Trait rustc_serialize::base64::ToBase64 [] [src]

pub trait ToBase64 {
    fn to_base64(&self, config: Config) -> String;

A trait for converting a value to base64 encoding.

Required Methods

Converts the value of self to a base64 value following the specified format configuration, returning the owned string.

Implementations on Foreign Types

impl ToBase64 for [u8]


Turn a vector of u8 bytes into a base64 string.


extern crate rustc_serialize;
use rustc_serialize::base64::{ToBase64, STANDARD};

fn main () {
    let str = [52,32].to_base64(STANDARD);
    println!("base 64 output: {:?}", str);

impl<'a, T: ?Sized + ToBase64> ToBase64 for &'a T

