Struct typed_arena::Arena [] [src]

pub struct Arena<T> { /* fields omitted */ }

An arena of objects of type T.


use typed_arena::Arena;

struct Monster {
    level: u32,

let monsters = Arena::new();

let vegeta = monsters.alloc(Monster { level: 9001 });
assert!(vegeta.level > 9000);


impl<T> Arena<T>


Construct a new arena.


use typed_arena::Arena;

let arena = Arena::new();


Construct a new arena with capacity for n values pre-allocated.


use typed_arena::Arena;

let arena = Arena::with_capacity(1337);


Allocates a value in the arena, and returns a mutable reference to that value.


use typed_arena::Arena;

let arena = Arena::new();
let x = arena.alloc(42);
assert_eq!(*x, 42);


Uses the contents of an iterator to allocate values in the arena. Returns a mutable slice that contains these values.


use typed_arena::Arena;

let arena = Arena::new();
let abc = arena.alloc_extend("abcdefg".chars().take(3));
assert_eq!(abc, ['a', 'b', 'c']);


Allocates space for a given number of values, but doesn't initialize it.

Unsafety and Undefined Behavior

The same caveats that apply to std::mem::uninitialized apply here:

This is incredibly dangerous and should not be done lightly. Deeply consider initializing your memory with a default value instead.

In particular, it is easy to trigger undefined behavior by allocating uninitialized values, failing to properly initialize them, and then the Arena will attempt to drop them when it is dropped. Initializing an uninitialized value is trickier than it might seem: a normal assignment to a field will attempt to drop the old, uninitialized value, which almost certainly also triggers undefined behavior. You must also consider all the places where your code might "unexpectedly" drop values earlier than it "should" because of unwinding during panics.


Returns unused space.

This unused space is still not considered "allocated". Therefore, it won't be dropped unless there are further calls to alloc, alloc_uninitialized, or alloc_extend which is why the method is safe.


Convert this Arena into a Vec<T>.

Items in the resulting Vec<T> appear in the order that they were allocated in.


use typed_arena::Arena;

let arena = Arena::new();


let easy_as_123 = arena.into_vec();

assert_eq!(easy_as_123, vec!["a", "b", "c"]);