Trait tokio_proto::streaming::multiplex::ServerProto [] [src]

pub trait ServerProto<T: 'static>: 'static {
    type Request: 'static;
    type RequestBody: 'static;
    type Response: 'static;
    type ResponseBody: 'static;
    type Error: From<Error> + 'static;
    type Transport: Transport<Self::RequestBody, Item = Frame<Self::Request, Self::RequestBody, Self::Error>, SinkItem = Frame<Self::Response, Self::ResponseBody, Self::Error>>;
    type BindTransport: IntoFuture<Item = Self::Transport, Error = Error>;
    fn bind_transport(&self, io: T) -> Self::BindTransport;

A streaming, multiplexed server protocol.

The T parameter is used for the I/O object used to communicate, which is supplied in bind_transport.

For simple protocols, the Self type is often a unit struct. In more advanced cases, Self may contain configuration information that is used for setting up the transport in bind_transport.


There are some difficulties with implementing back pressure in the case that the wire protocol does not support a means by which backpressure can be signaled to the peer.

The problem is the potential for deadlock:

To deal with this, once the connection's frame buffer is filled, a timeout is set. If no further frames are able to be read before the timeout expires, the connection is killed.

Associated Types

Request headers.

Request body chunks.

Response headers.

Response body chunks.

Errors, which are used both for error frames and for the service itself.

The frame transport, which usually take T as a parameter.

A future for initializing a transport from an I/O object.

In simple cases, Result<Self::Transport, Self::Error> often suffices.

Required Methods

Build a transport from the given I/O object, using self for any configuration.
