2024-05-23 15:02:20 -04:00

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My NixOS configurations

Here's my NixOS/home-manager config files. Requires Nix flakes.

This work is really a 90% copy/paste from [Tom Carrio( so you'd be much better off looking at his work than mine while I'm off studying Nix Pills and trying to keep up.

How to bootstrap

All you need is nix (any version). Run:


If you already have nix 2.4+, git, and have already enabled flakes and nix-command, you can also use the non-legacy command:

nix develop

nixos-rebuild --flake . To build system configurations

home-manager --flake . To build user configurations

nix build (or shell or run) To build and use packages

sops To manage secrets, example:

export GPG_TTY=$(tty)
gpgconf --reload gpg-agent
EDITOR=vi sops --config .sops.yaml nixos/_mixins/secrets.yaml


For deployment secrets (such as user passwords and server service secrets), I'm using the awesome sops-nix. This keeps all secrets encrypted with my personal PGP key (stored only within a YubiKey I keep in my safe at home), as well as the relevant systems's SSH host keys and any other sensitive materials.

On my desktop and laptop, I use pass for managing passwords, also encrypted using (you bet) my PGP key. This same key is also used for mail signing, as well as for SSH'ing around. You can find my pub key on or other information on my site.