Struct rand::Open01 [] [src]

pub struct Open01<F>(pub F);

A wrapper for generating floating point numbers uniformly in the open interval (0,1) (not including either endpoint).

Use Closed01 for the closed interval [0,1], and the default Rand implementation for f32 and f64 for the half-open [0,1).


use rand::{random, Open01};

let Open01(val) = random::<Open01<f32>>();
println!("f32 from (0,1): {}", val);

Trait Implementations

impl<F> Debug for Open01<F> where
    F: Debug


Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl Rand for Open01<f32>


Generates a random instance of this type using the specified source of randomness. Read more

impl Rand for Open01<f64>


Generates a random instance of this type using the specified source of randomness. Read more