Struct petgraph::visit::EdgeFiltered [] [src]

pub struct EdgeFiltered<G, F>(pub G, pub F);

An edge-filtering graph adaptor.

The adaptor may filter out edges. The filter implements the trait FilterEdge. Closures of type Fn(G::EdgeRef) -> bool already implement this trait.

The filter may use edge source, target, id, and weight to select whether to include the edge or not.


impl<F, G> EdgeFiltered<G, F> where
    G: IntoEdgeReferences,
    F: Fn(G::EdgeRef) -> bool


Create an EdgeFiltered adaptor from the closure filter.

Trait Implementations

impl<G: Copy, F: Copy> Copy for EdgeFiltered<G, F>

impl<G: Clone, F: Clone> Clone for EdgeFiltered<G, F>


Returns a copy of the value. Read more


Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl<G: Debug, F: Debug> Debug for EdgeFiltered<G, F>


Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl<G, F> GraphBase for EdgeFiltered<G, F> where
    G: GraphBase

node identifier

edge identifier

impl<'a, G, F> IntoNeighbors for &'a EdgeFiltered<G, F> where
    G: IntoEdges,
    F: FilterEdge<G::EdgeRef>, 


Return an iterator of the neighbors of node a.

impl<'a, G, F> IntoEdgeReferences for &'a EdgeFiltered<G, F> where
    G: IntoEdgeReferences,
    F: FilterEdge<G::EdgeRef>, 


impl<'a, G, F> IntoEdges for &'a EdgeFiltered<G, F> where
    G: IntoEdges,
    F: FilterEdge<G::EdgeRef>, 


impl<G, F> Data for EdgeFiltered<G, F> where
    G: Data

impl<G, F> GraphProp for EdgeFiltered<G, F> where
    G: GraphProp

The kind edges in the graph.


impl<'a, G, F> IntoNodeIdentifiers for &'a EdgeFiltered<G, F> where
    G: IntoNodeIdentifiers


impl<'a, G, F> IntoNodeReferences for &'a EdgeFiltered<G, F> where
    G: IntoNodeReferences


impl<G, F> NodeCompactIndexable for EdgeFiltered<G, F> where
    G: NodeCompactIndexable

impl<G, F> NodeCount for EdgeFiltered<G, F> where
    G: NodeCount


impl<G, F> NodeIndexable for EdgeFiltered<G, F> where
    G: NodeIndexable


Return an upper bound of the node indices in the graph (suitable for the size of a bitmap). Read more


Convert a to an integer index.


Convert i to a node index

impl<G, F> Visitable for EdgeFiltered<G, F> where
    G: Visitable

The associated map type


Create a new visitor map


Reset the visitor map (and resize to new size of graph if needed)