Enforce write-once property #1

jadeallenx wants to merge 20 commits from mra/write-once into master
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@ -62,49 +62,88 @@ csum(Type, Binary) ->
_ -> machi_util:checksum_chunk(Binary)
position(P) ->
?LET(O, offset(), P + O).
offset() ->
% ?SUCHTHAT(X, oneof([largeint(), int()]), X >= 0).
?SUCHTHAT(X, int(), X >= 0).
offset_base() ->
elements([4096, 6144, 7168, 8192, 20480, 100000, 1000000]).
big_offset() ->
?LET(P, int(), ?LET(X, offset_base(), P+X)).
len() ->
% ?SUCHTHAT(X, oneof([largeint(), int()]), X >= 1).
?SUCHTHAT(X, int(), X >= 1).
data_with_csum() ->
?LET({B,T},{eqc_gen:largebinary(), csum_type()}, {B,T, csum(T, B)}).
%?LET({B,T},{eqc_gen:binary(), csum_type()}, {B,T, csum(T, B)}).
small_data() ->
?LET(D, ?SUCHTHAT(S, int(), S >= 1 andalso S < 500), binary(D)).
data_with_csum(Limit) ->
?LET({B,T},{?LET(S, Limit, eqc_gen:largebinary(S)), csum_type()}, {B,T, csum(T, B)}).
%?LET({B,T},{?LET(S, Limit, eqc_gen:binary(S)), csum_type()}, {B,T, csum(T, B)}).
maybe_gen_valid_write([{Off, L}]) ->
{default(Off+L, offset()), len()};
maybe_gen_valid_write([{O1, L1}, {O2, L2}]) ->
Pos = O1 + L1, % end of previous write
case Pos == O2 of
true ->
%% The previous write ended where next write begins, so
%% we'll pick the end of the next write and a random length
{O2 + L2, len()};
false ->
{position(O2-Pos), len()}
maybe_gen_valid_write(_) ->
{big_offset(), len()}.
-record(state, {pid, file = 0, written=[]}).
initial_state() -> #state{written=[{0,1023}]}.
initial_state() -> #state{written=[{0,1024}]}.
%% check if an operation is permitted based on whether a write has
%% occurred
check_writes([], _Off, _L) ->
check_writes(_Op, [], _Off, _L) ->
check_writes([{Pos, Sz}|_T], Off, L) when Off >= Pos
andalso Off < (Pos + Sz)
andalso L < ( Sz - ( Off - Pos ) )->
check_writes(_Op, [{Pos, Sz}|_T], Off, L) when Pos == Off
andalso Sz == L ->
check_writes(read, [{Pos, Sz}|_T], Off, L) when Off >= Pos
andalso Off < (Pos + Sz)
andalso Sz >= ( L - ( Off - Pos ) ) ->
check_writes([{Pos, Sz}|_T], Off, _L) when Off > ( Pos + Sz ) ->
check_writes([_H|T], Off, L) ->
check_writes(T, Off, L).
check_writes(write, [{Pos, Sz}|_T], Off, L) when ( Off + L ) > Pos
andalso Off < (Pos + Sz) ->
check_writes(Op, [_H|T], Off, L) ->
check_writes(Op, T, Off, L).
is_error({error, _}) -> true;
is_error({error, _, _}) -> true;
is_error(Other) -> {expected_ERROR, Other}.
probably_error(ok) -> true;
probably_error(V) -> is_error(V).
is_ok({ok, _, _}) -> true;
is_ok(ok) -> true;
is_ok(Other) -> {expected_OK, Other}.
get_offset({ok, _Filename, Offset}) -> Offset;
get_offset(_) -> error(badarg).
offset_valid(Offset, L) ->
{Pos, Sz} = lists:last(L),
Offset == Pos + Sz.
-define(TESTDIR, "./eqc").
@ -144,14 +183,14 @@ read_args(S) ->
read_ok(S, Off, L) ->
case S#state.written of
[] -> false;
[{0, 1023}] -> false;
W -> check_writes(W, Off, L)
[{0, 1024}] -> false;
W -> check_writes(read, W, Off, L)
read_post(S, [_Pid, Off, L], Res) ->
case read_ok(S, Off, L) of
true -> is_ok(Res);
mostly_true -> is_ok(Res);
false -> is_error(Res)
@ -165,8 +204,15 @@ read(Pid, Offset, Length) ->
write_pre(S) ->
S#state.pid /= undefined.
%% do not allow writes with empty data
write_pre(_S, [_Pid, _Extra, {<<>>, _Tag, _Csum}]) ->
write_pre(_S, _Args) ->
write_args(S) ->
[S#state.pid, offset(), data_with_csum()].
%{Offset, Length} = maybe_gen_valid_write(S#state.written),
[S#state.pid, big_offset(), data_with_csum()].
write_ok(_S, [_Pid, Off, _Data]) when Off < 1024 -> false;
write_ok(S, [_Pid, Off, {Bin, _Tag, _Csum}]) ->
@ -174,17 +220,31 @@ write_ok(S, [_Pid, Off, {Bin, _Tag, _Csum}]) ->
%% Check writes checks if a byte range is *written*
%% So writes are ok IFF they are NOT written, so
%% we want not check_writes/3 to be true.
not check_writes(S#state.written, Off, Size).
check_writes(write, S#state.written, Off, Size).
write_post(S, Args, Res) ->
case write_ok(S, Args) of
true -> eq(Res, ok);
false -> is_error(Res)
%% false means this range has NOT been written before, so
%% it should succeed
false -> eq(Res, ok);
%% mostly true means we've written this range before BUT
%% as a special case if we get a call to write the EXACT
%% same data that's already on the disk, we return "ok"
%% instead of {error, written}.
mostly_true -> probably_error(Res);
%% If we get true, then we've already written this section
%% or a portion of this range to disk and should return an
%% error.
true -> is_error(Res)
write_next(S, ok, [_Pid, Offset, {Bin, _Tag, _Csum}]) ->
S#state{written = lists:sort(S#state.written ++ [{Offset, iolist_size(Bin)}])};
write_next(S, _Res, _Args) -> S.
write_next(S, Res, [_Pid, Offset, {Bin, _Tag, _Csum}]) ->
case is_ok(Res) of
true ->
S#state{written = lists:sort(S#state.written ++ [{Offset, iolist_size(Bin)}])};
_ ->
write(Pid, Offset, {Bin, Tag, Csum}) ->
Meta = [{client_csum_tag, Tag},
@ -192,11 +252,16 @@ write(Pid, Offset, {Bin, Tag, Csum}) ->
machi_file_proxy:write(Pid, Offset, Meta, Bin).
%% append
%% TODO - ensure offset is expected offset
append_pre(S) ->
S#state.pid /= undefined.
%% do not allow appends with empty binary data
append_pre(_S, [_Pid, _Extra, {<<>>, _Tag, _Csum}]) ->
append_pre(_S, _Args) ->
append_args(S) ->
[S#state.pid, default(0, len()), data_with_csum()].
@ -205,22 +270,27 @@ append(Pid, Extra, {Bin, Tag, Csum}) ->
{client_csum, Csum}],
machi_file_proxy:append(Pid, Meta, Extra, Bin).
append_next(S, {ok, _File, Offset}, [_Pid, _Extra, {Bin, _Tag, _Csum}]) ->
S#state{written = lists:sort(S#state.written ++ [{Offset, iolist_size(Bin)}])};
append_next(S, _Res, _Args) -> S.
append_next(S, Res, [_Pid, _Extra, {Bin, _Tag, _Csum}]) ->
case is_ok(Res) of
true ->
Offset = get_offset(Res),
true == offset_valid(Offset, S#state.written),
S#state{written = lists:sort(S#state.written ++ [{Offset, iolist_size(Bin)}])};
_ ->
%% appends should always succeed unless the disk is full
%% or there's a hardware failure.
append_post(_S, _Args, Res) ->
true == is_ok(Res).
%% Property
prop_ok() ->
?FORALL(Cmds, commands(?MODULE),
%io:format(user, "Commands: ~p~n", [Cmds]),
{H, S, Res} = run_commands(?MODULE, Cmds),
pretty_commands(?MODULE, Cmds, {H, S, Res},
aggregate(command_names(Cmds), Res == ok))