_latest2#projection_v1.author_server, P_latest2#projection_v1.flap]);
_ ->
_ ->
digraph_magic(All_list, HosedAnnotations) ->
G = digraph:new(),
[digraph:add_vertex(G, V) || V <- All_list],
[digraph:add_edge(G, V1, V2) || {V1, problem_with, V2} <- HosedAnnotations],
calc_magic_down(lists:sort(digraph:vertices(G)), G).
calc_magic_down([], G) ->
calc_magic_down([H|T], G) ->
case digraph:in_degree(G, H) of
0 ->
calc_magic_down(T, G);
1 ->
Neighbors = digraph:in_neighbours(G, H),
case [V || V <- Neighbors, digraph:in_degree(G, V) == 1] of
[AlsoOne|_] ->
%% TODO: be smarter here about the choice of which is down.
[H|calc_magic_down(T -- [AlsoOne], G)];
[] ->
%% H is "on the end", e.g. 1-2-1, so it's OK.
calc_magic_down(T, G)
N when N > 1 ->
[H|calc_magic_down(T, G)]
search_last_flap_counts(FLU, FlapCountsLast) ->
proplists:get_value(FLU, FlapCountsLast, undefined).
calc_consistency_mode(_Witness_list = []) ->
calc_consistency_mode(_Witness_list) ->
set_proj(S, Proj) ->
S#ch_mgr{proj=Proj, proj_unanimous=false}.